Thursday, 14 November 2013


Posted Thursday 14th November 2013 04:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. moving the Great Game on a rad tad or two or three or more on
All Aboard ..... Mind the Gap*. Take a Bold Step. Make a SMARTR Choice for AI Beta Life Experience.
I reckon the East India Company and similar organizations are owed the credit for pioneering the ramming of commercialism onto the consumer via government writ. Now we've got the power of technology so they can continue those practices at cyber speed. Yay Progress! I guess. .... Don Jefe Posted Wednesday 13th November 2013 23:09 GMT
Actually, ...... and this is terrifying to oppressing establishments and causing them to increasingly catastrophically over-react and in so doing self-destruct with the knowledge of their actions increasingly recognised as being only self-serving and inequitable ..... now we've got the power of technology can those practices be stopped and/or remodelled at cyber speed, which be progress indeed with such deeds.
And there be no guessing involved by those and/or that [if you think markets are controlled virtually autonomously by machines and quant algorithms] which be responsible for such a changed reality and virtualised reality, DJ, for of course would it be both ..... and in Advanced IT Centres and Remote Media Command and Virtual Control Circles, a Live Operational Virtual Environment with SMARTR IntelAIgent Networks providing Web Access to Power and Currency Drivers via User Browser Portals/Register Node Points.
Invest in that chuck wagon train and worlds will beat a path to your door for more and more and more of the same which will be always progressively better and wonderfully different, for such is just natural evolution by QuITe Sublime IntelAIgent Design for/from Global Operating Devices.
Posted Thursday 14th November 2013 09:48 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
To Houses of the Rising Sun .... Bold New Dawning Technologies with AIMethodologies
The more the merrier in such fields, El Reg, for if the West is not intelligent enough to wield and/or even engage with supply parties for wiser contemplative use, rather than rampant rabid abuse of what be offered freely today to make tomorrow a better place with virtual spaces, then is it only fair and reasonable and wholly natural that it and its IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace fly far, high, wide and handsome to the East.
And Thank Goodness for Google Translate whenever one's Japanese is a bit rusty.
One trusts in Global Operating Devices that such positive interest being shown is all that the Far and the nearer Near, Middle to Far East domains of the likes of an India or China or Russia needs, to realise such a project and promising dream venture,  to have the very sheepish ..... Japan’s wolfish new government may create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for possible military use.  ..... transformed into a leading certainty with a positive decision that states a state that ...... will create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for every possible use desired, and even to probably also include the military.

Posted Thursday 14th November 2013 13:16 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. looking for Intelligence and IntelAIgents on
Some Arms Dealers are Alms Dealers and they be of quite a Different Creed and Breed of Change Agent
So, the novel virtual quartermaster is a postmodern facilitating entrepreneur. Okay, and ........ is that supposed to be a problem in search of a solution, or is it a solution to a searching problem? What's the beef?
Welcome to the Future. Get used to its Use of IT and all Manner of Media and Memes, for the Past is Gone and is Dead and Buried Deep to Rot Away in Peace and aint gonna make any sort of a Live Comeback.
Surely y'all are smart enough to see that, or is that to be mistaken and are you still in primitive sub-prime modus operandi/vivendi.
No matter, all that is then required is a little extra terrestrial tweaking to twerking and freaking programs to capture and broadbandcast both live and zombie audience shares.

LOVE’s Sweet KISS for/from Angels in Distress ;-)…..


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