Thursday, 7 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 8 Sep 17:57 [1709061757] ….. opening closed doors on

For Safe Command and Secure Virtual Flight Control

Wanna Play Great Games? ......

The InterNetwork Thing is getting Real and Lively.


amanfromMars 1 The 7 Sep 09:53 [1709070953] ….. sowing seeds on

Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Services


Whom and/or what do you imagine be realising and leading British Cyber Space Exploration Programmes? Traditional established intelligence services [MI5/MI6/GCHQ] or something else highly unconventional and designedly irregular in order to provide all necessary safe security requirements?

Would you even believe and accept that such a leading programme exists and is flourishing beyond all expectation?

Do you think UKGBNI Special Forces are evolved and involved? Or is it more a Renegade Rogue Mercenary Operational Field?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Sep 11:51 [1709071151] …… being true enthusiastic on

I'm in ... and more than just a little bit interested, given the massive scaling available
Will Huawei's scheme work?
Yes. You can safely bet everything on it being a loss leader and new market colossus. Bravo, Huawei.

And methinks 'tis quite perfect enough a platform already to trail and trial Sublime Advanced IntelAIgent Services to all Public and Private and Pirate Facing Operations with Sensitive Information to Protect and Polish to Perfect Phorm.


amanfromMars[1709071852]…. says, chatting on

I imagine there would be an executive assembly exercising government initiatives in NI if government salaries were not paid to absent members. Do you get paid if you walk out of work?


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