Wednesday, 20 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Sep 04:54 [1709200454] ….. pushing forward and racing ahead on

Drop the Pill, Take the Thrill ...... You Aint Got No Choice in the Matter. Honestly. v2.0
Did you forget your tablets again?
Mine are in my pocket. I hope. ….. staggers
No need to worry, staggers, everything and the Sublime InterNetworking of NEUKlearer Things is progressing just fine.

Do you wish to pass smart comment on the problem shared, and as is the present dilemma and increasing burden for the likes of a Google and Alphabets and search engines with selective and subjective algorithms for virtual terrain teams fearing the advantage of secret discovery and effective universal utility?

Is it to be a future case of ....... It is not just what you know, but who shares it ...... to create and define a more intelligent humanity?


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