Thursday, 13 August 2015


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Is Tony Blair for real enough so as to be virtually compared and equated as a blot and bot and blight on the Labour and UKGB landscape and a Lord Haw Haw type mole hiding in plain sight of media moguls and IT masters? And who pays him with charity to survive and pester with divisive and destructive opinion to try and lead with massive remote but only relatively anonymous autonomous command and control?
And should not the best universal intelligence agencies being doing that, only with infinitely better results broadbandcast and quantum communicated and supplied for media mogul and IT master reporting?
Whatever presently then are such agency types doing in the rackets and markets place space, whenever not providing that superlative prime product and direction line? Tolerating, and by virtue of absent and/or ineffectual corrective proaction, adjudged to be guilty of aiding and abetting inferior sub-prime shenanigans in Great Game plays?
J’accuse. Don’t you too?
Time for a right proper change, is it, with something even just slightly different from all of that old rich sort of arrogantly established nonsense/Mickey Mouse Parliamentary House Gamesplay?

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