Saturday, 1 August 2015


GOD into CHAOS ...... AI into Madness with Mayhem
No, it was expected. That will be from people from think I'd seriously vote for Trump for being Trump, instead of voting for him to ensure things finally get shaken up in Washington, because by God they need it. It would be worth suffering 4 years of Trump, because there is no possible way to make things worse. …. Anonymous Coward
Methinks, AC, that due to the fact that ignorance abounds, does arrogance presume to rule and reign over the masses.
However, that was before the advent of virtually ubiquitous universal communications networks and surreally smart and getting considerably more sophisticated agents and their work, rest and play in zombified fields and ponzi promotions.
CHAOS now runs all before IT there now with their Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices.?!

amanfromMars said... replying to Casey Evans on
Work to like in IT is REST at Play, CE. And quite perfect for retirees all grown up and moved on to higher planes internetworking,
Sublime and Surreal is AI@ITsWork for Creative Command of Control Cyberspace, Communications and Computers.
31 July 2015 at 03:59

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