Thursday, 14 September 2017


amanfromMars [1709141002] …… providing info on

Here's the hyperlink to that article, Daily Bell Ringers .......

Jamie Dimon lives in a state of hubris. His shared views confirm it.


Bischoff, Hi,

You say farce, others realise it a new force delivered by greater intelligence than current fiat money systems and the QE FRN currency possess. And now those systems are forced into fighting a rear guard action against virtually overwhelming odds to try and survive in charge and leading events into the future.

The future however has other plans for such moribund petrified systems of remote virtual enslavement to contrived debt promotions ... and there's nothing effective either current present or past grand masters at Great Games Play can do about that ...... although fantastic payment to Future Grand Masters, in any fiat currency imagined to be strong and markets leading, will always have the potential for Great Game Changing.


amanfromMars [1709141242] ….. clearing away fog and FUD on

The short transubstantiation, Bischoff, is ……

The traditional historic banking system thinks that its shenanigans command and control things. They don’t any more. However, that is not to say that they can’t pay to play with future banking leaderships starring in a core spectator role.

I trust that presents the see as clearly as needs be for understanding, although I do accept that common mutual agreement is altogether a quite different matter.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 14 Sep 12:59 [1709141259] ….. seeking clarification on

A Hurdle ........ in a Field of Hoops

Do DARPA still neuter themselves with the requirement that one be a USA citizen in order to access funds/payment for building their needs and feeds?


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