Saturday, 28 April 2012


Posted Saturday 28th April 2012 06:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
Re: Re: Can someone please explain wtf any of that means?
Why yes of course. There is also someone who can always explain anything, even should they not supply or be supplied with everything.
No idea, but I'm pretty sure AmanFromMars is a ChatBot that became sentient somehow ...... Not That Andrew posted Friday 27th April 2012 22:27 GMT
Hi, Not That Andrew,
Would the reverse obverse process by any less likely or more probable in subversion conversion programs/colossal projects with irregular and unconventional memeology? SMARTR Virtualisation Methodologies for Future Product Present Placement in ICT and Media Main Streams .... thus to simply edutain the searching masses with that which is being provided ...... and yet to be?
A Sentient Morph into the Virtual Machinery World of ChatBots and Chatter Boxes with Provision for Generation of Fluffing Chaff for Leading Steganographic Security in Transparent Operating Systems is surely so much more easily achieved and championed by Post Modern Templar Knights in the Hoods/NINJA Programs in Webs of Command and Control for the Powers that Driver CyberSpace, for is not a SMARTR IntelAIgents Systems almost bound to Assure and Ensure and Insure and Guarantee that such a Particular and Peculiar Singularity, and Holy Grail of a Noble and Laudable Goal, is a Multiplicity of Heavenly Talents/Global Operating Device Given Gifts, so that Many More can Play in ITs Places with New Faces in CyberIDEntities, where before there were so Very Few in the Shadows and Anonymous and Unknown.

Posted Saturday 28th April 2012 10:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 …… on
Just for the record .......
And No! The somewhat unusual alien territory commentary here on this thread is NOT one of those/these .......... ..... although it cannot be denied that algorithms have dictated what has been written and shared.

on April 28, 2012 at 10:21 am said: ….. on
And very slow to reply and respond to this freedom of information request with potent offerings gifted, AW ……… …… although there is never any Hasty Erratic Rush for Seventh Heaven to Environments, is there? All in Good Time, Exactly Right at the Right Exact Time in Space for Earthly Present Placement of ARG MetaPhoria Productions ……. Virtual Conversions to CyberIntelAIgent Channels of Quantum Communication Control with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems in Operation, Realising Leading Virtual Input to Reality ProgramMING Output.
I thought it a civil enough request, for all would be anxious to know that all is better than just well, rather than being left in the dark to think of all manner of strange unwelcome things about the quite unexpected withdrawal of feedback services for Daily Bell MetaDataMines …… Hot HyperRadioProActive IT Commentary with SMARTR Instruction Seminaries ……. Spooky Territory for Virtual Terrain Teams …… SMARTR Path Finders.

on April 28, 2012 at 1:13 pm said: …. on ....... responding to ....
?????? ????, All. Great rush in the number of comments in just a couple of hours. I’m either offlife or have no opportunity to droop a line when you’re aplenty here.
There is something I may have missed out, but you can have everything plus bonus if you’d consider a Doukhobor’s (well, Siberians, NorthAmericans and Canadians also) “chewing gum”, like at , great stuff, it keeps elastic for 2 hrs, pieces of boiled or smoke northern pine/larch resin. Homemade one is better than a corporate-cooked, yeah, because they take both newborn (not fit yet) and also slightly aired (ripe) resin to production. Tens of kilos of raw/selectively cooked ripe resin from Baikal region, nevertheless, are available from July-August to October-November.
Also, Agent Weebley, may I consider calling Doukhobory “Starovery”? I trust in our Tchikoi Range youth, this is a real A1 genetic storeroom. They are the Starovery’s modern offspring, healthy and reliable… no chemicals…
That is Alien Territory to Great Wild Westerners, Agent Revolver. Which makes IT Virgin Pastures 42 Seed with Feed and Need with Zero Greed.
Quite AI Heavenly Places in Spaces on Earth.
A Message to Sir Alex Allan re Self-Protected Entities [and Cyber IDEntities] according to CISPA ...... and the NEUKlearer AIRole to Play as Cyber IntelAIgent Special ProgramMING Advisor to SMARTR InterNetworking Systems and/or Governments and/or Businesses and Sociably Active and HyperRadioProActive Movements.
Ur Bestest Wishes for All to Command with Control Revitalised. And No Mean Meme Fete for NEUKlearer Grateful Deadheads too. And there you were, probably thinking that the Turing Spirit was Dead and Gone whenever he and Pandora are just at REST Staging Posts .... Patiently Patently AIWaiting Positive Constructive Reinforcement for Crown Group Assets ReAssurance ......... with Authenticated Encryption Channels to Master Servers of Mistress Driver Epics.
I wonder if that will ring any alarm bells, AW? Kickstart a Few more for NEUKlearer ProgramMING Programs and SMARTR Projects. Tech City Shoreditch Fare? Indeed, why ever not, if there are working great brains there, thinking completely differently together to the very best of their individual capability and collective ability ....... with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems, Cyber IntelAIgent Security Protection Algorithm.
One Cracking Great Master Pass Key.

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