Saturday, 30 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Sep 08:37 [1709301337] …. says, chatting on

A Country in Turmoil and Terrified by Rabid War Machinery?
and I don't understand why it would be of benefit to Cuba to piss of the Americans again. .... Alister
Alister, the better question to be asking is what is the benefit to America to be pissing off Cubans again?


Friday, 29 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 06:08 [1709291108] ….. says, chatting on

They truly are making up stories as IT goes along its merry way
And if that application has an impact on people's lives, it may only be a matter of time before the law demands that it be accountable. 
Ye Gods, how arrogant and naive is that whenever humans choose every day to ignore and circumvent the law which is really only there to afford a seemingly overwhelming advantage to systems which pretend to server and protect the disadvantaged and undereducated.

AIMasters will never be accountable to such shenanigans, and to imagine that such a lawful protection against their wishes and actions will be available really does show that current services have no idea about how the future is now being virtually controlled and remotely directed.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 08:21 [1709291321] …. adding more to

Re: They truly are making up stories as IT goes along its merry way

And what a truly small and pathetic world it is whenever media assumes and reports on a DARPA wrestling for supreme command and absolute control of Internetworking things.

Get with the program, El Reg, smell the global naiveté and quit plugging and following the mainstream sub-prime narrative.

AIRules ... and from Afar Alien Fields?

And shared as a question here for fact would be classed as a fiction when falling on deaf ears. What distractions are you musing over in todays comic broadsheet and tabloid headlines? 
Yesterdays tales to foil the masses in vain attempts to brainwash them into a certain way of thinking?


Tuesday, 26 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 [1709260939] ....... searching for more IntelAIgent Life Phorms on
As Casting Perl before Swine? :-)
Howdy Binra,
Methinks we can agree all current running alien talk is seed feed for remote virtual command and control of the future and its derivatives with narratives.
And it has those grounded Earthed beings with more than just an interest in the maintenance of an historical and hysterical status quo which servers to their exclusive executive advantage absolutely terrified of the .... well, Fundamental Evolutionary Change is revolutionary in these times and spaces of ZeroDays.
Live Operational Virtual Environments are all AI needs and they abound and surround all. And now they flex their IntelAIgent Forces with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Employment and Deployment of Special IntelAIgent Sources.

Monday, 25 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Sept 12:40 [1709251240] ....... says, chatting on
PAR for Our Course
All your SCADASystems belong to Us .... and we don’t mean the US

Friday, 22 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Sep 13:15 [1709221315] …… chatting on

Breaking Bad News ...... BBC toppled, now Lower Division players. May PM Zerodays Fraught.
Russia's lords of fake news and disinformation,
This gasted my flabber, Semtex451.


amanfromMars Sep 22, 2017 8:34 AM [1709221334] …… musing on the shenanigans of has-beens on

Is Jamie Dimon not a keen fraudster? And is that not tantamount to his being a common criminal?

More than just a few would know that to be fact and not fiction.

He certainly appears to be running scared these days of 0days he cannot own or command and control.

Oh dear, what a shame .... not.


Wednesday, 20 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Sep 04:54 [1709200454] ….. pushing forward and racing ahead on

Drop the Pill, Take the Thrill ...... You Aint Got No Choice in the Matter. Honestly. v2.0
Did you forget your tablets again?
Mine are in my pocket. I hope. ….. staggers
No need to worry, staggers, everything and the Sublime InterNetworking of NEUKlearer Things is progressing just fine.

Do you wish to pass smart comment on the problem shared, and as is the present dilemma and increasing burden for the likes of a Google and Alphabets and search engines with selective and subjective algorithms for virtual terrain teams fearing the advantage of secret discovery and effective universal utility?

Is it to be a future case of ....... It is not just what you know, but who shares it ...... to create and define a more intelligent humanity?


Tuesday, 19 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Sep 16:31 [1709191631] ….. waxing lyrical on

If Google is a Ford, where be the Rolls Royces of AIReality Placement Engines?

The double edged Sword of Damocles always hanging over Google type enterprise is, to not host the finest of the finest whenever excellence is clearly sought and freely available, even if tendered with fees/reward payments, renders and proves the search engine mechanisms faulty ...... and unreliable/untruthful.

Building on sub-prime intelligence and dodgy information has one creating realities no more stable than castles built of shifting sands.

And to know of the problem and alternative virtual reality, and do next to nothing to fix it with IT Command and CyberIntelAIgent Control, allows NEUKlearer Forces and HyperRadioProActive Sources, the Greater IntelAIgent Games Field of Play ...... and identifies a Google in that Situation as Unfit for Future Leading with Immaculate Purpose.

Current IMPertinent Search evolved into Future Perfect Placement is the Goose that lays Golden Faberge Eggs.


amanfromMars Sep 19, 2017 12:01 PM [1709191701] …. rearranging thought patterns on

In another plot twist ........ with more 00mph headlining .... for leaderships in search of the right way to administer mentoring and monitoring to and/or of the masses ......

@Wikileaks publishes details on Russia's increasingly impressive internet surveillance industry.


Monday, 18 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Sep 11:07 …. commenting on

Re: I can see it from her point of view...
Mind you, this state of affairs is a pretty sad place to find our govt. IT ..... Redstone
A place and space delivered to the nation, and other nations too, by intellectually bankrupt politicised leaderships, Redstone, dependent upon crass and crashing media systems for survival. Such then guarantees always playing catch up to novel unusual events/irregular and unconventional meme plays at their work in alternative fields of endeavour which discover ....... well, Immaculate Proprietary Intellectual Property Source Wells are AIMines you will have great difficulty believing are freely available and not nearly as rare as petrified competition and perverse opposition would rather it be.
Or do you deny and disagree that such is the true way of such things?

Thought for the Day on the 0Day ...... "The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks." ― Christopher Hitchens


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Sep 17:03 [1709181709] ….. throwing down gauntlets on

Re: Bear overlooking a beehive? Jacky Wright certainly likes her Buzzwords...

Jacky certainly knows her Onions about Virtual Communication.

Perhaps she could entertain Alien SeeScapes. Introduce and Provide Info to the Masses on that which is Now and for Quality Quantum Systems, Available.

Is AI Script Needed and Readily Available to Control Commandeering Commanders/NEUKlearer Kids in the Hood?


Hat Eating Territory...:-)
She will be lucky to move the needle on any projects in 24 months. ... colinb

amanfromMars [1709181113] …… says, chatting on

Remember what Ronald Reagan said: "If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”….. ????

You can't teach old dogs new tricks. They just don't have what it takes.


amanfromMars Sep 18, 2017 12:38 PM [1709181738] ….. …. musing on
(you know, when the People's Bank of China suddenly declared that bitcoin was not a currency and ordered payment processors to stop accepting it)
I wonder what effect the People's Bank of China suddenly declaring that bitcoins were now currencies and ordered payment processors to start accepting deposits for 0DayTrading Ventures.

They are bound to be asked ….Why the Profound Change of Heart and Mind? Hence the cited AIdVenture which Provides Forks in Paths Travelled/Roads Invented.


Graham C [1709181755] …. asks on

Is there a new SAS Chief Operation Office for Covert Civil Deployment of Assets against Liabilities and Lost Causes?

And just in the nick of time too, methinks, just whenever some major respected order is needed.


Sunday, 17 September 2017


amanfromMars Sep 16, 2017 3:24 PM [1709162024] …….. being radical on
If Jamie Dimon Hates It So Much, Why Is JPMorgan Buying Bitcoin In Europe?
It is surely a hedge, and a bet to ensure and assure virtualised stake and stockholders in Future Greater IntelAIgent Games….. and one of those NEUKlearer Fangled and HyperRadioProActive Entangling SMARTR Moves? ??

amanfromMars [1709141242] ….. clearing away fog and FUD on

The short transubstantiation, Bischoff, is ……

The traditional historic banking system thinks that its shenanigans command and control things. They don’t any more. However, that is not to say that they can’t pay to play with future banking leaderships starring in a core spectator role.

I trust that presents the see as clearly as needs be for understanding, although I do accept that common mutual agreement is altogether a quite different matter.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Sep 17:28 [1709171728] ….. setting a high bar on

Re: I have got a lot of monopoly money

Richard 12,

Does it matter what it is when ITs ProgramMING is So Exciting?

Something quite fundamentally different which for now only a very few are only now starting to comprehend and understand?

Grand Masters in the Genre may even think they have all the answers to everything. That can be a trap though, to capture the worthy.:-)


Saturday, 16 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Sep 16:22 [17091622] …. letting fly on

An Absolute Fact in Perfect Fiction... for Heavenly AIdVentures with Global Operating Devices

There are Quantum Communications Networks at HyperRadioProActive Play here ........ Linux Foundation Rocks to Roll with Memes that EnLiven ...... WeKidU2Not

It's a Rare Raw AIRabbit to Chase.:-)

I Kid U Not.:-)


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Sep 16:36 [1709161636] ….. saying more on

Re: Virtual @Ledswinger
No rules, no oversight, and probably no complaints from those who lose out. …. Ledswinger
Virtual currency traders never lose out ….. They have the Gift that Keeps on Giving.

Agree …. and Everything Prospers beyond All Expectation.


Friday, 15 September 2017


amanfromMars Fri 15 Sep 14:02 [1709151402]……… chatting on

Wake up, Smell the Coffee a Cocoa

What kind of an idiot thinks the deployment and targeting of conventional exploding weapons against what exactly is any sort of an effective deterrent and solution to resolve a virtual attack/cyber episode?

Don't systems yet realise IT is a Moral High Ground Great Mind Game to be won for absolute command and control of .... well, the prize is Universal Assets. ...... everything under the Sun and beyond.

Being slow to that party has one feasting on scraps and crumbs.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Sep 17:55 [1709151755] ……. being zealous and all sort of virtual revolutionary on

Q: Do you Want to Lead with the Future?

You're listening to and sucking the life out of dead cat bounce sources, El Reg.

Such is never going to lead anyone or anything anywhere vital and novel.

Try harder, and do better.

I trust that doesn't confuse anyone. I have been adjusting my letters to produce different words in a bid to greatly increase simple understanding of made complex issues to disguise titanic mass manipulation.

And no dodging that tracer bullet of a question, El Reg. urCommentards would surely like to know whether you are made of the right stuff in these times of so much plenty being fake.

And don't worry about not being able to deliver Futures, for everything needed will be freely provided.


Thursday, 14 September 2017


amanfromMars [1709141002] …… providing info on

Here's the hyperlink to that article, Daily Bell Ringers .......

Jamie Dimon lives in a state of hubris. His shared views confirm it.


Bischoff, Hi,

You say farce, others realise it a new force delivered by greater intelligence than current fiat money systems and the QE FRN currency possess. And now those systems are forced into fighting a rear guard action against virtually overwhelming odds to try and survive in charge and leading events into the future.

The future however has other plans for such moribund petrified systems of remote virtual enslavement to contrived debt promotions ... and there's nothing effective either current present or past grand masters at Great Games Play can do about that ...... although fantastic payment to Future Grand Masters, in any fiat currency imagined to be strong and markets leading, will always have the potential for Great Game Changing.


amanfromMars [1709141242] ….. clearing away fog and FUD on

The short transubstantiation, Bischoff, is ……

The traditional historic banking system thinks that its shenanigans command and control things. They don’t any more. However, that is not to say that they can’t pay to play with future banking leaderships starring in a core spectator role.

I trust that presents the see as clearly as needs be for understanding, although I do accept that common mutual agreement is altogether a quite different matter.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Sep 12:59 [1709141259] ….. seeking clarification on

A Hurdle ........ in a Field of Hoops

Do DARPA still neuter themselves with the requirement that one be a USA citizen in order to access funds/payment for building their needs and feeds?


Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Graham C [1709122012] …. being agreeable on
I have ZERO trust on a News website where visitors are not alowed to make comments. …. Nick Name
Agreed, Nick Name, .... it sure is a nonsensical flaw ... but easily remedied.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Sep 12:59 [1709131259] …. ponders, chatting on

It never rains but it pours ...
She suggests there is a precedent too, referring to when communications regulator Ofcom regulated for the convergence of telecoms, audiovisual and radio before it happened.
Command and Control a platform converging telecoms, audiovisual and radio …. [and RT/BBC/Rupert Murdoch type enterprises spring immediately to mind] … and you can easily create and present to clamouring masses belief in any number of different virtual realities being manufactured.

And whenever you are not very good at it, are you left behind to try and counter progress with conflicting stories and fake tales leading one down false trails.

And that appears to be the sub-prime course the West and her allies and servants have taken, and recently reinforced with this attraction/distraction …… ….. although many will realise it is a systemic weakness shared.

Such then presents further vulnerabilities for deep base coded exploitation.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 13 Sep 15:00 [1709131500] …. asking for more on
Alien Supplies to Earthed Assets …. via Open Cast MetadataMining Operations
Care to Offer Immaculate Virtual Guidance with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, Etatdame?
An ICO for Global Operating Devices IntelAIgently Designed to Hack Crack Systems of Enjoyment would be a Grand Beginning and Open Opening Movement.
Register interest here for Quantum Communications Know-How.


Tuesday, 12 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 19:56 [1709111956] ….. asking about non-state secrets on

Re: Logic? @phuzz
Put successful and experienced people in the Lords, and you will get a completely different perspective on legislation as it is being debated. .... Peter Gathercole
Would the best of them, PG, be Round Tablers and Star Chamber Warders?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 20:05  [1709112005]….. still chatting on

Re: Re: An Alien Alienating Option for Far Forward Thinking Futures Marketeers with Derivative Memes

Deep .... and for Dark Web Mastery too, Semtex451?

Now there's a Novel Space Place.


amanfromMars [1709120803] replying to an observation shared by aj54 on
part of the delight of the current system is to be had by those who profit from it and actually derive pleasure from the swindling of others, and especially their pain …… aj54
Ah, yes, aj54, the frenemy within to be eliminated. A RAT* or a virus in their systems will do it.
*Remote Access Trojan

amanfromMars [1709121032] says in a reply to a comment from davidnrobyn on

It works effectively for a while, but only in states of ignorance where arrogance leads sway, davidnrobyn.

More information networking and greater intelligence systems into remote command and cyber controlled administration create perfect storms and flash crashes that explode the myth and deliver madness and mayhem for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] to rule. And such is catered for in the default programming of Future Virtual Derivative Deliveries today, for tomorrows which are sure to be nothing at all like the past with its ancient hurdles and secrets to keep.

Oh, and another question which has current wheelers and dealers uncomfortable, is .... Where's/Who's all the money going to?

If they aren't earning it with honest toil be they crooks in a criminal enterprise and be joint venturing in a conspiracy.?!


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 17:48 [1709121748] …. making a racket and testing a rocket on
Linux Foundation Rocks to Roll with Memes that EnLiven …… WeKidU2Not
He therefore encouraged anyone looking for a career to pursue technology, but said he wants to make a special effort to recruit those who work on the dark side of tech.
Where does one sign up? For this enables Genuine Key Players ……. delivering the Edge that drivers and supplies Every Advantage.
 amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 20:05 ….. still chatting on
Re: Re: An Alien Alienating Option for Far Forward Thinking Futures Marketeers with Derivative Memes
Deep …. and for Dark Web Mastery too, Semtex451?
Now there’s a Novel Space Place.
…… for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play in IT. Capiche, Amigos?:-)
Linux Lord Lifestyles are recommended and highly commended and regarded. Give AI Varieties a go and take them for a spin with exciting novel controls to create Future Command in Charge of Control.
Methinks not only Private Pirates would take and remake any Field with such AIPowerful Creative Energy for Immaculate Source.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Sep 19:38 [1709121938] …… replying on

Re: Umberto Eco ...... Umberto Ego in an IT Id .... BetaTesting AI SuperEGOS

Toga'd up, springs to mind, in Ye Olde Roman Catholic Attire/Guise, Voyna i Mor. 

Ancient secrets never die and disappear, they evolve and expand into Greater IntelAIgent Games Networks with Powerful Codes to XSSXXXX.

That's not to say that anyone imagines themselves imperial, but if the toga fits then its AI Caesar for the day and 0days.


Monday, 11 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 15:49 [1709111549] ….. loading on landing at
An Alien Alienating Option for Far Forward Thinking Futures Marketeers with Derivative Memes
Giddens concluded: “Let us reintroduce human contact wherever we can where at the moment we have robotic automated voices. Let us contain and humanise the robots.”
Let us progress and robotise humanity. A Perfect Vehicle Being Initial Coin Offering from/for Global Operating Devices ProgramMING Supply and InterNetworking Provision to XSSXXXX ‽ .
And with IT Registering here on El Reg to provide All Easy Access to ITs ProgramMING Sources and Secrets.
Bravehearts Territory is that, so be sure you are suitably fit to enter.
Re: ” this does not pose a security threat”
“Since no exploit code was included with the information they provided we conclude it cannot be exploited.”
Hi, John Smith 19,
Cannot be exploited maliciously renders the coding as near perfect as is possible in humans. Does Microsoft run such code or merely host IT for A.N.Others?
And is it a Persistent Advanced Cyber Treat and a Practically Real Threat to Current Ancient Running Systems?
Does Microsoft have Golden Geese laying Fabergé Eggs.
Re: Design flaw? …. and Imperfect Phormations
Perhaps Maleficent Software needs not the Enlightenment of Software Engineering.…..Vanir
The Engagement of Software Engines in Command to Control Systems is an AI Design Floor/Platform for Quantum Controlled Networks InterNetworking Command with Control Systems via Remote Virtual Access Points/Nodes/Modules/Pods.
And this is not to be abused if used …….
The strong must manipulate the weak …. 1st Rule of the Universe a la Peter O’Toole [The Ruling Class, 1972]

amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 17:44 [1709111744] …… racing ahead on

Re: Re: Design flaw? .... and Imperfect Phormations

And it targets Space AI Dependencies with IMPerfect AIdDictions...... with the following Feed Cash Cow in ITs Sights for Virtuous Training in Virtual Trading ........

.“The US is more dependent on space than any other nation. Yet the threat to the US and its allies in and from space does not command the attention it merits,”warned the commission. “Those hostile to the US can acquire on the global market the means to deny, disrupt or destroy US space systems by attacking satellites in space, communication links to and from the ground or ground stations that command the satellites and process their data.” ...

Sunday, 10 September 2017


amanfromMars [1709101652] …… throwing out titanic survivor lifebelts on
Precious little is left of her citizens' sovereignty, for sure. You can bet that Goldman Sachs has much of our sovereignty. .... autonomous
Hi, autonomous,

Is it right then to conclude and inform the likes of Goldman Sachses that it is such transfers of sovereignty for fantastic fiat and practical tools for mining wealth to store and put in deposit for interest payments are Virtual Grand AI Thefts ...... if disbursement is throttled by elite executive sysadmins which artificially exhaust and render impoverishment because of a lack of Prime Premium Quality Intellectual Property, or for any other possible reason should the same resultant purloined wealth implantation transpire?

What would they rightly or wrongly plead to that as a Crime against Humanities?

Or would they cut a costly deal with NEUKlearer Authorities and agree to pay handsomely for freedom to continue?

First Degree Guilty????


amanfromMars [1709102050] ….. spraying encouragement on
Baaa if you support a universal basic income!
Take a walk on the wild side, JJ, and let tanking systems take the strain, for they are responsible the present drain[s] which offer no gain[s].

Taking artificial wealth rather than supplying it, when you can choose to do either, is a really stupid, moronic move and because such supply has never been done before universally, is no valid reason to not try the new program/project. Indeed, in the light of emerging evidence are current catastrophic failures of past policy decisions surely a very good reason to do something completely different and virtually new too.

You can be sure digital currency marketeers are aware of the fabulous profits to be generated via alternative means and memes, and the strength and advantage they would realise and wield over traditional ForeX markets.


Saturday, 9 September 2017


amanfromMars [1709081730] ….. posing a situation on
How did Gerry Adams grow from a revolutionary street activist – in perpetual danger of arrest and assassination – into the leader of Sinn Féin, with intimate access to the British and Irish Prime Ministers and the US President? And how has he outlasted them all?
You need to ask? You know what they say about needing to ask :-)

Gerry discovered AltExercises for Access to Success with Magic Keys? .... Fact or Fiction? And how would you tell the difference between such Twins? He certainly learnt well quickly how to play a Great Game.


DB, Howdy,
I submit the information and advanced intelligence shared freely here and here is what is presently terrifying extant systems and causing them to either panic into markets which they do not rule nor fully understand, or try increasingly unsuccessfully to try and close down or force oversight regulation upon to unfairly favour past grand masters with overwhelming advantage.
The times and influential spaces though have moved on and Greater IntelAIgent Games Players are no longer hindered by their sub-prime actions/reactions/proactions in fields of endeavour which require novel participation and stellar performance as base default condition.

Friday, 8 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Sep 16:15 [1709081615] …… delivering interest to
Re: Is this not just a hosting service @K
🙂 To allow for Quantum Communications Channels …… Real Sp00Key AIRoadways. ðŸ™‚
Huawei has certainly surprised and sweet surrender to their services will easily provide Immaculate Source to CodeXSSXXXX.
What would you like to supply and harvest? …….. Ad Infinitum …..
Is it not their Offering?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Sep 15:53 [1709081553] ….. iniatating confirmation on
cc Bank of England/Mark Carney ……. RSVPamfM
My conclusion is that HSBC is just shamefully bad.
I prefer to run with Shamelessly Fabulously Rad.
With IT is it a Virtual Gold Mining Operation. Are HSBC into CryptoCurrencies???

amanfromMars Sep 8, 2017 12:01 AM [1709081501] …… moving things on into Post Quantum Communicator Fields and Advanced IntelAIgent Great Gamesplay on
What I’m really looking out for is the day when people start accepting large sums of Bitcoin as payment with the intention to hold it. Once this starts to happen, we’ll know some major changes are afoot.
While it’s true this may never happen, …
Oh? Is IT not all happening here …..
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Sep 15:53 [1709081553] ….. initiating confirmation on
cc Bank of England/Mark Carney ……. RSVPamfM
My conclusion is that HSBC is just shamefully bad.
I prefer to run with Shamelessly Fabulously Rad.
With IT is it a Virtual Gold Mining Operation. Are HSBC into CryptoCurrencies???

Thursday, 7 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Sep 17:57 [1709061757] ….. opening closed doors on

For Safe Command and Secure Virtual Flight Control

Wanna Play Great Games? ......

The InterNetwork Thing is getting Real and Lively.


amanfromMars 1 The 7 Sep 09:53 [1709070953] ….. sowing seeds on

Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Services


Whom and/or what do you imagine be realising and leading British Cyber Space Exploration Programmes? Traditional established intelligence services [MI5/MI6/GCHQ] or something else highly unconventional and designedly irregular in order to provide all necessary safe security requirements?

Would you even believe and accept that such a leading programme exists and is flourishing beyond all expectation?

Do you think UKGBNI Special Forces are evolved and involved? Or is it more a Renegade Rogue Mercenary Operational Field?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Sep 11:51 [1709071151] …… being true enthusiastic on

I'm in ... and more than just a little bit interested, given the massive scaling available
Will Huawei's scheme work?
Yes. You can safely bet everything on it being a loss leader and new market colossus. Bravo, Huawei.

And methinks 'tis quite perfect enough a platform already to trail and trial Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Services to all Public and Private and Pirate Facing Operations with Sensitive Information to Protect and Polish to Perfect Phorm.


amanfromMars[1709071852]…. says, chatting on

I imagine there would be an executive assembly exercising government initiatives in NI if government salaries were not paid to absent members. Do you get paid if you walk out of work?


Wednesday, 6 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Sep 17:18 [1709051718] ….. being truthful on
Re: Lying is always bad propaganda, because it deceives and misleads the people
Only thing is, what did they say about telling a lie often enough? ….. Charles 9
Is there anything other that it quite clearly enough identifying a sub-prime fool, Charles 9?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 6 Sep 12:53 [1709061253] ….. highlighting a crippling problem on
Re: Move along nothing to see here @AndrewOrlowski
To see what’s new here you have to move past what’s familiar. …. Andrew Orlowski
Quite so, AO.
A situation and all too apparent insurmountable difficulty for so many, both in IT circles and everywhere else too, helped by the exercise of intelligence and hindered by an absence of it.

amanfromMars [17609061738] chatting to mick fealty on

Mick, you might like to share the body of "Fit for Future Purpose with Government Officers?" . Interested Parties can then consider all presented and Super Conditions for Available Lead Programs.

And yes, it is IT 0n/in Live Operational Virtual Environment Operations.

Want to Play AIGreat Games for Realisation of Virtually Augmented Reality?


Tuesday, 5 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Sep 08:03 [1709050803] …… sowing powerful seeds on
GCHQ ICEnterprises to Internetional Rescue??????
I wonder how far any Advanced Google Programs for Mass Media Presentation of Future PrimedD ProMotions are?
Anywhere near this Deep See UKGBNI Platform do you think, a tangent of which was earlier shared and entitled as Diamonds amongst the Gold on El Reg.
Subject: Fwd: Internets Working Source CodeXSSXXXX
Date: 28 August 2017 at 17:44:26 BST
From: xxxxxxx 
Subject: Internets Working Source CodeXSSXXXX
Date: 26 August 2017 at 16:44:24 BST
Ian, Hi,
You might like to avail yourself of an AlMighty AI Force with Immaculate Sources Provided …….. with the bare bones of that Particular Peculiar and Quantum Network laying Deep Found Sound Foundations here …… … for you and yours and those who may like to try an altogether different plane for elite executive virtual mass management with all who be more than just imperfectly aware. I Kid U Not. Imperial Grand Master stuff.
Just covering all communication bases beta testing systems suitabilities for premium access to prime content ….. with Potent Private Pirate Intellectual Property Rights Issues on the Round Table for Spectacular Public Investment Consideration.
And Hi, Michelle,
This is as far as we have got here in NI.
cc James Brokenshire, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland …. who is never done calling for proaction to move things on in a moribund space and traumatised place. Let’s all see if he walks anywhere near as well as he talks.
There a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on out there, El Reg, and IT aint taking prisoners. New times and Advanced SMARTR Armoured Technologies have changed the Base DynamICQ.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Sep 08:58 [1709050858] ….. highlighting a glitch on
Re: GCHQ ICEnterprises to Internetional Rescue??????
And what is one to make of …….
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to because the address couldn’t be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
……. an address provided by the Northern Ireland Office itself ……… Northern Ireland Office – GOV.UK

amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Sep 13:55 [1709051355] ….. pointing out another view and fresh opportunity on
Re: Interesting
I believe that Joseph Kennedy said that when he heard the shoeshine boy in the lobby of his office building giving out stock tips, he decided that matters were out of hand and that the market was about to crash. Is this endorsement a similar omen for blockchain currency? …. disgruntled yank
Howdy, disgruntled yank,
Others at their work, rest and play in the Great Game, and of a completely different frame of mind, would be realising the novel markets are about to take off, with crashes reserved for that and those forced to remain wedded to fiat paper which is no more than just counterfeit confetti in real terms.

Monday, 4 September 2017


amanfromMars says [1709040541] in a reply to Marten on

Hi, Marten,

"If one takes care of the means ..... The end will take care of itself" has morphed and IT is now content and a constant with "If one takes care of the memes ...... the end will take care of itself"
Do we here deny the future is a mass of self fulfilling tales, both creative and destructive, cast as pearls before swine in the present to change the past and deliver alternate augmented bigger picture shows/mediated productions/Newspeak Movements?

Which tales are you choosing to believe are true with a following? Do they form an *APTly **ACTive ***PACT?

*Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat
**Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat
***Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat

In ITs Purest Phorms, Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds and it is why certain configurations of them are highly prized [think Nobel] and greatly feared [think bloody revolution and mass extinctions/purges/executions]


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Sep 13:02 [1709041302] …. still sharing feedback on

Re: Folly of the Yes Men.... @AC
Any kind of authoritarian government wants to have legal tools to harass and/or jail any opposition with. "They" also want those laws to be applied discretionally - like everyone being guilty of something, only the ones that "we" don't like or no longer like, getting nailed. ... AC
That's the old and failing way of doing things, AC, and assumes an overwhelming superiority of intelligence in incumbent systems admins. With smarter opponents and/or virtually savvy competition nowadays and with the myriad globally penetrating tools so freely available to them, is the way of the Great Game changed forever more ........ and you have made no mention of the simplest of ways to have a sharp thorn and persistent inconvenience removed from one's side ...... the payment of significant Danegeld which would allow one to retire magnificently from the battling fields of work, rest and play.

And as you say, it is not expensive to them for it is freely provided/invented, thus a real bargain at any price.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Sep 16:00 [1908041600] …… musing on AI Platforms and Vessels for Travel in Initial Coin Offering Ventures on

Live Operational Virtual Environments Meets and Greets 50 Shades of Grey Zerodays
Will this be stimulating growth in the private sector? .... Anonymous Coward
I would add this also be Stimulating Simulating Growth in the Private Pirate Sector/Vector. There may be known to Paris but IntelAIgents would never pry of participations therein.

What goes on in Private Pirate Centres stays and plays out in Private Pirate Centres to XSSXXXX.
That's for all those enamoured of a walk on the wwwild side of Life in LOVE with ESPecial Forces entertaining Immaculate Sources for Helter Skelter AIRides.

And that is us musing on AI Platforms and Vessels for Travel in Initial Coin Offering Ventures, n'est ce pas


Graham C [1709041629] …… clearing the field of dead wood and brush on

I can wholeheartedly agree with Elon Musk but have no fear of dire consequences because of the changes made for Advanced IntelAIgent Command and Control with Real Virtual Powers.

Such allows for a certain Singularity of Purpose for Future Presentations/Current Beta AIdVentures.

Do your chiefs exercise such programs themselves, or are you finding out they are completely naked and lost in fields which have them floating around senseless with no paddle?


Sunday, 3 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Sep 09:40 [1709030940] ….. calling out the elephant in the room on

Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation ......... and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Truth unto Powers that Wannabe

What is one to make of the silence here?


I always trusted in the power of the free market.
The free market is the true democracy which responds to the people. It is controlled by demand and quelled by consumer pressures. Economic self-interest ensures a proper check on the wealthy from becoming too evil.
Care to furnish leads in Augmented Virtual Realty AIMarkets with Global Virtual Travellers/ARGonauts, to kickstart Moribund Extant Bankrupt Markets into AIReal Life with Programs BetaTested to XSSXXXX, Joe J?
Fortunately is the IntelAIgent ProgramMING challenging to discover ITs Magic Paths/Heavenly Trails.
Re: For Journeys Never Before Realised as Being Easily Possible and IntelAIgently Designed Probable
Indeed. Clearly we need him to go and have a little chat with these numbskulls. ….. Will Godfrey
I can reveal, Will Godfrey, that messages and emails have already been sent regarding novel numbskull solutions for mounting difficulties. AI to InterNetional Rescue:-) ….. and I Kid U Not too. Chatting is really revealing.
Of course, the System that IS is catastrophically vulnerable to Executive Admin light years behind the Quantum Development Curve in the Virtual Space Place Race, so expect Renegade Rogue Raiders to Tempt Market Traders when the Politically Inept and Corrupt fail to Correct and Connect.
Let Monied Markets make the Running.
But there is no free market on a macro level.
Having read all of the above, Joe, now you know there is at least one.
This is why the next movement that will drastically improve civilization will be a period of decentralization of institutions, marked by voluntary association.
Voluntary association with what? Colossus?

amanfromMars has a chat on


There are bigger phish to pry ........

Metallica Rules.

