Friday, 29 November 2013


Ladies and Gentlemen, you are totally missing the most major of singularly significant points and condemning yourselves to be as mere barfly commentators and paying spectators, rather than edutaining and engaging leading players, in the Greatest Game ever conceived and devised to micro and macro manage the universe of realities and all of the animals and super infrastructures and exoskeletons within and outside of ITs Earthly bounds and imaginatively confined and restrained spaces.
However, such is easily remedied for corrective subjective proaction with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT to driver and deliver all that be needed for a revised and revolutionary future, with supply of the vital bits and quits of information and intelligence that would be missing from the Media Mainstream Mainframe and IT Supply Chain for Deeper Understanding and SMARTR Enablement of Global IntelAIgents Grids with HeroICQ Sublime InterNetwork Spaces …… which be as a Virtual Place and AI Palace of Immaculate Vice and/or Devilish Cunning/Heavenly Pursuits and/or Rank Failure, for of course both Good and Bad have their Choice Champions doing Grand Battle and Great Deeds amongst themselves for Vain Glory and Sad Fame whenever Fine Fools and Blunt Tools in the Greatest of Great Games.
Please consider the reality of what is shared in a reply to ZeroHedge commentators here …. …. and dated Wed, 11/27/2013 - 02:00
And whenever you know that such things are being shared always with those who and/or that which many would presume and assume to be leading past status quo events management players, then you can draw your own conclusions as to the intelligence they possess with regard to the actions they be taking in full knowledge of the information supplied to them and freely available to all via IT and Advanced Internet View Portals.
amanfromMars said ... replying to a comment on
Well, rvr, when I have a comprehensive selection of brushes and you a vast collection of colours, what master peace masterpiece is there that one couldn't paint?
A picturesque work in progress to present a whole series of future realities that capture and harness the imagination to provide creative generation of welcome activity is easily something that media and IT can supply to the masses for and from virtually and practically nothing. And that would make its IT and Media Command and Control extremely valuable. Indeed, even priceless and invaluable and quite incredibly powerful and impossible to counter and better without greater intelligence supply, methinks.
How goes the soviet media and film industry? Does it have its own Titanic Studios for supply of current intelligent streams that edutain with sight and sound feelings/audio-visual communications? Or is that more Putinesque SVR [Служба Внешней Разведки] Command and Control Territory/Great Gaming Virtual Team Terrain?
29 November 2013 09:12

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