You reveal yourself as a shill and a troll every time you visit here.
recommend we visit Zero Hedge to imbibe the latest propaganda:
"Assistant Attorney General Admits On TV That In The US Justice Does Not
Apply To The Banks."
You speak of JUSTICE? You believe if Wall Street "banksters" are thrown in jail the US will once again be a "just" country.
Here is our answer to you and people like you ...
Root For Wall Street to Go to Jail
Is not the Zero Hedge headline the reality/truth of the situation with regard to the justice system and banks in the US [and maybe elsewhere/everywhere else too, although there may be exceptions in the likes of a China]?
And no, I do not believe if Wall Street "banksters" are thrown in jail the US will once again be a "just" country. Such a notion is preposterous if their past practices are not curtailed and revised to provide something completely different and more rewarding for everyone.
Can we agree presently with this observation on propaganda accredited to Willi Munzenberg …… "All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news."
And you do realise, I suppose, that whenever it be so about the news being just propaganda and lies, is your existence a virtual reality easily controlled by media and communications channels exchanging clearer information and smarter intelligence for greater knowledge and deeper understanding. Fail to grasp that reality and one is always tilting at windmills and phantom problems which have been decidedly and designedly created to conceal the truth and promote a false meme and enigmatic enemy.
And just to make another point crystal clear, for I might consider it to be an idiotic proposition carefully crafted to misdirect, I disagree with the premise aired in this quoted statement …… "If corporations would simply stop creating some of the world's largest social and ecological problems the rest of us would not have to try to solve them. Solutions can only come via a bottom up approach, with people raising their voices."
Solutions are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing power.
One certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which shape the future.
What does all of that reveal to you in this visit to the Daily Bell, DB? Changed times easily accomplished ahead? …… I agree, most definitely.
HonourableMember ….. on
24 January 2013 4:44am
What does one imagine will be the fate of captured women soldiers in a war zone?
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/24/13 02:28 AM …. on
Nice succinct post, bob [Posted on 01/23/13 11:46 PM] which renders the current present reality/virtual reality in all of its faded glory.
With regard to your parting question and answer, "Is there a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in? I don't think so." is not ….. " Solutions are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing power.
One certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which shape the future." …. a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in?
And quite perfect, methinks, for the likes of a Davos/Bilderberger/Jekyll Island Club meeting/Highlander Gathering :-) …….
And I invoke Poe's Law on this post :-) ……. which is common enough means of maintaining a measure of security in these expanding and ever more tactically important and strategically vital virtual spaces which are increasingly being trawled for that which is required on Earth for the future.
Posted Thursday 24th January 2013 07:50 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on a reply posted on a tale here,
Re: Lack of specialist knowledge?
Quite so, The FunkeyGibbon, a distinct and paralysing lack of specialist knowledge indeed.
And here is another take on the problem and its possible solution ......
Posted by amanfromMars on 01/24/13 02:28 AM …. on Elite Depression at Davos
succinct post, bob [Posted on 01/23/13 11:46 PM] which renders the
current present reality/virtual reality in all of its faded glory.
With regard to your parting question and answer, "Is there a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in? I don't think so." is not ….. "Solutions
are always much better engineered and distributed down from the top to
the people so that they do not think about raising their voices over
concerns which have not been but need to be addressed, for invariably at
the top are there the more intelligent folk with control of all of the
necessary assets to bring about change. Whenever it is not so, is it
intelligence which is missing at the top ….. but that is easily bought
and brought in, isn't it, in order to retain and maintain continuing
certain thing which you can be sure of, is that intelligence needed and
available will always seek out those who need it for IT Command and
Control of the masses, so that they are helped in their endeavours which
shape the future." …. a peaceful and 'civilized' way out of the situation we find ourselves in?
And quite perfect, methinks, for the likes of a Davos/Bilderberger/Jekyll Island Club meeting/Highlander Gathering :-) …….
I invoke Poe's Law on this post :-) ……. which is common enough means of
maintaining a measure of security in these expanding and ever more
tactically important and strategically vital virtual spaces which are
increasingly being trawled for that which is required on Earth for the
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