Friday, 18 January 2013


amanfromMars January 18, 2013, 13:12 ….. on
"But US media cited a number of officials and experts who said that Washington is certain Tehran was behind the attack."
Unnamed anonymous officials and/or experts who produce no concrete evidence of such attacks are evidence enough that media is inventing a false trail and untrue cyber tale.

Such has been the real case since media and corrupt government began.

Methinks though that no one would be able to disagree with that earlier newsletter from the Department of Homeland Security’s cyber unit warning that critical US infrastructure is becoming increasingly vulnerable to hacker attacks.

And there are those who are active, and even expert in such fields as command and control virtual operations, who would tell you that there are no effective defence systems against increasingly intelligent virtual machine attacks ....... and that makes for a much more interesting and novel future, as relatively unknown superior intelligence takes over the global reins of power and control, for without control does power deliver chaos and systems collapse, and in this day and age is that easily accomplished via remote means and memes.

Please note that there are no question marks in that which is freely shared there for all to understand to cast doubt on those statements.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 11:21 amanfromMars  ….. on

I couldn't agree more with you, Lets_Eat_Ben, regarding the Many wise men (and women) have said that information is the ultimate resource comment. And how spooky that we share it together today.

Posted by amanfromMars on 01/17/13 12:12 AM ….. asking a simple enough question on

"But the Fed does the exact same thing all the time using sophisticated accounting and state of the art computing. The Fed "expands its balance sheet" by buying government bonds from private banks. In exchange for these securities, the Fed credits the banks with funds it creates out of thin air. The banks then pass the funds to the general public through loans. But it's important to realize that the Fed does not have any money to actually buy the bonds in the first place. The funds are "created" by a Fed computer. The process is easier (and equally duplicitous) than minting a trillion dollar coin (which at least requires the production of something other than computer code). The only difference is the lack of window dressing. It's a shame that the platinum coin episode did not result in a wider recognition of this brutal truth."

Many thanks for those clear and honest observations and explanation of a criminal ponzi, Peter  ...... which would appear to be the modus operandi/vivendi of the global terror banking/fiat capital system‽

And is it inevitable as intelligence grows and information is freely globally shared, unless there is a radical fundamental change in that system, that bank owners/executives will become the live targets for those whom they have dispossessed and forced into a world of unnecessary pain and despair?

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