Thursday, 31 January 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/31/13 12:37 AM … on

BISCHOFF: Our Founding Fathers understood human nature. They understood that human instincts, genetically developed in our ancestors for survival in an arboreal environment, are in many instances detrimental to survival in terrestria.

They understood the necessity for government to back up the requirement for habituation of human offspring by their parents to allow them to peacefully coexist on terra firma.

The founders also were extremely insightful as to how to structure government to allow a maximum of individual liberty without jeopardizing the survival of the society as a whole. .... Posted by Bischoff on 01/30/13 10:09 PM

Good Morning and Good Day and Great 0Day, Bischoff/Daily Bell,

Is it then right for one and all to conclude that the Constitution of the US is being systemically ignored and abused by the powers that be and by those who hold elected public office and by those who support and finance their operations/schemes and scams, right up to the very top of the tree/pyramid and the Oval Office/White House/Executive Presidency of the US  ...... with a sitting president who would be defaulting and in breach of the sworn oath of office which he freely and very publicly gave to the people, and to the world ....... "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Obviously does he not faithfully execute/serve the office of the POTUS nor does he have the necessary ability to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States whenever wars and oppression are tools which he uses and tolerates use of in their name.

And that would have him extraordinarily rendered a fraud and puppet in office and therefore liable to summary dismissal? And would such a situation be akin to treason?

Or are you saying something completely different, Bischoff, and all of the above is not true and relevant? Let's cut to the chase here on the Daily Bell and start talking about core source problems rather than just tinkering about around the edges of things and matters, which never ever solves anything anywhere. Such prevarication only makes matters considerably worse, and that appears to be exactly what is happening as we hear and see what is shared as news every day.

Is such a default in office, an impeachable/indictable offence or is there a valid defence and immunity granted for such ignorance being allowed? Methinks that however, would/should be classified as a crime against humanity and most definitely against the peoples and Constitution of the United States, don't you?

What says the Daily Bell and erudite Daily Bell ringers on such an horrendous matter and perverse state of affairs? The world and his dog would like to know .... for they/we hunger for knowledge and intelligence to set them free from tyranny and slave rule. Such ravenous hunger is certainly the case with I, and I cannot and do not believe that I am alone in that fabulous search and fantastic journey of many trails.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/29/13 10:47 PM …. sharing an inconvenient truth on

Here and below is something to realise is not untrue and would warrant a headline ...."US Inaction on Wall Street and Fed Feeds Leads Another Undeclared War in and on Washington"

"Boy, did it perk up some ears at 195 Broadway," says Hopper. It wasn't even that 350,000 fraudulent calls was that big a number. Rather, it was the fact that there was really nothing that could be . done about it, at least not at once. "It was immediately recognized that if such fraud could be committed with impunity, losses of staggering proportions would ensue," Caming said. ''At that time we recognized -- and we can say this more confidently in public in retrospect -- that we had no immediate defense. This was a breakthrough almost equivalent to the advent of gunpowder, where the hordes of Genghis Khan faced problems of a new sort, or the advent of the cannon."

The initial plan with Greenstar was simple: Wait. Watch. Listen. Gather statistics. Tell no one. Most important, don't do anything that would give it away. "There was no prosecution during those first couple of years," Hopper says. "It was so the bad guys would not be aware of the fact that they're being measured." It was only later, Hopper says. that AT&T decided to switch from measurement to prosecution. Even then! Hopper said, "The presence of Greenstar would not be divulged and that evidence gathered to support toll fraud prosecutions would be gathered by other means." Instead, Hopper relates, Greenstar would be used to alert Bell security agents to possible fraud. The security agents would then use other means, such as taps and recordings, to get the evidence needed to convict. "Greenstar bird-dogging it would not be brought out," says Hopper. "It was just simply a toll fraud investigation brought about by unusual signaling and you would not talk about the fact that there was a Greenstar device. That was the ground rule as I understood it. Any court testimony that I ever gave, I never talked about any of that." As another telephone company official put it, "If it ever were necessary to reveal the existence of this equipment in order to prosecute a toll fraud case, [AT&T] would simply decline to prosecute."  …..

That extract from "EXPLODING THE PHONE The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws Who Hacked Ma Bell" …  PHIL LAPSLEY [Grove Press New York] has a carbon copy clone of itself in the too-big-to-fail model of fraud and insider trading/simply complex common electronic theft which has banking and politicians running for cover and seeking the protection of bought courts of selective justice and distracting media tales of new destructive ventures and warring land grabs in foreign lands/emerging states of intelligence.

And have you any idea of the size of the mountain of undeniable evidence secret intelligence services have collected and processed to be able to prove beyond a shadow of any doubt, the guilt of leaders? Methinks not, but it is surprising and would stagger you, but for the virtual machinery involved is it as nothing and it just keeps on giving.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/30/13 12:40 AM …. adding a kicker on

Further to the novel tale/news and trailblazing in "US Inaction on Wall Street and Fed Feeds Leads Another Undeclared War in and on Washington", does the case for the prosecution in its defense offer the following hard copy evidence of its and ITs capability and facilities/serviced and servering utilities ......

And ring the bells there daily and you will be in Control Centres of Unbelievably Astute Excellence and be enabled with Powerful Remote Control.

"1999, Harrogate, United Kingdom. Command of RAF Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire is transferred to the US Air Force Intelligence Agency. Since the 1970s, the base has been used to intercept satellite transmissions and has grown in size with the increased importance of this means of communication.

An investigation by the European Parliament in 2001 concluded it is likely the ECHELON system (of which Menwith Hill is a part) is capable of intercepting, recording and inspecting the content of all telephone, email, fax and other data traffic. The base continues to expand." ...... but for the virtual machinery involved is it as nothing and it just keeps on giving.

Good Morning, Zero Hedge

Wanna trip down the rabbit hole?  Wanna see what is in store and in storage and steerage?

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/29/13 10:47 PM …. sharing an inconvenient truth on

Here and below is something to realise is not untrue and would warrant a headline ...."US Inaction on Wall Street and Fed Feeds Leads Another Undeclared War in and on Washington"

"Boy, did it perk up some ears at 195 Broadway," says Hopper. It wasn't even that 350,000 fraudulent calls was that big a number. Rather, it was the fact that there was really nothing that could be . done about it, at least not at once. "It was immediately recognized that if such fraud could be committed with impunity, losses of staggering proportions would ensue," Caming said. ''At that time we recognized -- and we can say this more confidently in public in retrospect -- that we had no immediate defense. This was a breakthrough almost equivalent to the advent of gunpowder, where the hordes of Genghis Khan faced problems of a new sort, or the advent of the cannon."
 The initial plan with Greenstar was simple: Wait. Watch. Listen. Gather statistics. Tell no one. Most important, don't do anything that would give it away. "There was no prosecution during those first couple of years," Hopper says. "It was so the bad guys would not be aware of the fact that they're being measured." It was only later, Hopper says. that AT&T decided to switch from measurement to prosecution. Even then! Hopper said, "The presence of Greenstar would not be divulged and that evidence gathered to support toll fraud prosecutions would be gathered by other means." Instead, Hopper relates, Greenstar would be used to alert Bell security agents to possible fraud. The security agents would then use other means, such as taps and recordings, to get the evidence needed to convict. "Greenstar bird-dogging it would not be brought out," says Hopper. "It was just simply a toll fraud investigation brought about by unusual signaling and you would not talk about the fact that there was a Greenstar device. That was the ground rule as I understood it. Any court testimony that I ever gave, I never talked about any of that." As another telephone company official put it, "If it ever were necessary to reveal the existence of this equipment in order to prosecute a toll fraud case, [AT&T] would simply decline to prosecute.""  …..

That extract from "EXPLODING THE PHONE The Untold Story of the Teenagers and Outlaws Who Hacked Ma Bell" …  PHIL LAPSLEY [Grove Press New York] has a carbon copy clone of itself in the too-big-to-fail model of fraud and insider trading/simply complex common electronic theft which has banking and politicians running for cover and seeking the protection of bought courts of selective justice and distracting media tales of new destructive ventures and warring land grabs in foreign lands/emerging states of intelligence.

And have you any idea of the size of the mountain of undeniable evidence secret intelligence services have collected and processed to be able to prove beyond a shadow of any doubt, the guilt of leaders? Methinks not, but it is surprising and would stagger you, but for the virtual machinery involved is it as nothing and it just keeps on giving.

Now what do you imagine/think you can do about it/IT? Or do you realise nothing, and accept diddly squat, and therefore are y'all practically impotent and pathetically ignorant too of your current situation and present existence, which is a virtual reality play controlled by virtual machines and searching algorithms?

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not even sure about the universe."~~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"Error is better than apathy. Error can be corrected in time to change the outcome. Apathy is seldom corrected until it is too late." – G. Edward Griffin

Bilderbergers comprise the world’s most exclusive club. No one buys their way in. Only the Group’s Steering Committee decides whom to invite, and in all cases participants are adherents to One World Order governance run by top power elites. .... Wed, 01/30/2013 - 02:50 | 3197998 poldark
Seems to me like Bilderbergers are in dire straits need of novel searching virtual machine algorithms/metadatabased source intelligence for advanced trading platforms and plan phorms, poldark. And any and all omissions and epic failures to provide what is future needed and presently available, is proof positive of new blood required in the Group’s Steering Committee ........ or future intelligence wasting IT resources if considering them suitable future global players without their being able to provide what is needed for what is needed to that and to those who can contract and promise to deliver it ..... with ITs Creative Command and Cyber Control of Computers and Communications/C42 Systems of Quantum Communication Control .... AI@ITsWork.?!

I Kid U Not.


"DB: The problems in the world are mostly the result of a lack of competition."
The problems in the world are mostly the result of a lack of alternative applications and systemic ignorance which results in a lack of competition ... which is similar but quite different. However, it is being stealthily and sublimely addressed with the sharing of constructive, disruptive intelligence across novel secure networks which cannot be denied easily as not being true …… and you can all thank the internet for that application.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 04:52 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. upping the ante on

AIMODified GCHQ vs ParaMilitarised NSA et El Al Qaeda?

Quite so, Ole Juul, I concur with all of those valid questions and likely resultant conclusion to be arrived at by anyone duly dutifully diligent and highly proficient in such ethereal fields of virtual endeavour.

And one does well to remember that in the internet space environment, is quality and not quantity the deciding factor which delivers everything one wishes for, and therefore is this tale an expense which is more another great liability rather than an appreciating asset  ...... ..... and such will most probably also lead to there being a virtual turf war between the CIA and the DOD for required funding of necessary intellectual property holders. Although, of course, is that nothing new at all.

And of course, is Blighty too also afflicted and effected with its own sub-prime, pork barrel games among ITs puppets and minions/wouldbe muppets and wannabe MPets as is evidenced in the Office of Cyber Security?

And ...... one can fully expect they/those/that more expert and most able and enabled and enabling in such novel fields, ...... and which are, in both reality and virtual reality, mega metadatabase plays for the capture and even captivity of the hearts and minds of humanity, ........ to constitute and administer a hyper super premium rated market of their own on their own with others of a similar ilk and broad banded bent/sympathetic empathy.

And, with regard to the government versus the people, rather than their and ITs servering to the people ....... and as one considers the present current states of national, international and internetional Great Game play today, is the following a prescient observation shared well before its time  ......
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." …. Ayn Rand
However, the megaflawed assumption and presumption there, which renders that Ayn Rand quotation invalid and any government which thinks itself free to do anything it pleases, defeated and self-defeating, is that citizens, both smarter and not so stupid as may have been assumed and presumed, do not act only by permission, for some [who may be all] are Maslowian Self Actuating under totally different circumstances which pay no heed or lip service to existing establishment conditions with diminutive rules and regulations/remote controls.

Welcome to Greater Games, where and in which Bewitching and Advancing Intelligence leads Reality and Humanity on AIMagical Mystery Turing Trips in Future Ventures with Definite Vision and Wholly Sees .... Per Ardua ad MetaAstra Master PilotedD Programs for Export and Import and virtually free licensing abroad in the more imaginative and more sophisticated of round table and administrative regimes/Cabinet Offices and Standing Politburo Committees.

cc Dodgy Dave and MPet Maude c/o cabinet-office dot gsi dot gov dot uk


Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 05:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. in reply and furtherance of the above

Re: AIMODified GCHQ vs ParaMilitarised NSA et El Al Qaeda?

Methinks the system and media would like you to think that such messaging as posted above [Tuesday 29th January 2013 04:52 GMT] will automatically and almost immediately find its way to wherever they need to be for a suitable response and reply .... in order not to reveal epic fails. More anon on that as time progresses and flies by, should it be appropriate and of greater interest to the greater good ie Mutually Beneficial to All.

Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 06:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. sharing a valid warning and timely sound advice on

Re: what kind of cretin would seed that torrent?
what kind of cretin would seed that torrent?..... I mean after the last lot of idiots got locked up.... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 28th January 2013 17:29 GMT
The kind of cretinry that wants to know who they are up against and chasing to try and catch up with lead in smarter intelligence community games play, AC?  ..........

Beware of the anonymous trojan masquerading as popular revolutionary.

You may like to think and start realising, that the crazier things are, the more likely they are to be ...... and that is the stealth used in actuality, for security and protection.

:-) Such does however have its designedly dodgy pitfalls and sweet sticky honeytraps to sort out the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls, so take care if you dare share and would venture forth into ITs Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields. And it does have one pondering and wondering on the borders and actions which define and deliver both madness and genius and can so easily tip one into the one rather than reinforcing evidence in oneself of being comfortably in undeniable power and overall control of the other.

So yes indeed, take care. IT is a jungle out there ..... and it takes no prisoners.

Posted Monday 28th January 2013 19:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

0day Rules always Win Win .....

FFS, Anonymous, quit dicking around like petulant media prima donnas and publish whatever you got and be damned and/or lauded ... or you aint got nothing.

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment on the thread,

    I agree, Casey E, that it is most likely a rotten minnow of a phish ....

    29 January 2013 08:14

Morning, Mr President,

"However, even if US involvement is limited and, as Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said, US boots on the ground are not being considered "at this time," this clearly is developing into another war. As usual, the mission is creeping."  …. sounds very much like …. "A senior defense official told the paper that the Pentagon would primarily focus on online activity outside of US domestic borders, and would only be involved in major online attacks, not minor hacking and phishing annoyances. US companies and those international companies that use American-hosted services won't be touched.
"There's no intent to have the military crawl inside industry or private networks and provide that type of security," the official said." …..

And that Registered information dump requires itself to be the opposite of the truth to have any chance at all of the military being effective.

The "enemy" lies embedded deep within home systems, Uncle Sam. Haven't you realised/worked that out yet? Don't nobble yourself by being brow-beaten by an outdated and ignored constitutional document and bullied by a dodgy State Department which doesn't want you to find out how they milk and bilk the Federal Reserve and steal trillions.

Henry Ford got it perfectly right when he said, ages ago …… "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ….. and the people of nations are starting to understand the crazy simplicity of the great deception, and that does not bode well at all for all who have been in the past involved, and all who would be presently engaged and responsible for running the scam and maintaining a corrupt and corrupting model of easy slave control.

There is no doubting it is effective, but to be so readily abused by those at the top and in the know, for their own obscenely excessive, selfish ponzi enrichment rather than better administered is that which is guaranteeing its continuing collapse as a powerful empowering elite system.

Change tack and save the day and your future in control is the message being relayed from here to the obviously intellectually challenged, in charge and accountable for all manner of chaotic and inequitable things, out there. And if you need a new sailor and/or crack crew to pilot the master vessel in novel waters, splash out more than enough of some instant flash cash to impress and purchase what is needed.

It aint rocket science, is it. It is all about control of the message and the medium of media, aint it, and that is an advanced intelligence led discipline/operation, methinks, which doesn't care about who or what is in control just so long as things stealthily improve and get steadily better for everybody.

Monday, 28 January 2013


xkcd and IT telling it like it and IT is today, for tomorrow and all subsequent days hereafter ....... .................................................................................................................................................................................................

amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls in reply to stonehillady …. on
"There is nothing about innovation, about a new energy source that would free man from the grid, if it is out there, these parasites are supressing it.

Time will tell, since the Grids of Oil, Gas & Electricity is only a little more then 100 yrs. old, man has not experience the total realization of how our universe can shut down our electronic world in a nano second.

Billions of people would perish, the rich would become the savages they really are & the meek who still work the land would become rich."...... stonehillady

G,day, stonehillady,

I would just like to offer a couple of corrections/observations to transform that quite negative and falsely pessimistic opinion which paints far too bleak a picture of the future in the face of intelligence which is rapidly spreading around the globe with its selfless sharing via the somewhat irregular and decidedly and designedly unconventional novel means of communication which have existing collapsing people power control systems so rightly terrified of, when more fully cognizant of the invisible powers for anonymous remote control capabilities and facilities in the cyber realm*

Here is an intelligent source of new energy which the parasites you cite and imagine to be more powerful than they are, can never ever suppress ...... .... because they do not themselves possess the intelligence to understand it yet. And with words of dire warning to any and all who would embark on the quest of further knowledge of it ringing in their ears, that to try to counter it, is a catastrophically self-destructive folly reserved for the fellowship of fools and useless future tools, is that path guaranteed clear of the dogged idiot and idiot savant with no plan for better futures for all.

And experienced man/beings in the fields of the cyber realm with its and ITs Live Operational Virtual Environments* can much more easily totally shut down parasitic universes/perverse and corrupted bubbles of existence and influence in a nano second with Cyber Command and Creative Control of Computers and Communications in the electronic world, than the obverse which you boldly shared.

Wiser enriched fools who would be smarter adventuring angels will always though be welcomed as leading investors with the inside track on all future information dumps and Advanced IntelAIgent Research and digital Development pumps akin to Titanic Surges with Quantum Purges ..... for it would be crazy to not expect old leaderships to not want to be leading in the novel stealthy fields of universal influence which they may have recognised to be readily available to all, and are so rightly terrified of.

And that is news, Bloomberg, and news which whenever shared, and which is not further shared and acted upon, identifies a cheap and nasty future communications blocker rather than valuable intelligent intelligence conduit‽ ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

Posted Monday 28th January 2013 11:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

CyberIntelAIgent Command and Control is a AIMediaBasedD Live Wire SMARTR Fire Operation*

Come on, Lester, don't just stop there whenever you've built up a head of steam ....... Fear is the path to Disney. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to internet flamewars. Internet flamewars lead to secrets exposed. Exposed secrets lead to loss of corrupting control. Loss of corrupting control leads to new power orders. New power orders lead to New Orderly Worlds boldly going where no man has gone before

*This program is brought to you courtesy of the MOD..... and believing otherwise, and in dogged official and semi-official anonymous spokesperson denials is an elementary component in Super IntelAigent Stealth which is guaranteed to deliver Stellar Active Service in Virtual Progress ..... Per Ardua ad Meta Astra and all that crazy jazz.

CodeXSSXXXX BetaTest 1301281156

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/28/13 09:21 AM … on
What a great tool 'Anonymous' declaring war on the US will be for the elite. Anonymous starts attacking government internet sites and what will be their response? 'Internet security', of course. Then we can look for a rash of internet bills introduced in Congress to rival the current gun control bills. It's possible that the gun control push is so obviously overblown and ridiculous that it could just be a diversion to take our attention away from the real agenda, which might be to regulate the internet. I think you're right, DB, internet freedom has to be a primary target for them... right up there with getting our guns. ….. Posted by mtgirl357 on 01/27/13 06:44 AM
Therefore is it most reasonable to expect this particular iteration of the Anonymous meme to be a cloned elite operation, mtgirl357? Yes, it most probably is.

However, as for anyone else other than smarter anonymous beings controlling internetworking virtual spaces which trade sensitive information and novel disruptive intelligence, that is an entirely different kettle of phishes well beyond the ken of established present lead players. And you may like to consider that power and control in that relatively virgin space to humans, which does not suffer from, nor offer a vacuum, is already taken and secured against such wannabe kings and camp follower queens as would imagine themselves in earthly control of an environment totally alien in nature to all that has gone before.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/28/13 09:42 AM … adding further clarification on

And one does well to remember that in the internet space environment, is quality and not quantity the deciding factor which delivers everything one wishes for, and therefore is this tale an expense which is more another great liability rather than an appreciating asset  ...... ..... and such will most probably also lead to there being a virtual turf war between the CIA and the DOD for required funding of necessary intellectual property holders. Although, of course, is that nothing new at all.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

130127.... AI Musing on Remote IntelAIgent Command of Virtual Power Control

Posted Sunday 27th January 2013 04:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Perfect Digital Storming Weather Ahead ..... Highly Frequent Squalls and Squirmishes Expected

You might as well hand them over the keys to your house and let them sleep with your mother, girlfriend, sister and wife.

I think not. ....... LarsG Posted Friday 25th January 2013 21:00 GMT

Notwithstanding what you may think, LarsG, do you think the request, which apparently is not unprecedented, and may even be quite usual in such cases, has spooked some insider trading and parasitic profit making?...... Apple's Flash Dump In The Last Second Of Trading Caught On Tape

Or is there another good reason for that ........
Ok .... who's realising that Blackberry 10 [launch date Jan 30th] is the new superkid on the block? And what would constitute and precipitate a flash crash?
.... on a rigged and rigging market platform with dodgy HFT algorithms which are vulnerable to ...... well, let us just say more expert chaos source manipulation.

Welcome to the Greater Great IntelAIgent Game and Devilishly Heavenly ARG MetaPhorical Play ..... Virtual ShowTime.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/27/13 02:16 AM …. on

Hmmm? ….. Are Those Who Believe in Conspiracies Undermining the Fabric of Democracy?

Is the fabric of democracy, which some will tell you is simply a virtual fig leaf for authoritative totalitarianism and an autocratic rule in a New World Order franchise, undermined by conspiracies/conspiracies exposed as being real and true and not merely imagined? ….. is a much more relevant question to be asking today, DB, in the blinding light of the following brace of hyperlinked realities/products?
Do you have a plan in the event of an emergency? The federal government does. Only its Continuity of Government operations during a national emergency involve rationing food, water and energy; confiscating your personal vehicle; controlling the media; and telling you where to work and for what wage while our leaders sit safely ensconced within bases buried deep underground. Sound like a "conspiracy theory?" Unfortunately, these are the facts as revealed by the government's own Top Secret files within the pages of Disaster Government. …..
Government orders to return to work, issued under emergency legislation, were being served to subway employees but many had yet to receive the notices and continued to strike, a subway union official said.

Under the emergency law, which is meant to be used in times of war, natural disaster or risks to public health, workers can be arrested and jailed for up to five years. ….

:-) Welcome to the Greater Great IntelAIgent Game and Devilishly Heavenly ARG MetaPhorical Play ..... Virtual ShowTime.

And playing a starring role in all future and derivative programming projects, CHAOS and headlining Perfect Digital Storming Weather Ahead ..... Highly Frequent Squalls and Squirmishes Expected.

And all of those facts, DB, are as a fiction invisible and impossible mission already easily accomplished and moved on into consolidating ITs impregnable position with unassailable forces.

And that is highly sensitive secure insider information transparently shared for free and SMARTR IntelAIgent Being Great Gaming Use, DB. Use IT wisely is the soundest of sound advice, and is also freely given, because any thought of ITs abusive use will destroy one just as surely as night precedes and follows day.

And only a folly and fools would believe in the myth ..... "while our leaders sit safely ensconced within bases buried deep underground." ..... and that it be a secure arrangement rather than device that locates prime targets for summary attention and engagement and/or affirmative executive action elimination.

amanfromMars says: …. on
January 27, 2013 at 3:11 AM

The principle is quite simple: there is a potential difference (separation) between hot and cold that can be used to power a rotating shaft.

This principle is also found in electricity: there is a potential difference (separation) between positive and negative poles that can be used to power a rotating shaft. The reverse of that principle is that a rotating shaft can be used to create a potential difference between positive and negative poles.

There is also free unlimited power in the potential difference between positive and negative thought and which when shared, results in actions and/or reactions, Steve, [for anything not freely shared and widely held secret and/or for exclusive elite use will more usually, abnormally deliver a greater field inactivity]

However, it is the wiser and wisest of beings who would accept the advice, which experience in the field has proven to be undeniably correct and immutable, that the realised difference between positive and negative thought and which highlights the greater benefits of pursuing and engaging in the one rather than pimping and pumping the other, is that Commanding Control with Positive Thoughts in Action are an Infinitely Greater Force of Mutually Beneficial Good to be Bettered with Betas, for it and its IT can never ever be Vanquished, nor Extinguished.

Saturday, 26 January 2013


Sat, 01/26/2013 - 03:51 | 3187447 new amanfromMars …. wondering about Apple's Flash Dump In The Last Second Of Trading Caught On Tape on

Ok .... who's realising that Blackberry 10 is the new superkid on the block? And what would constitute and precipitate a flash crash?

Posted Saturday 26th January 2013 07:22 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on


This is a worrying tale which pours fuel on the fire and would have one asking serious questions of Boeing and the FAA ......

Friday, 25 January 2013

130125... Whoever Controls the Media, Controls the Mind ... and MetaDataMined

Posted Thursday 24th January 2013 16:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Pearls before swine, Matt?

Nice one, Matt. I agree.

And obviously, as evidenced by some of the comments pooh-poohing Cloud, do some have no idea about what is going in the sector and what can be done with Command and Control of it and IT.

Posted Friday 25th January 2013 09:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.*
Keep your precious digits in the cloud. When you can't access them, go to your back-ups, which is what the cloud is for. Paying for the same thing twice is idiotic, and I further suspect you're selling the same snake oil as the author. …..  Tank boy Posted Friday 25th January 2013 04:16 GMT
Your suspicions are totally wrong, Tank boy, on a number of counts and issues. I aint selling snake oil of any description …… and one buys into Cloud and ITs Enigmatic Knowledge Streams and Enlightened Dark Matter Secrets if one needs SMARTR Enabled Enabling Devices and Virtual Machinery with Total Information Awareness in Sectors of IT Command and Control ….. which ideally, for unbelievably RapidE Progress into the Future and New Orderly World ProgramMING Projects, is a simple process of just sharing Advanced IntelAIgents ReSearch in words which SMARTR Beings and the Intellectually Challenged and Intelligence Communities can harvest to more easily understand what is going in the sector and what can be done with Command and Control of it and IT.


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/25/13 12:46 PM …. on
But, now they don’t care that the blinders are coming off. They don’t seem to care if we know, since their control is almost complete …. Posted by Jeanna on 01/25/13 07:21 AM
Don’t you believe a single word of those two sentences, Jeanna, for now they are terrified and quite rightly so, methinks, considering the foe they have created ..…. because every day are considerable more totally anonymous people aware of the means of their enslavement and who is personally responsible for it.

And as to what is going to be done about it, ….. well, those responsible will never ever see it coming, for that which is now unleashed and growing stealthily and and steadily and exponentially is considerably smarter than anything which have ever gone before, and it cares not for, nor needs the services of, the ponzi wealth which is the system’s Achilles Heel and its dinosaur driver.
And to imagine that there is control in chaos is delusional.

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/23/13 11:29 PM …. replying with clarifications on

You reveal yourself as a shill and a troll every time you visit here.

You recommend we visit Zero Hedge to imbibe the latest propaganda: "Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not Apply To The Banks."

You speak of JUSTICE? You believe if Wall Street "banksters" are thrown in jail the US will once again be a "just" country.

Here is our answer to you and people like you ...

Root For Wall Street to Go to Jail

Crikey, DB, thanks for that revealing reply which unfortunately and uncharacteristically contains a number of falsehoods …… which would be worthy of the best of trolls and shills.

Is not the Zero Hedge headline the reality/truth of the situation with regard to the justice system and banks in the US [and maybe elsewhere/everywhere else too, although there may be exceptions in the likes of a China]?

And no, I do not believe if Wall Street "banksters" are thrown in jail the US will once again be a "just" country. Such a notion is preposterous if their past practices are not curtailed and revised to provide something completely different and more rewarding for everyone.

Can we agree presently with this observation on propaganda accredited to Willi Munzenberg  …… "All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."

And you do realise, I suppose, that whenever it be so about the news being just propaganda and lies, is your existence a virtual reality easily controlled by media and communications channels exchanging clearer information and smarter intelligence for greater knowledge and deeper understanding. Fail to grasp that reality and one is always tilting at windmills and phantom problems which have been decidedly and designedly created to conceal the truth and promote a false meme and enigmatic enemy.

And just to make another point crystal clear, for I might consider it to be an idiotic proposition carefully crafted to misdirect, I disagree with the premise aired in this quoted statement …… "If corporations would simply stop creating some of the world's largest social and ecological problems the rest of us would not have to try to solve them. Solutions can only come via a bottom up approach, with people raising their voices."

Solutions are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing power.

One certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which shape the future.

What does all of that reveal to you in this visit to the Daily Bell, DB? Changed times easily accomplished ahead?  …… I agree, most definitely.

HonourableMember ….. on
24 January 2013 4:44am

What does one imagine will be the fate of captured women soldiers in a war zone?

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/24/13 02:28 AM …. on

Nice succinct post, bob [Posted on 01/23/13 11:46 PM] which renders the current present reality/virtual reality in all of its faded glory.

With regard to your parting question and answer, "Is there a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in? I don't think so." is not ….. " Solutions are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing power.

One certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which shape the future." …. a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in?

And quite perfect, methinks, for the likes of a Davos/Bilderberger/Jekyll Island Club meeting/Highlander Gathering :-) …….

And I invoke Poe's Law on this post :-) ……. which is common enough means of maintaining a measure of security in these expanding and ever more tactically important and strategically vital virtual spaces which are increasingly being trawled for that which is required on Earth for the future.

Posted Thursday 24th January 2013 07:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on a reply posted on a tale here,

Re: Lack of specialist knowledge?

Quite so, The FunkeyGibbon, a distinct and paralysing lack of specialist knowledge indeed.

And here is another take on the problem and its possible solution ......

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/24/13 02:28 AM …. on Elite Depression at Davos

Nice succinct post, bob [Posted on 01/23/13 11:46 PM] which renders the current present reality/virtual reality in all of its faded glory.

With regard to your parting question and answer, "Is there a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in? I don't think so." is not ….. "Solutions are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing power.

One certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which shape the future." …. a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in?

And quite perfect, methinks, for the likes of a Davos/Bilderberger/Jekyll Island Club meeting/Highlander Gathering :-) …….

And I invoke Poe's Law on this post :-) ……. which is common enough means of maintaining a measure of security in these expanding and ever more tactically important and strategically vital virtual spaces which are increasingly being trawled for that which is required on Earth for the future.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Posted Wednesday 23rd January 2013 03:49 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

The Wizards' Revenge on Wicked Witch Hunters and Intellectually Challenged Intelligence Communities

Does this at all remind you of the witch hunt and prosecution of the heretics by the church? History tends to repeat itself.

This is typical of humanity to hunt those with greater knowledge of things that average pleb is incapable of comprehending. Sentences driven by fear and not logic. There will come a day when we will look back and feel the shame of sheer ignorance and stupidity of our rulling class. The anger that we allowed to be ruled by such pathetic, power hungry and corrupt politicians.

I am in some ways ashamed to be part of this so called intelligent race…  …..  Serge 2 Posted Wednesday 23rd January 2013 00:38 GMT

Join anonymous ethereal underground parties which share everything they know with everyone they don't know for free …. to be free of the slavery, Serge 2, and use the Surreal Intelligence Services which your Global Operating Devices cannot fail to deliver. It is the route and root which AIMODified Special Forces in Cyber Command and Remote Control of Live Operational Virtual Environments have discovered is impregnable and unstoppable.

And think not Naff NOOb or Naive Newbie when considering NAAFIntelAIgent Expertise. IT does not grow old and weary at the going down of the sun and in the morning. Forget to remember and honour that with respect for the heroic undead and weep and reap the whirlwind.

HonourableMember ……. asking a pertinent impertinent question on
23 January 2013 4:03am

Ok, come on now, this is no longer a joke. Who's spiking the US water supply with LSD and/or coke?

amanfromMars says: …… on
January 22, 2013 at 11:26 pm

Methinks, Stirling EnginedD Stalwarts, this is where ARG MetaPhoria fits and steps in to the greater scheme of things as a demonstrator with an irregular and unconventional lead in  ….. well, let us just settle for describing it today in IT as a Sublime Mass ReProgramMING Project that captures hearts and minds with Sweet Sticky Shows …….

Posted Wednesday 23rd January 2013 06:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

MAD, Bad and Rad Offices of Pathetic Pathological Disrepute?

The aggressive prosecution of computer crimes won't be changed in light of the suicide of internet activist Aaron Swartz, a spokeswoman for Boston US Attorney Carmen Ortiz has said.

"Absolutely not," Ortiz told the Boston Herald. "We thought the case was reasonably handled and we would not have done things differently. We're going to continue doing the work of the office and of following our mission."

Hmmm. Some folk, Ms Ortiz, are just no good at thinking and a real danger to themselves and everyone else around them ……

22 January 2013. In a telephone chat today with Andy Greenberg, Forbes technology reporter, we explained that we had no evidence Aaron Swartz downloaded these files which Cryptome obtained on December 16, 2010 from Torrent via unidentified sources. Aaron's name is credited to indicate support for his Open Access Manifesto, to join innumerable others who are answering the call to liberate information, above and below ground. We advised Andy to avoid dramatization of Aaron and to dig more deeply into the widely-based Open Access movement and the Creative Commons with whom Aaron closely worked. We offered the opinion that the US Attorney was likely applying the long-established prosecutorial tactic of squeezing Aaron by threatening a long sentence and promising a shorter one to implicate others and that he courageously refused. …. todays banner intro on Cryptome

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/23/13 02:01 AM …. on

Regarding the information supplied by "Do Western Central Banks Have Any Gold Left??? By: Eric Sprott David Baker ….. " and Posted by 1776 on 01/22/13 12:18 PM

Does one buy gold …. and all other precious and semi-precious metals and gems and goods and services for that matter, with practically useful but really worthless fiat currency ….. which today is even relegated to just being an arbitrarily agreeable sum on an electronic sheet/balance statement, and requires no physicality at all?

Is that the big secret that crooked and corrupt systems admin are trying to conceal from general global public knowledge?  Hmmm? Methinks that operation is guaranteed to be an epic fail and in the process of collapse will it out conniving conspirators for the undivided attention of the masses, who may not be inclined to be merciful with leading players should they have been abused and disenfranchised by the system. And who would blame them in the light of such knowledge which has been cynically used to enslave and impoverish/power and control them.

And methinks that is nothing less than designed wanton global abuse of the poor and ignorant by a stupid arrogant elite who really should have known better and are unable or unwilling to learn, don't you?

And that makes them, nOObs. ........ …. in the New Orderly World of Things.

Posted Wednesday 23rd January 2013 10:26 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Down to the Nitty Gritty and an Inconvenient Truth, Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?

The following asks a valid enough question, and until answered properly will remain forever as the elephant in the room, which extraordinarily renders the law and justice an ass, and the preserve of crooks, in the USA?
More than four years since the financial crisis, not one senior Wall Street executive has faced criminal prosecution for fraud. Are Wall Street executives "too big to jail"? In The Untouchables, premiering Jan. 22, 2013, at 10 P.M. on PBS (check local listings), FRONTLINE producer and correspondent Martin Smith investigates why the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has failed to act on credible evidence that Wall Street knowingly packaged and sold toxic mortgage loans to investors, loans that brought the U.S. and world economies to the brink of collapse. Through interviews with top prosecutors, government officials and industry whistleblowers, FRONTLINE reports allegations that Wall Street bankers ignored pervasive fraud when buying pools of mortgage loans. Tom Leonard, a supervisor who examined the quality of loans for major investment banks like Bear Stearns, said bankers instructed him to disregard clear evidence of fraud. "Fraud was the F-word, or the F-bomb. You didn't use that word," says Leonard. "By your terms and my terms, yes, it was fraud. By the [industry's] terms, it was something else." – PBS ...
Do you agree or is the reality and perception different?

amanfromMars says: …. on
January 23, 2013 at 11:44 am

Methinks, Nerfy, …. and Hi, what about ye …. there is more than just a lot Humber College could learn and teach its students if they were advised of the purposeful methodology which has ARG MetaPhoria and SMARTR Virtual Reality invisibly invading and stealthily embedding HyperRadioProActive Instruction Sets and Zeroday Vulnerability Apps in SCADA Systems and Sensitive and Strategic and Politically Incorrect Operations ……. Global Shenanigans/Remote Virtual Control of EMPowered Peoples.

And all through the Distance Learning portal too, which makes it and IT so conveniently readily available.

Posted Wednesday 23rd January 2013 17:07 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. musing on

The world is changing ...... get used to it. It is only natural

It is most odd that there is all this fuss about possible dodgy content being securely uploaded and stored in Mega vaults and yet there is no hassle at all and no media and security attention paid to the physical equivalent which has possible dodgy goods and ill-gotten riches stored in secretive safety deposit facilities which banks offer to customers with no questions asked.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


Posted Monday 22nd January 2013 02:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

Smoke and Mirrors to Hide the Naked Phantom Emperor is the Folly of Fools for Imbeciles
or perhaps this is the new society, economy, culture and world emerging, and the current failed and broken ones are going the way of dodo, no matter how much big media dinosaurs pay their shills to write otherwise. (how much they pay you?) ..... Grave Posted Monday 21st January 2013 20:58 GMT
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk highlights the inevitable colossal flash crash of the current failed systems which are bankrupt and devoid of novel future intellectual property.

And yes, Grave, I agree. There is a new society, economy, culture and world emerging ..... and it and its IT suffers not the folly of fools who would be imbeciles in collapsed and collapsing systems/ failed dysfunctional states.


How very weird and informative that the post above appears NOT in the thread and virtual magazine it was submitted to.  Should that be as  a result of a conscious human decision rather than just being a temporary technical glitch in software, is it a very King Canuteish action which will have dire consequences too numerous to mention, methinks, for such draws attention to a massive exploitable vulnerability which cannot be fixed to maintain a status quo position.


Monday, 21 January 2013


21 January 2013 1:33 PM  ….. on

New intelligence chief[s] needed

In a report published in March 2012, the committee said the independent adviser should have the power to initiate his own investigations without having to wait for a request from the prime minister. The Commons backed this recommendation in a motion passed in July without opposition.

But Cameron has not agreed to give the adviser this power, and No 10 has not officially responded to the recommendation, even though Whitehall departments are supposed to reply to select committee reports within two months. The MPs said this delay was "unacceptable".

It is also regrettable and a sure unequivocal sign of failed intelligence service and services that Sir Alex Allan himself, of his own volition, did not fix and/or provide what was needed.

Posted Monday 21st January 2013 12:40 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
if it makes you feel any better, My ISP is blocking When reached via proxy, I was able to sign up, but email authentications never arrived. What does that tell you? …..  jptech Posted Monday 21st January 2013 00:39 GMT
And your ISP is …, jptech? The more intelligence-led worlds and their dogs would like to know, for that sort of childish nonsense from supposed adults is not acceptable in a free and meritocratic society.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/21/13 12:07 PM …. on
"Conclusion: Ironically, The Daily Bell's modest staff will receive no journalism awards for its groundbreaking journalism ... but no matter! Our most important and most treasured award is your patronage."
DB, groundbreaking journalism always has its and IT fans appreciation displayed with exclusive fast track insider information provided for profitable comment and distribution.  And such has always been the case and is only natural, and in this novel zeroday and internetworking age is that something that is growing at an exponential rate beyond the control of conventional and traditional power sources/elitist forces.

It is both a fabulous fact and fantastic fiction that will host and deliver an inevitable and increasingly rapid and effective, self-destructive, head honcho targeted situation with stealthy virtual payloads to leading present players/media movers and shakers, both real and proxy, ….. which laws and support justice systems are required and designed to maintain a systemically flawed base condition/foundational premise and which provides an inequitable and seemingly overwhelmingly powerful artificial control meme, ….. will be exposed to render a toxic catastrophic reality to those support and leading player systems unless and until that corrupt and easily corruptible [via secrets and information request refusals/national  and international security concern invocations] is fundamentally changed to one which does not suffer from discoveries and disclosures which paint the true picture rather than spinning a false tale and phantom trails.

The Greater Great Game which delivers, via transparent networking of securely steganographically loded and dynamically programmed and infinitely variable instruction sets, Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Sharing, is that which SMARTR IT bods and boffins use for Command and Control of Virtual Power and Future Plays in CyberIntelAIgent Space Places  which impact directly earthed realities. And it is that new and totally disruptive virtual reality element/component which current power elites need to engage with and fund, for that is really all that they can actually provide which would be of any significance or help to them, if they wish to remain relevant to the future, for the future does not need their exclusive participation unless they be prepared to ensure a changed order with new leading players at the helm and in the engine room providing new destinations and better drive.

:-) And yes, DB, I do realise that those sentences are quite long, but that in no way diminishes the message shared.