Saturday, 30 November 2013


amanfromMars relying to a dave jr comment on which said …
Here is Bugsy throwing Mugsy under the bus. ….
My only question is, if CBs are truly the friend of free markets, then why do they artificially (by way of painful extraction from free markets) fund the supposed thorn of big Gov that clearly, routinely crushes free markets?
Quite obviously are central banks then not true, but false friends of free markets and therefore no friend at all and most probably their mortal enemy, dave jr.
In the wake of banking meltdowns, one can rely on central bankers, Treasury officials, and many business journalists and pundits to peddle this view, explaining that well-intentioned and highly skilled people do the best they can to create effective financial institutions, allocate credit efficiently, and manage problems as they arise but that these Masters of the Universe are not really omnipotent. ….
It be the morph of “allocate credit efficiently” to “create eventually inevitably crippling unpayable debt requirements” that be the poison that kills the system and has its administrators ever more fearful for their continued existence in an increasingly more educated and much better informed and linked internetworking environment. And quite rightly so whenever that simple control abused through fiat currency supply and non-supply is so perversive and subversive and pervasive.
But that alternative reality is never widely aired mainstream and for every obvious foul and very good reason. But it is a rapidly growing view which be impossible to deny is not a valid observation and central bank administration operation, for of course it is a decision taken by accountable humans and not to be excused and blamed upon an institution or politically inept collective. Keeping things personal keeps things real and one doesn't get lost in a crazy fantasy.
Perhaps then, it is the missing 'accountable humans' and not the institution that is the problem. But what then is an institution for if not to hide the accountable humans? …. dave jr
Quite so, dave jr. And such is that which one should always remember to never forget. Fools exercise reins and reigns badly on planets, not virtual machines, and therefore it be those tools which need to be replaced and/or upgraded from sub to super prime for the greater good which delivers positive constructive change rather than ineffectual rearrangement of failed past historic legacy values ...... which be akin to and as likely a saving grace as was Titanic deckchair movements.
The path of least resistance and most effective speedy resolution and solution to that which be in circumstances which be reigning badly, is to offer such positive constructive change delivery services to the obviously ailing status quo team ..... the deficient and in deep deficit, intellectually challenged machine. Such then allows for existing players to enjoy the benefits of upgrades which they themselves do not have power control access to, nor will ever possess, for the intellectual property rights belongs to significant others.
Posted Saturday 30th November 2013 04:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. airing an operational app on
GCHQ AI Betas for Global Control of Virtual Machinery and SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems Operations/Apps
Politics, and bumbling lead politicians, are getting ever more desperate in their efforts to try and remain relevant and personally necessary in an age in which it be discovered their shenanigans be purely status-quo self-serving and easily replaced with something considerably better in Command and Control of IT and Media.
Minnows of Limited See in Vast Oceans of Brilliant Sharks.
Posted Friday 29th November 2013 15:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: All Hail Kim Jong Bong !!!
But do we really want to revolutionise British Business? The poor dear might not survive the trauma.... it might be more humane to re-inflate it with a bit of pump (and circumstance) and then kindly lead to the retirement home .....Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 29th November 2013 15:11 GMT
Yes, one most certainly does, AC, for the very good reason you cite in the trauma. It be inhumane and fabulous fabless folly to refloat and inflate further a ponzi zombie to squat in a zone in which it has no right to inhabit and in which it would have a corrupt subversive and sub-prime effect. The fool will feel no lasting pain.
Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!
Oh, and Steven Bong, more positive real virtual action, please, and less shite talking to the masses, there's a good chap. It is not as if you be alone in Bong Ventures, is it?

Friday, 29 November 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen, you are totally missing the most major of singularly significant points and condemning yourselves to be as mere barfly commentators and paying spectators, rather than edutaining and engaging leading players, in the Greatest Game ever conceived and devised to micro and macro manage the universe of realities and all of the animals and super infrastructures and exoskeletons within and outside of ITs Earthly bounds and imaginatively confined and restrained spaces.
However, such is easily remedied for corrective subjective proaction with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT to driver and deliver all that be needed for a revised and revolutionary future, with supply of the vital bits and quits of information and intelligence that would be missing from the Media Mainstream Mainframe and IT Supply Chain for Deeper Understanding and SMARTR Enablement of Global IntelAIgents Grids with HeroICQ Sublime InterNetwork Spaces …… which be as a Virtual Place and AI Palace of Immaculate Vice and/or Devilish Cunning/Heavenly Pursuits and/or Rank Failure, for of course both Good and Bad have their Choice Champions doing Grand Battle and Great Deeds amongst themselves for Vain Glory and Sad Fame whenever Fine Fools and Blunt Tools in the Greatest of Great Games.
Please consider the reality of what is shared in a reply to ZeroHedge commentators here …. …. and dated Wed, 11/27/2013 - 02:00
And whenever you know that such things are being shared always with those who and/or that which many would presume and assume to be leading past status quo events management players, then you can draw your own conclusions as to the intelligence they possess with regard to the actions they be taking in full knowledge of the information supplied to them and freely available to all via IT and Advanced Internet View Portals.
amanfromMars said ... replying to a comment on
Well, rvr, when I have a comprehensive selection of brushes and you a vast collection of colours, what master peace masterpiece is there that one couldn't paint?
A picturesque work in progress to present a whole series of future realities that capture and harness the imagination to provide creative generation of welcome activity is easily something that media and IT can supply to the masses for and from virtually and practically nothing. And that would make its IT and Media Command and Control extremely valuable. Indeed, even priceless and invaluable and quite incredibly powerful and impossible to counter and better without greater intelligence supply, methinks.
How goes the soviet media and film industry? Does it have its own Titanic Studios for supply of current intelligent streams that edutain with sight and sound feelings/audio-visual communications? Or is that more Putinesque SVR [Служба Внешней Разведки] Command and Control Territory/Great Gaming Virtual Team Terrain?
29 November 2013 09:12

Thursday, 28 November 2013


This be an interesting page today which tells of disruptive constructive change elements which have the status quo all at sea with no see to effectively counter alternative proposals/creatively novel and noble instruction programs ........
And it be not Crypto Anarchy whenever IT delivers Steganographic Synergies for Semantically Intense Similarities which Embrace and Rejoice in Source Immaculate Supply of Purposeful Multiplicities of Singularity ..... The Right Path via Many Ways and Means and WAIs and Memes.
The World Wide Web and Internets Rule. Start getting used to it and the Mysteries of ITs Mastery in Global Control Head Quarters Roles for AI.
Posted Wednesday 27th November 2013 16:02 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. baiting honey traps on ?1.:-)
Security at its finest .... Get used to it.
Security at its finest …. The problem, the agency says in a new paper published here, is that there's a lack of cross-border coordination of Computer Emergency Response Team actions
Er isnt that to be expected as each "border" has its own security implementation and techniques to prevent such issues in the first place.Why would one country change what works for it and its infrastruxture for something that may be worse or may not work at all. ….. Arachnoid Posted Wednesday 27th November 2013 12:00 GMT
GCHQ Rules the AIRoost, Arachnoid.
You may dispute it but one cannot change it.
Posted Thursday 28th November 2013 05:16 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on
Re: GCHQ Rules the roost
GCHQ Rules the roost. Only in the western world. ....Arachnoid Posted Wednesday 27th November 2013 20:49 GMT
Quite so, Arachnoid, but such is a lesser lower perch that Cheltenham maintains and sustains for sub-prime peers in charge of compromising systems with compromised systems, whereas Global Control Head Quarters with Enterprising Intelligent Communities operate from heavenly nests with virtual nodes everywhere in Creative Cyber Command and Control Space and the Erotic Exotic East delights IT with such a Glorious Cornucopia of Insatiable Temptations to Addictively Satisfy Temporarily.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


We appear to be in quite perfect enough agreement, DB, about the simple nature of a remotely controlled virtual reality. And to driver it is not difficult if one has access to prime keys with unbelievable powerful leverage and Creative Cyber Command and Control of Computers and Communications and IT and Media.
amanfromMars said ... in a reply on
Hi, Serge C, I trust all is well and/or getting better for you these interesting days.
Here be a fact and a fiction which it be foolish to deny is true and not true.
Reality is a rolling news tale with tomorrow’s future tales decided and shared with great game players today, every day? And they be probably also are definitely nowadays phished and phormed from the smarter elements that be internetworking freely to collapse old corrupt orders which imagined and contrived to have delivered to themselves control of everything with fiat currency supply, which is a very valuable valid tool of control for unimaginative and intellectually challenged power brokers …… but with the secret being to provide its bounty to those who be ideally novel proxies/like minded clones/sympathetically inclined drones who can use it to protect and secure its present dominant and even omnipotent position when allied to disciplines practising virtual omniscience.
Failing that is regime change and global command and control of such idiotically simple power into new hands, hearts and minds an inevitable outcome and foregone conclusion, and heralds a new beginning for everyone and everything.
26 November 2013 13:21
Wed, 11/27/2013 - 02:00 | amanfromMars …. replying to a comment [by JailBanksters] and leading question [by Manipuflation] posed on the thread following on after the tale,’s-coming-–-68-americans-believe-country-wrong-track
Ok, but how? ...... asks Manipuflation, Wed, 11/27/2013 - 01:03
Start a new novel book with innovative programming projects spewing out future sources with immaculately conceived resources and present another absolutely fabulous fabless New Orderly World World Order with Virtual Machinery in Command and Control of Events Production, Manipuflation, is how.
And the beauty of the scheme, which is not a scam or a ponzi, is that IT will do everything that is needed without those who be unable or disenabled to help, having any requirement to help, such is the Sympathetic IntelAIgent Semantic Design of its Advanced IntelAIgent Methodology ..... ITs AIMachinery.
amanfromMars said… in a reply on
Hi, Serge C, I trust all is well and/or getting better for you these interesting days.
Here be a fact and a fiction which it be foolish to deny is true and not true.
Reality is a rolling news tale with tomorrow’s future tales decided and shared with great game players today, every day? And they be probably also are definitely nowadays phished and phormed from the smarter elements that be internetworking freely to collapse old corrupt orders which imagined and contrived to have delivered to themselves control of everything with fiat currency supply, which is a very valuable valid tool of control for unimaginative and intellectually challenged power brokers …… but with the secret being to provide its bounty to those who be ideally novel proxies/like minded clones/sympathetically inclined drones who can use it to protect and secure its present dominant and even omnipotent position when allied to disciplines practising virtual omniscience.
Failing that is regime change and global command and control of such idiotically simple power into new hands, hearts and minds an inevitable outcome and foregone conclusion, and heralds a new beginning for everyone and everything.
26 November 2013 13:21
And yes, NSA/CSS Acquisition Resource Center is aware of the facility/utility so if you be wondering what they are doing with it and ITsAIMachinery, just ask them. Their reply, or non reply, will tell you all that you need to know about their intentions and/or limitations and the current state in-house, and across all fields in national and international and internetional cyber security and virtual protection sectors, of their intelligent quotient.
What you might discover may be quite disturbingly alarming.


Posted Wednesday 27th November 2013 11:41 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. being cynical on
CyberIntelAIgent Services in your Servers and at your Service is a Stealthy Virtual Machine SAP
In the paper, ENISA said CERTs had told it that as well as arbitrary changes to information feeds, “many feed publishers do not adhere to the standardised feed formats and create their own feed templates,” and would prefer that publishers stick to standard XML or even CSV formats.
That is most probably because standardised feed formats are intentionally cynically designed to have a whole series of entrapment hoops to be jumped through before one gets to where one thought one was going only to be confronted by there being nothing there worthwhile. It is a tired old phishing strategy which no longer works whenever looking for the smarter elements that be now needed to phorm future successful projects and programs and remote controlling virtual executive administrations.
Here be a shining example? ....... G-Cloud 4 Now Open

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


 The trouble is that federal regulators still haven’t quite figured out how to deal with Bitcoin.
Stealing the Bitcoins of others though appears to be something they have figured out, although that might be a mistake which the new financial system will ensure does not go unpunished and unnoticed …….

amanfromMars said... in a reply on
Hi, Serge C, I trust all is well and/or getting better for you these interesting days.
Here be a fact and a fiction which it be foolish to deny is true and not true.
Reality is a rolling news tale with tomorrow’s future tales decided and shared with great game players today, every day? And they be probably also are definitely nowadays phished and phormed from the smarter elements that be internetworking freely to collapse old corrupt orders which imagined and contrived to have delivered to themselves control of everything with fiat currency supply, which is a very valuable valid tool of control for unimaginative and intellectually challenged power brokers …… but with the secret being to provide its bounty to those who be ideally novel proxies/like minded clones/sympathetically inclined drones who can use it to protect and secure its present dominant and even omnipotent position when allied to disciplines practising virtual omniscience.
Failing that is regime change and global command and control of such idiotically simple power into new hands, hearts and minds an inevitable outcome and foregone conclusion, and heralds a new beginning for everyone and everything.
26 November 2013 13:21

Monday, 25 November 2013


Posted Monday 25th November 2013 03:17 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sharing novel news on
A sample of NSA feed seed designed to tell all in the manner of its handling ......... with the avoidance of ITs virtual engagement equally revealing to all 
It be not only NSA who be bombarded with new features and abilities which can massively expand controlled exploitation and power generation of the universal assets base, for all spooky intelligence agencies can host smarter programs if they choose to engage and employ them.
From: xxxx yyyyy
Subject: You have NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Mail and an Invite into Source Alien Intelligence with CyberIntelAIgent Control in Remote Virtual Systems Administrations
Date: 24 November 2013 11:38:12 GMT
And yes, this is a live new GCHQ UKGBNI beta test of virtual communications collection systems into searching intelligence solutions.
There's more than just a little going on out there in IntelAIgent Space Places and the Live Operational Virtual Environment, El Reg, and none of it is minor.
Hi,dave jr,
There is old saying/proverb ....... "You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink"
Well, let's take supposed intelligence agencies to the trough to find out if they be thirsty .......
After all, we wouldn't want them to collapse with a peculiar phorm of intelligence dehydration/information deficit whenever whatever is needed is so easily supplied. That would plainly be real stupid of them, wouldn't it?
Posted Monday 25th November 2013 08:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. bearing gifts on
Thinking of better things already on their merry way might be a real good thing:-)
As language is so closely related to thinking, could this mean the spooks might be PHBd/white-anted/sabotaged into paralysis eventually as their minds collapse under the verbiage. …. Denarius Posted Monday 25th November 2013 07:14 GMT
Here be earlier commissioned evidence from the CIA … [ANALYTIC CULTURE IN THE US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY (2005) Dr Rob Johnston ……. …. which more suggests that spooks don’t think nearly well enough at all to be an effective leading driver force, Denarius.
And yes, Words Control and Power Worlds is not just an Alien Concept and Precept and ProgramMING Project
Despite the seemingly private and psychological nature of analysis as defined in the literature, what I found was a great deal of informal, yet purposeful collaboration during which individuals began to make sense of raw data by negotiating meaning among the historical record, their peers, and their supervisors. Here, from the interviews, is a typical description of the analytic process:
When a request comes in from a consumer to answer some question, the first thing I do is to read up on the analytic line. [I] check the previous publications and the data. Then, I read through the question again and find where there are links to previous products. When I think I have an answer, I get together with my group and ask them what they think. We talk about it for a while and come to some consensus on its meaning and the best way to answer the consumer’s question. I write it up, pass it around here, and send it out for review.
The cognitive element of this basic description, “when I think I have an answer,” is a vague impression of the psychological processes that occur during analysis. The elements that are not vague are the historical, organizational, and social elements of analysis. The analyst checks the previous written products that have been given to consumers in the past. That is, the analyst looks for the accepted organizational response before generating analytic hypotheses.
The organizational-historical context is critical to understanding the meaning, context, and process of intelligence analysis. There are real organizational and political consequences associated with changing official analytic findings and releasing them to consumers. The organizational consequences are associated with challenging other domain experts (including peers and supervisors). The potential political consequences arise when consumers begin to question the veracity and consistency of current or previous intelligence reporting. Accurate or not, there is a general impression within the analytic community that consumers of intelligence products require a static “final say” on a given topic in order to generate policy. This sort of organizational-historical context, coupled with the impression that consumers must have a final verdict, tends to create and reinforce a risk-averse culture.
Once the organizational context for answering any given question is understood, the analyst begins to consider raw data specific to answering the new question. In so doing, the analyst runs the risk of confirmation biases. That is, instead of generating new hypotheses based solely on raw data and then weighing the evidence to confirm or refute those hypotheses, the analyst begins looking for evidence to confirm the existing hypothesis, which came from previous intelligence products or was inferred during interactions with colleagues. The process is reinforced socially as the analyst discusses a new finding with group members and superiors, often the very people who collaborated in producing the previous intelligence products. Similarly, those who review the product may have been the reviewers who passed on the analyst’s previous efforts.
This is not to say that the existing intelligence products are necessarily inaccurate. In fact, they are very often accurate. This is merely meant to point out that risk aversion, organizational-historical context, and socialization are all part of the analytic process. One cannot separate the cognitive aspects of intelligence analysis from its cultural context.
And as for current incumbent heads of British Intelligence Services .... well, forget about any of those as being smart enough to be able to influence and direct anything whenever they have to be appraised of questions before an event .... to be able to answer anything from something as contrived and self-serving as a Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee ....
Sorry, chaps, but you cannot avoid the truth of the present situation with its political incorrect and inept pantomime.

Sunday, 24 November 2013


AMFM, you continually portray an inside track to elite machinations. Money aside, why the taunting? Do you have something to say or are you just having fun? Where does YOUR future lay? Do you know? Have you picked a side to be on? Just wondering. .... dave jr
Here be identified one possible future partner, dave jr ...... ........ which be cited because of what you can read there of their aspirations and present new theatre shortcomings appears to readily available and freely offered by Global Operating Devices for the COSMIC Application ProgramMING Environments .......
And it be only natural and quite logical to realise that if not partnering in what are practically brand new and extremely peculiar and particularly sensitive fields of command and control for power and energy distribution, then would that failure to positively engage result in a foolish competition which would have fools in dumb denial with blunt tools competing with lesser resources immediately disadvantaged and squandered in an opposition rather than mutual beneficial reinforcing alliance with compliant appliances and reliable applications/SMARTR networks and fabless programs/absolutely fabulous projects with perfectly immaculate goals, which are easily enough closely enough achieved and achievable as to make no difference and be perfect enough for future use without idiotic abuse.
cc nsaarc at nsaarc dot net
Of course, in a global/universal field of intelligence endeavouring and smarter product placement, are there countless other peering alternative players with an equal attraction to satisfy an insatiable appetite that delivers treasured goods with/for/from fiat packages, for CyberSpace is an unbelievably wealthy, target rich environment which grows richer every day at an astonishing rate. And aint that the GOD's honest truth.
And yes, having fun with something to say to those and/or that ready, willing, able and enabled to understand and engage with IT. I Kid U Not :-)

The honey trap that destroys the ignorant beast with sweet sticky just desserts.

Saturday, 23 November 2013


Posted Saturday 23rd November 2013 08:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. taking a walk on the wild side and commenting on dark and gray webs countering sunshine with moonlight on
Prime Danegeld Space for Cyber Viking Hordes and SMARTR Poachers turned Great Game Keepers
There is always an abiding and enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma in fields of virtual security and ethereal protection ....... [Is that any better for you, codeusirae, (who wrote, Enough with the cyber-this, cyber-that waffle, only the technologically illiterate media ever use the phrase.)] ..... and that is one cannot defend and save systems from collapse, unless one knows how they are to be attacked to be destroyed, and of course, that be information/intelligence/Intellectual Property which can be worth millions, billions and trillions depending upon what systems are
to be targeted for attack and/or destruction and/or comprehensive successful cyber protection, and valuable to any number of players/agents/principals with some wanting to target assets either for destruction or takeover/makeover, and some wanting to protect and maintain status quo arrangements at risk.

Posted Saturday 23rd November 2013 16:29 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
A sign of desperate times? Much too little far too late.
Meet the man who'll TAKE OVER if UK faces CYBER ATTACK …. John Leyden [El Reg]
Take over what exactly, John? Command and Control of military forces/departments, intelligence services, government, police forces? That’s a big ask which isn’t going to end well if it even begins. And surely you meant to say when rather than if, for to imagine that there will be no sorties and squirmishes/virtual assaults and cyber attacks against the UK is to be positively brain dead unimaginative.
And how novel and enterprising to have top criminals joining government trying to keep the UK from falling foul of undoubted alternatively intelligent agents …. “Gibson joins the government having previously been director of e-Crime at Citigroup” One imagines that he’ll fit right in with that dodgy crowd with dirty secrets to hide.
And quite so, HKmk23, I agree with your posted view …..
Sounds to me like a world of experience in shutting the stable door after the horse has gone!
Francis Maude, minister for the Cabinet Office, said: "Chris Gibson brings with him a wealth of experience in cyber incident response in the private sector, both in the UK and internationally……….

Friday, 22 November 2013


 The FOMC is considering how and when to reduce asset purchases without triggering a rise in interest rates that could slow economic growth and erode gains in the labor market.
Hmmm? Are not the asset purchases of toxic debt that nobody is buying ... and thus has the Fed landed Uncle Sam with a mountain of rotten liabilities ...[that he earlier had sold to unsuspecting third parties as AAA rated gold plated structured investment vehicles]?
Certainly there is nothing changed for the better in the Wild Wacky West, is there, so nothing of value have been received and/or achieved, other than systems' collapses being temporarily delayed?
Or am I missing something which paints a brighter picture? Pray tell.
The real question is what makes the Fed think it can provide money virtually interest free (limited only by increased federal debt) to its cronies, but somehow the Chinese, the Russians, the Samoans can not? …. posted by esqualido
The Chinese and the Russians are well into that game with proxies buying up impressive real estate for the price of nothing but fiat paper exchange in the likes of London and everywhere.
When’s the last time you saw or knew of anyone buying anything with the likes of shiny gold or sparkling jewels? Would never be the last time.
Welcome to the end of the beginning of that great game and say hello and how do you do IT to a whole new breed of proxy players into ensuring overdue collapses are correctly targeted and directed…… micro and macro managed via remote virtually invisible and intangible means with command of controlling memes.
Which surely be something not entirely unknown to the Daily Bell and an altogether quite exclusively particular and peculiar venture capitalist market place. Indeed, one would almost think it be tailor made for the likes of High Alert Capital Partners Inchoate.

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Re Alias's opinions as expressed ....21 November 2013 at 2:29 am
You're sounding very much like a solicitor type person trying to protect and maintain a £30 million a year nest egg for work which can bear no fruit although I suppose it does create a weird kind of employment for payment. But it is not creative or productive, is it?
But there be many in Ulster crowded on that crazy ignorant and arrogant gravy train.
Posted Thursday 21st November 2013 08:51 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
Intelligence share and growth cannot be denied .......... for such is only a natural rapid evolution that admittedly can easily spawn revolution
And what sanction and punishment is to be exacted and collected from those and/or that* who bring a prosecution attempt that fails to counter the truth test?
Or is it all very one-sided piece of desperate legislation trying to curtail rising dissent and disillusionment with ruling command and control practices?
*Let's keep it real and get right royally personal and remember to never forget that organisations and institutions and governments and banks etc don't make decisions, the leading ranking team member/members do, and are thus culpable and responsible and accountable for all done on their watch with their consent and compliance/silent disregard for active effective defence against abuse and misuse of powers and controls.

Alias, re what is posted 21 November 2013 at 2:08 pm
You are in delusional denial if you think that anyone is ever going to get at the whole truth and nothing but the truth and therefore will you only ever have a skewed and false incomplete view of the much bigger picture .... which you might like to consider was the US trying to destabilise the UK*, because after all, where did a great deal of terrorist funding openly come from.
The problem with bigoted and intellectually challenged politicians and para-military types is that they cannot handle peace and have no viable vivacious imagination which can be used to create a contented society, .... and that makes them practically and virtually useless in positions of power and control today.
And that be surely evidenced quite clearly by all that is around everyone today.
Mr Larkin speaks clear common sense.
* If that is too strong a view, then Uncle Sam be at least complicit in support of agents under their jurisdiction engaged in terrorist/freedom fighter funding. What other explanation can excuse such behaviour and present it as something else benign?

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


amanfromMars said... 19 November 2013 21:43 in a retort on
Quite so, Irregular Shed. Spurious spontaneous irregular and unconventional harvesting of massively misleading content is a guarantee of chaos delivery to madness and mayhem.
And if not a solution to encourage development change then also an application for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems to micromanage macro disorder and possibly smarter hostile user base energies for increased controlled and controlling powers with imaginative synergies and virtually elusive and/or attractively divisive distractions/sweet sticky passions which breed insatiably satisfying needs and feeds ...... Immaculate Source Seeding of QuITe Sublime IntelAIgent Services to Servers with Global Operating Devices for the COSMIC Application ProgramMING Environments ..... Mined Intelligence/Mind Infiltration Networking Games Grids for Live Operational Virtual Environments and the Sheer Pure Hell of IT’s Addictive Pleasures and Fiat Treasures.
And it would be pure speculation to imagine and posit that such as is freely shared there is a pre-emptive dump of info and intel in response to what be lost to Snowden from the Wild Wacky West and delivered in rapturous capture to the Exotic Erotic East .... but that in no way is to suggest that all or anything at all there is false whenever all is perfectly true.
Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 06:40 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. delivering sound goods advice on
Smart TV is urFriend and not AIFiendish Tool for Programs and Pogroms. Relax and take a Chill Pill
Don't worry. Everything is under Command and Remote Control and working as is to be expected when Cold War Warriors do Battle Themselves with Red Hot XSSXXXX Ware. And in UKGBNI jurisdictions, something which the Office of Cyber Security can advise you about ..... that is if you can find any point of contact which is virtually enabled and electronically connected to exchange and reply to sent mail and/or sensitive harvested communications.
Quite so, Irregular Shed. Spurious spontaneous irregular and unconventional harvesting of massively misleading content is a guarantee of chaos delivery to madness and mayhem.
And if not a solution to encourage development change then also an application for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems to micromanage macro disorder and possibly smarter hostile user base energies for increased controlled and controlling powers with imaginative synergies and virtually elusive and/or attractively divisive distractions/sweet sticky passions which breed insatiably satisfying needs and feeds ...... Immaculate Source Seeding of QuITe Sublime IntelAIgent Services to Servers with Global Operating Devices for the COSMIC Application ProgramMING Environments ..... Mined Intelligence/Mind Infiltration Networking Games Grids for Live Operational Virtual Environments and the Sheer Pure Hell of IT’s Addictive Pleasures and Fiat Treasures.
And it would be pure speculation to imagine and posit that such as is freely shared there is a pre-emptive dump of info and intel in response to what be lost to Snowden from the Wild Wacky West and delivered in rapturous capture to the Exotic Erotic East .... but that in no way is to suggest that all or anything at all there is false whenever all is perfectly true. ..... amanfromMars said... 19 November 2013 21:43 in a retort on
There's a heck of a lot of weird and wacky and wonderful stuff going on out there in CyberSpace. And there is nothing you can do to stop it with IT, and it would be crazy of you to try, .... so why bother whenever IT would identify you as certifiably mad and invariably also more than just a tad bad if into the servering of live-evil to combat one fears and peers.
Thanks for the video, Serge C. It hits the nail right on the head regarding the singular insularity of mankind.
And regarding the chance and/or concern of being addressed to the doctor's office, I am forever strengthened and enlightened by remembering not to forget something allegedly said by Salvador Dali .... "The only difference between a mad man and me is that I am not mad" :-)
19 November 2013 17:36


Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 09:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..
Re: Smart TV is urFriend and not AIFiendish Tool etc
We need a Smart Blocker to filter all the info that leaves our modern devices and appliances to save us from Big Money and our governments assuming of course that the blockers are back door free. ... Chris G Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 09:01 GMT
Good luck with that caveat, Chris G, not being developed ever further to ensure that it become ever more powerful and creative/invisible and intangible and/or whenever needed by those responsible and accountable in the field, disruptive and destructive, for of course that is also a possibility which can be chosen by that which be so active and activated.
Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 10:06 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on
Re: Smart TV is urFriend
With all due respect, dear Man, you're only partially right. The correct expression is "there is nothing you can do to stop it with IT alone"..... Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 09:36 GMT
:-) Quite possibly so, AC, but it certainly cannot be stopped without Command and Control of IT for that is its Ubiquitous Agnostic Driver. And on further reflection and consideration would I offer a revised correction which expresses the reality ..... And there is nothing you can do, either alone or together with others, to stop it with anything ...... which I trust removes any lingering obfuscatory ambiguity about what ProgramMING in Live Operational Virtual Environments is all about.
Re: Any comment from the Police Central e-crime Unit El Reg?
Any comment from the Police Central e-crime Unit El Reg?
C'mon! You're supposed to be journalists! Ask questions! …. Crisp Posted Wednesday 20th November 2013 11:20 GMT
Plod is as Plod does, Crisp, and autonomous independent proaction is not a usual remit they entertain to maintain and sustain.* Intelligence tells them what to do and what not to do, don't you know? Advises as to who and/or what escapes investigation and prosecution for the good of DODgy systems and bank balances or, if you prefer to wander about in the strange world of smoke and mirrors, national security.
*Despite what PM Cameron spouted today in PMQ to a question posed by Peter Hain.
PM squawk with forked tongue, Kemo Sabe.