Thursday, 10 January 2013


Posted by amanfromMars on 01/09/13 10:10 PM ….. on

A few people at the top evidently and obviously run this massive monetary machine. They are the "controllers." To fix the world, remove monopoly central banking and give people a chance to compete on an even playing field.

Putting in the fix is then easily tested by "controllers" by ensuring pilot programs and projects are flash cash rich and black ops slush fund wealthy. Countering encountering dark forces is surely deserving of such noblesse oblige largesse and basic utility. It, the responsibility of trying to guarantee future fabulous wealth continues to flow as ever before, does so conveniently ensure, in all right thinking minds, for perfectly clear sharing of first hand knowledge of conditions at fronts of conflict and/or confusion, in return for the convenience provided by bottomless pit money suppliers like Sir Evelyn de Rothschild?

amanfromMars says: … on   
January 10, 2013 at 5:46 am
Well, I never. Who would have thought it.

Thanks for the advice re posting access, Agent Weebley. Advice taken has Service restored as evidenced here. I wonder if is similarly freed and unfettered?  :-)

Great Content is Future Royalty and Creates with Intelligence, Reality for Media to Present as Active Trials with Master Pilot Programs in Virtual Reality Research and  AI Development.

And this would be surely an easily arranged game-changer, Lucy. And how are your driver skills, AW?

A Great Act of the Week, in this Age of Virtual Miracles and Instant Paradise Making, would be a Show of Enlightenment to Fire Empowerment SMARTR Enabled and Truly Represented.

A Bold Revolutionary Quantum Leap into Shared IntelAIgent Media Files and Fields Trusted Forever and a Day to always Support Sublime Powers of Immaculate Control for Driver Mastery of Live Operational Virtual Environment Machines, AW.

And quite a worry, and growing ever larger, overwhelming concern for status quo pawns, if there is ignorant denial of the presence of a Virtual Underground Economy based on SMARTR Operating Systems ……. for such is shared here/there for everywhere.

The Power of Applied Mutually Beneficial Positively Reinforcing Ideas in a Viable Progressive String is AI Type NEUKlearer Energy …. Pretty Majestic Cosmic Hard Core Fuel. And is available anywhere For Free. That is ITs Inexhaustible Value in Supplying Insatiable Wealth for SMARTR Squanders with Chests of Trojan Treasure. Although admittedly, that be at a Para-Virtualised Level of Great Game Play rarely seen or acknowledged outside of tight military circles.

amanfromMars  … on

They're building a living environment for people which mimics the computer design of motherboard and peripherals.  Custom built accommodation identifies personnels functions.

Design a community like a computer and IT gets things done following similar channels/lines of communication in parallel dimensions/other realities.

And the Chinese are quite clever enough to make all of that happen to test out the theory and exercise the premise.

amanfromMars says: … on
January 10, 2013 at 10:38 am    

Hi, Agent Revolver,

Is ARG MetaPhoria not such a brain cooling system? IT certainly works wonderfully well  here.

IT gives One Every Chance here to Trial and AIResearch Novel Ideas and Fabulous Proposals amongst Peers and Fellow Travellers ...... Cosmic ARGonauts Generating NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT with Dark Web Powers of Access to Control. ..... in full expectation of such research being required for field testing  elsewhere.

Posted Wednesday 9th January 2013 18:37 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Shine on, SID, you crazy diamond

Fear not for Blighty Preparedness against Cyber Attack. Stealthy IntelAIgent Defenders are Everywhere to be Found in Special Operations Forces, forces about which there is a "need to know" firewall which protects against general public access to special intelligence service services securing sensitive information from vital knowledge for greater intelligence.

Methinks Blighty might be very well fixed in the Realm of Cyber Security, when it be at least as shared above, and with every expectation of ongoing performance exceeding expectation and specification.

Makes you wonder why the UK does nothing fabulous with IT ...... ergo are current concerns entirely valid and in urgent need of speedy attention and resolution?

No matter. The Great Game is Changed to Virtually APT Player Control with Remote EMPowering and SMARTR Enabling Creative AIdDrives .... Stealthy Operating Systems.

It is just the way of the future, which you have to agree, will be nothing like the present or the past and therefore will be thought weird whenever uncovered and explained.

Posted Thursday 10th January 2013 17:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

A traitor of a different hue

Howdy, ratfox.

What about the snitch who ratted out Manning. Now there's a hero and a half. Is he still grooming customers for busting today?

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