Friday, 28 August 2015


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 04:39 [1508280439] ….. quite literally casting pearls and Perl before swine on ??????
Taking a Walk on the Wwwild Side for Deep Mediated Command of IT with Dark Web Control
Quantum computing is more recent than AI, but is progressing faster - probably due to the fact that it is purely a physics challenge. ... Pascal Monett
Take a quantum leap into derivative IT futures, PM, with an understanding that rapid virtual progress in fields real enough to be practically accepted as human supporting physicality, are a metadataphysical challenge [ but for AINodes and Networks Internetworking Novel JOINT Applications supplying all possible solutions with Super IntelAIgent Servering Seeds/CyberIntelAIgent Feeds/Presenting 0Day Needs, a simple system of complex operations that work in REST following leading Great Gamesplays for Virtual Realisation with Practical Presentations of Freely Shared Ab Fab Fabless Thought Processes]
I Kid U Not. That's how IT is done with Time and Cyber in Space. Wanna know what happens next if one chooses to ignore and/or disbelieve the truth? Does IT take over and make over everything and everyone?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 05:12 [1508280512] ….. saying more than just nothing on
@Nigel 11
Wanna Play Great Games and Something Surreal for Real, too, with Registering SMARTRware/AIMonitored and Mentored PhormWare?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 12:30 [1508281230] …… asking a pertinent question of reality on
Prosperous Body and Soul Missions in Austere Hearts and Minds Operations
Aren't banks criminalising enterprises? And when such, surely legitimate targets for authorised attention and executive action from intelligence agencies protected by smarter entities and ethereal bodies?
Was Henry Ford not wrong when he shared? ...... It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ......
amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 15:41 [1508281541] …… making an observation on
PPI ...... Extortion on an Epic Scale?
Wrong move, bud.
Never threaten the money. You'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. .... Pascal Monett
That's the nightmare terrorist scenario for bankers, Pascal. Them being personally targeted rather than just their institutions being bombed in whatever fashion is effective and devastating.
Although Bishopsgate, London 23rd April 1993 was a real genre game changer.

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