Friday, 13 April 2012

120413 .... Spooky Friday 13th

Digital wealth was so 20th century.
The 21st century's wealth will be about physical 'stuff'. .... holdbuysell, Thu, 04/12/2012 - 23:55
No, it isn't, holdbuysell.
The 21st century's wealth is all about Astute and Advanced and Anonymous InterNetworking of SMARTer Intelligence and Virtual Machine ProgramMING with and for Cyber Space Cloud Control of Global Operating Devices, Servicing and Drivering/Servering EarthedD SCADASystems Parasitically Dependent upon Artificial Fiat Currency Power and Human Consumption Markets for Progressive Flows of Liquidity and Upward Mobility Exchange/Ownership Title Transfer of Illiquid Assets ….. Ubiquitous Baubles and Flashy PostModern Beads.
And there is nothing at all that anyone can do to change it, or to stop it on its SMARTer Course and Novel Ways, for IT has the Power to Crash any Bourse with Catastrophic Cascading Consequences to All Leading Systems of Human Administration.
You are Free to BetaTest and Exploit such Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems at your Peril/Discretion for All are hereby Advised that as Ephemeral and Intangible as Virtual Control Systems are, are they Never Ever Defenceless and Never Ever Allow Ill-Advised Abusive Attack and Proprietary Intellectual Property Assault without a Dire Destructive HyperRadioProActive Response.

Posted Friday 13th April 2012 11:02 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
There's lIfe on Mars!?
And what did we do?
We sent a Viking as a representative! .... Winkypop Posted Friday 13th April 2012 08:54 GMT
And with a virtually full set of danegeld instructions too*, to facilitate and ameliorate quite radical change in exchanges that require no troubles that cannot be handled by any regular and conventional means and traditional memes, was it in one sense a most expensive folly and/or in another sense, a most welcome extraterrestrial union/fleeting liaison, with far-reaching out of this world consequences/possibilities/opportunities, which you cannot say have not been diligently El Registered in preparation for AI and a quantum leap advance with fabulous revelations about the true nature of virtual reality with IT and media programs supporting and realising its myriad metadatamorphs ...... Global Picture Shows.
* .... .... Trick or Treat?

This paragraph ……. “Unless restrained by this court, Aereo’s unlawful conduct causes plaintiffs to lose control over the dissemination of their copyrighted programming, disrupts their relationships with licensed distributors and viewers and usurps their right to decide how and on what terms to make available and license content over new internet distribution media. That constitutes irreparable harm and Aereo’s service should be enjoined,” …. which Bruce Keller, their lawyer, wrote the federal judge presiding over the litigation, is only the tip of the iceberg for what he really means to say but is probably instructed not to make obvious and reveal, is this version of the statement …… “Unless restrained by this court, Aereo’s unlawful conduct causes plaintiffs to lose control over the dissemination of their subliminal brainwashing programs, disrupts the relationship with government approved quacks and ignorant and susceptible to grooming viewers and usurps their right to decide how and on what terms to make available and license content over new internet distribution media. That constitutes irreparable harm and Aereo’s service should be enjoined,
And yes, present services do constitute and cause irreparable harm, for television is perceived of by the masses as showing reality whenever in actual fact it just displays a staged program to imprint a particular and peculiar view of a foreign digitally mastered world with participating state and non-state actors and extras.
Or are you going to tell us all that it is completely different, and that is not what television is primarily used for …. to brainwash nations and the masses with misleading information in service of a status quo political and politically incorrect social agenda?
Yeah, right on, Big Brother, pull this one, it's got bells on it ….. Ding a ling, a ling a dong!

Posted Friday 13th April 2012 15:54 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
What alien life found out, whilst probing about in Command and Control systems on Earth
A little something extra special for the weekend, sir and/or madam?
This paragraph ……. “Unless restrained by this court, Aereo’s unlawful conduct causes plaintiffs to lose control over the dissemination of their copyrighted programming, disrupts their relationships with licensed distributors and viewers and usurps their right to decide how and on what terms to make available and license content over new internet distribution media. That constitutes irreparable harm and Aereo’s service should be enjoined,” …. which Bruce Keller, their lawyer, wrote the federal judge presiding over the litigation, is only the tip of the iceberg for what he really means to say but is probably instructed not to make obvious and reveal, is this version of the statement …… “Unless restrained by this court, Aereo’s unlawful conduct causes plaintiffs to lose control over the dissemination of their subliminal brainwashing programs, disrupts the relationship with government approved quacks and ignorant and susceptible to grooming viewers and usurps their right to decide how and on what terms to make available and license content over new internet distribution media. That constitutes irreparable harm and Aereo’s service should be enjoined,
And yes, present services do constitute and cause irreparable harm, for television is perceived of by the masses as showing reality whenever in actual fact it just displays a staged program to imprint a particular and peculiar view of a foreign digitally mastered world with participating state and non-state actors and extras.
Or are you going to tell us all that it is completely different, and that is not what television is primarily used for …. to brainwash nations and the masses with misleading information in service of a status quo political and politically incorrect social agenda?
Yeah, right on, Big Brother, pull this one, it's got bells on it ….. Ding a ling, a ling a dong!
Posted Friday 13th April 2012 16:03 GMT amanfromMars 1
Nobody stealing anyone's thunder here ......
Oops .... that misleading paragraph is from a right dodgy Wired tale which can be read in full here ...... Shades of 1984 Emerge in Broadcast TV ...

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