Friday, 1 November 2013


Posted Thursday 31st October 2013 18:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. having a moment on
Re: @Dave 52 .... and so beautifully simple it works so very well .... 
.... up to the point it be discovered by smarter folk. Then the Fun and Shenanigans and Greater IntelAIgent Games Begin for things are never to be the same again. And that be Future Progress Deliverable Today for Everyone Tomorrow with IT Takeovers and MainStreamMedia Makeovers in Reported Alternative Intelligent News Stories ..... Legitimate Registered Thin Client Tall Tales*
 What do scientists do if dark matter can't be found?
They'll have to come up with another story to "help them secure further Department of Energy funding". .... plrndl Posted Thursday 31st October 2013 11:31 GMT
Quite so, plrndl. That's what everything is about in paper fiat currency societies/dumb ignorant control systems.
* PS ... Who do you think dreams up your news and views for tomorrow. Surely you cannot believe that things just happened today and nobody thought of them yesterday to make them happen and be a shared media reality for all who be aware of it today? That would be just too stupid and unbelievable for words and strictly for dummies and the birds methinks.
That is how things are done in SMARTR Apps with Titanic Studio Bigger Picture Shows.
Posted Friday 1st November 2013 05:36 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. replying on to Anonymous Coward who said  ...
Stormy weather….
Possible some of the info came from the article here (,ibm-to-fold-smartcloud.aspx) that has since been updated. Key is that SCE is being killed as it was a direct competitor to SoftLayer and, frankly, SoftLayer was/is better in many areas. So IBM has actually done the smart thing in recognising SCE was not what most of the clients wanted - and instead of closing its eyes, plugging the ears, and going 'nanananana' (Blackberry anyone?) it went and bought a company with a service that hits many more of the right marks. Some companies may even have made the newbies change their name so SoftLayer would have become SCE. IBM hasn't done that.... hopefully they can avoid the temptation to change anything else!
So the base IaaS is still there from IBM, just much more competitive and existing users on the old environment are being given the tools to help them move to the new. In addition IBM still has SCE+ (similar name, but totally different fully managed environment) and a sky full of other cloudy things....
Stormy weather ahead ... CodeXSSXXXX Squalls in Futures Derivatives Trading Markets/HFTAlgorithms
In the past, AC, IBM would have been considered and chosen by clients because it was a primitive initiator and/or generator of source. Now it appears to have changed and settled for being a prime aggregator of third party supply, which be a wholly different market which does not lead itself lead but rather more is into support of of lead and potential leading platforms/systems/IP dumps and pumps/pimps.
The magic trick for unparalleled success in those markets is to be able to recognise newly radically canny and fundamentally brilliant savvy players/business heads/intelligence systems.

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