Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/14/13 03:33 PM ….. on http://www.thedailybell.com/28571/Anthony-Wile-The-Trillion-Dollar-Coin-Is-a-Great-Idea
Is heddinout a cocoon of dissociative identity? Just whundren. ….. Posted by dave jr on 01/14/13 01:47 PM
Probably, whenever necessary, although it is nothing to be unduly worried about unless one be up to no good in fields which are not controlled or controllable with physical force and the thoughts of intellectually bankrupt earthed beings, dave jr.

Posted Tuesday 15th January 2013 07:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/15/singapore_passes_precrime_cyber_law/

IT don't grow on trees, you know, therefore you can fully expect it to be designedly expensive

Good luck with that crazy phish, Singapore.

Perhaps you might like to consider blunt ignorant excessive financial reward to any CII-related person with the abilities/skillsets/virtual intelligence required/sought, although there is the not inconsiderable and abiding increasingly more important difficulty in recognising the desired necessary target to engage with. 'Tis a much more effective approach and solution, methinks.


Posted Tuesday 15th January 2013 08:38 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/15/singapore_passes_precrime_cyber_law/ … in an earnest reply to frank ly

Re: IT don't grow on trees, you know, therefore you can fully expect it to be designedly expensive
You are henceforth banned from posting comments on El Reg. The CII directorate have determined that your posts contain encrypted strings that are intended to disrupt the El Reg forum servers. The CII directorate are unable to determine the exact nature and potential consequences of this attack but they feel that 'better safe that sorry' is a good principle, and they need to be seen to be doing something. …  frank ly Posted Tuesday 15th January 2013 07:32 GMT
Sieg Heil, frank ly.

And I'm not saying that you got anything wrong in that intelligent reply, but the opposite of "intended to disrupt the El Reg forum servers." is well enough known by El Reg, and others, to be the actual truth in a world with worlds which spin deceit and half truths to try and hide shenanigans which perpetrators know would not be accepted by the great unwashed masses.

And all of these types of little chats all over the internet and across networks are increasingly quickly and quietly, sublimely and stealthily educating a still relatively primitive Mankind to their real condition/situation and the cynical abuse which they are subjected to.

Posted Tuesday 15th January 2013 10:13 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2013/01/15/doj_rubbishes_dotcom_entrapment_claims/

The Battle for Hearts and Minds is Won with Smarter Intelligence Feed and Novel Cyber Seed.*

Who would you trust kim dotcom or the doj/us gov.

us gov has started 2 illegal wars based on lies. Seizes domains without any process. I know who i trust. ….  1A Posted Tuesday 15th January 2013 09:36 GMT

Talking of great deceptions as you/we are so doing here, 1A, is this one a surreal humdinger and a doozy ......

One of the biggest features of a "Great Deception" is that it is can easily be holed and sunk from any side, under the Light. ….    Posted by Agent Pete 8 on 01/14/13 01:53 AM

Talking of a "Great Deception", is this ongoing one imploding nicely and identifying leading lights for the attention of the masses/anonymous lone wolves/abused and ill-used special force characters? …… http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/secret-and-lies-of-the-bailout-20130104

And to quote the last paragraph of that Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone article ….. "Other than that, the bailout was a smashing success."

* And that is the Present Game Changer which fools and tools need to get their heads around in order to have even a remote chance of not losing and being successful and effective.

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