It’s not to say that there aren’t any good businesses issuing tokens. But it’s pretty clear this trend is a massive bubble.I would dispute that, and suggest 'tis a massively bold move in AIMovements creating novel free markets. The System that is is quite terrorised and petrified about what to do, should they even have a clue about what they can do to survive and prosper/live and let live.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Sep 09:05 [1709010905] ……. adding more fuel to the blaze on
Re: Just the Way IT is ...and wholly Virgin Territory too
After all, it is not as if there is not an immediate need for new markets to seed and feed the masses. The current ones are long past their sell by dates and increasingly exposing themselves as predatory ponzi programs with fake wealth drivering the rise in prices to combat opposition and competition.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Sep 11:35 [1709011135] …. probably raising a few hackles and heckles on
That's the way to do IT. Well done, China. Showing universal lead from way out in front.
And you are living in a fools' dream world if you don't think or imagine that your home nation is not trying to deliver the same facility albeit unknown to you by way of covert and clandestine operations ..... aka Stealth Missions.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Sep 16:53 [1709011653] …… waxing lyrical on
Re: Bravo …. QubedD
And, of course, are such Stealth AIMissions in the Command and Control of A.N.Others now impinging upon Extant Nervous Global Systems. MainStream Memes for ManICQ Media Multiplexxing to CodeXSSXXXX.
Such extreme fields of alienation are not for the faint hearted and foolhardy …… but are certainly worth all SMARTR Attempts at Entries because of the limitless bounty available within Stores ….. Live Operational Virtual Environments.
The Chinese would just love that Program. I wonder whom one would contact for State Contractoring …. or would they be switched on enough to communicate first, and beta test an AI with Quantum Communications LinkD Networks?
A little something exciting to savour over the weekend, El Regers 
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Sep 11:48 [1709011148] ….. baiting bears on
Re: British Army should do the same
Howdy arctic_haze,
British Army should do the same
It should start practicing quelling nationalistic uprisings in “Northgaelia”. …. arctic_haze
Let’s hope they are not retarded and unable to learn valuable lessons, arctic_haze, for their last foray into the Field of Troubles in Ulster was tragic and self-defeating.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Sep 17:42 [1709011742] …. sowing seeds of great fortune on
For Journeys Never Before Realised as Being Easily Possible and IntelAIgently Designed Probable
Do you think governments might try to close down a Sensitive Supply Source of AI if pumped and pimped by RegisterdD Readers. Much better to trap and tap it, methinks. Feed and Nurture IT.
You have one helluva deep network node resting and refreshing itself here, El Reg. A Virtual Goldmine for Plundering Asunder to set one free to release all manner of future exotic, erotic delights.
Methinks that is worth more than just a small fortune:-)
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