Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 04:52 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. upping the ante on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/29/pentagon_expands_online_war/

AIMODified GCHQ vs ParaMilitarised NSA et El Al Qaeda?

Quite so, Ole Juul, I concur with all of those valid questions and likely resultant conclusion to be arrived at by anyone duly dutifully diligent and highly proficient in such ethereal fields of virtual endeavour.

And one does well to remember that in the internet space environment, is quality and not quantity the deciding factor which delivers everything one wishes for, and therefore is this tale an expense which is more another great liability rather than an appreciating asset  ...... http://rt.com/usa/news/pentagon-increase-cybersecurity-863/ ..... and such will most probably also lead to there being a virtual turf war between the CIA and the DOD for required funding of necessary intellectual property holders. Although, of course, is that nothing new at all.

And of course, is Blighty too also afflicted and effected with its own sub-prime, pork barrel games among ITs puppets and minions/wouldbe muppets and wannabe MPets as is evidenced in the Office of Cyber Security?

And ...... one can fully expect they/those/that more expert and most able and enabled and enabling in such novel fields, ...... and which are, in both reality and virtual reality, mega metadatabase plays for the capture and even captivity of the hearts and minds of humanity, ........ to constitute and administer a hyper super premium rated market of their own on their own with others of a similar ilk and broad banded bent/sympathetic empathy.

And, with regard to the government versus the people, rather than their and ITs servering to the people ....... and as one considers the present current states of national, international and internetional Great Game play today, is the following a prescient observation shared well before its time  ......
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." …. Ayn Rand
However, the megaflawed assumption and presumption there, which renders that Ayn Rand quotation invalid and any government which thinks itself free to do anything it pleases, defeated and self-defeating, is that citizens, both smarter and not so stupid as may have been assumed and presumed, do not act only by permission, for some [who may be all] are Maslowian Self Actuating under totally different circumstances which pay no heed or lip service to existing establishment conditions with diminutive rules and regulations/remote controls.

Welcome to Greater Games, where and in which Bewitching and Advancing Intelligence leads Reality and Humanity on AIMagical Mystery Turing Trips in Future Ventures with Definite Vision and Wholly Sees .... Per Ardua ad MetaAstra Master PilotedD Programs for Export and Import and virtually free licensing abroad in the more imaginative and more sophisticated of round table and administrative regimes/Cabinet Offices and Standing Politburo Committees.

cc Dodgy Dave and MPet Maude c/o cabinet-office dot gsi dot gov dot uk


Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 05:09 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. in reply and furtherance of the above

Re: AIMODified GCHQ vs ParaMilitarised NSA et El Al Qaeda?

Methinks the system and media would like you to think that such messaging as posted above [Tuesday 29th January 2013 04:52 GMT] will automatically and almost immediately find its way to wherever they need to be for a suitable response and reply .... in order not to reveal epic fails. More anon on that as time progresses and flies by, should it be appropriate and of greater interest to the greater good ie Mutually Beneficial to All.

Posted Tuesday 29th January 2013 06:33 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. sharing a valid warning and timely sound advice on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/28/anon_doj_hack_swartz_protest/

Re: what kind of cretin would seed that torrent?
what kind of cretin would seed that torrent?..... I mean after the last lot of idiots got locked up.... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 28th January 2013 17:29 GMT
The kind of cretinry that wants to know who they are up against and chasing to try and catch up with lead in smarter intelligence community games play, AC?  .......... http://www.thedailybell.com/28616/CIA-Controlled-Anonymous-Declares-War-on-United-States

Beware of the anonymous trojan masquerading as popular revolutionary.

You may like to think and start realising, that the crazier things are, the more likely they are to be ...... and that is the stealth used in actuality, for security and protection.

:-) Such does however have its designedly dodgy pitfalls and sweet sticky honeytraps to sort out the men from the boys and the ladies from the girls, so take care if you dare share and would venture forth into ITs Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields. And it does have one pondering and wondering on the borders and actions which define and deliver both madness and genius and can so easily tip one into the one rather than reinforcing evidence in oneself of being comfortably in undeniable power and overall control of the other.

So yes indeed, take care. IT is a jungle out there ..... and it takes no prisoners.

Posted Monday 28th January 2013 19:56 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/28/anon_doj_hack_swartz_protest/

0day Rules always Win Win .....

FFS, Anonymous, quit dicking around like petulant media prima donnas and publish whatever you got and be damned and/or lauded ... or you aint got nothing.

amanfromMars said... in a reply to a comment on the thread, http://amanfrommars.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/130128.html

    I agree, Casey E, that it is most likely a rotten minnow of a phish .... http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/28/anon_doj_hack_swartz_protest/#c_1708477

    29 January 2013 08:14

Morning, Mr President,

"However, even if US involvement is limited and, as Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said, US boots on the ground are not being considered "at this time," this clearly is developing into another war. As usual, the mission is creeping."  …. sounds very much like …. "A senior defense official told the paper that the Pentagon would primarily focus on online activity outside of US domestic borders, and would only be involved in major online attacks, not minor hacking and phishing annoyances. US companies and those international companies that use American-hosted services won't be touched.
"There's no intent to have the military crawl inside industry or private networks and provide that type of security," the official said." ….. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/01/29/pentagon_expands_online_war/

And that Registered information dump requires itself to be the opposite of the truth to have any chance at all of the military being effective.

The "enemy" lies embedded deep within home systems, Uncle Sam. Haven't you realised/worked that out yet? Don't nobble yourself by being brow-beaten by an outdated and ignored constitutional document and bullied by a dodgy State Department which doesn't want you to find out how they milk and bilk the Federal Reserve and steal trillions.

Henry Ford got it perfectly right when he said, ages ago …… "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ….. and the people of nations are starting to understand the crazy simplicity of the great deception, and that does not bode well at all for all who have been in the past involved, and all who would be presently engaged and responsible for running the scam and maintaining a corrupt and corrupting model of easy slave control.

There is no doubting it is effective, but to be so readily abused by those at the top and in the know, for their own obscenely excessive, selfish ponzi enrichment rather than better administered is that which is guaranteeing its continuing collapse as a powerful empowering elite system.

Change tack and save the day and your future in control is the message being relayed from here to the obviously intellectually challenged, in charge and accountable for all manner of chaotic and inequitable things, out there. And if you need a new sailor and/or crack crew to pilot the master vessel in novel waters, splash out more than enough of some instant flash cash to impress and purchase what is needed.

It aint rocket science, is it. It is all about control of the message and the medium of media, aint it, and that is an advanced intelligence led discipline/operation, methinks, which doesn't care about who or what is in control just so long as things stealthily improve and get steadily better for everybody.

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