Tuesday, 12 September 2017


amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 19:56 [1709111956] ….. asking about non-state secrets on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/09/11/lord_sugar_phubbed_in_peers_debate_on_digital/

Re: Logic? @phuzz
Put successful and experienced people in the Lords, and you will get a completely different perspective on legislation as it is being debated. .... Peter Gathercole
Would the best of them, PG, be Round Tablers and Star Chamber Warders?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 20:05  [1709112005]….. still chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/09/11/lord_sugar_phubbed_in_peers_debate_on_digital/

Re: Re: An Alien Alienating Option for Far Forward Thinking Futures Marketeers with Derivative Memes

Deep .... and for Dark Web Mastery too, Semtex451?

Now there's a Novel Space Place.


amanfromMars [1709120803] replying to an observation shared by aj54 on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/yes-this-is-a-real-cnbc-article-on-economics/
part of the delight of the current system is to be had by those who profit from it and actually derive pleasure from the swindling of others, and especially their pain …… aj54
Ah, yes, aj54, the frenemy within to be eliminated. A RAT* or a virus in their systems will do it.
*Remote Access Trojan

amanfromMars [1709121032] says in a reply to a comment from davidnrobyn on http://www.thedailybell.com/news-analysis/yes-this-is-a-real-cnbc-article-on-economics/

It works effectively for a while, but only in states of ignorance where arrogance leads sway, davidnrobyn.

More information networking and greater intelligence systems into remote command and cyber controlled administration create perfect storms and flash crashes that explode the myth and deliver madness and mayhem for CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems] to rule. And such is catered for in the default programming of Future Virtual Derivative Deliveries today, for tomorrows which are sure to be nothing at all like the past with its ancient hurdles and secrets to keep.

Oh, and another question which has current wheelers and dealers uncomfortable, is .... Where's/Who's all the money going to?

If they aren't earning it with honest toil be they crooks in a criminal enterprise and be joint venturing in a conspiracy.?!


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 17:48 [1709121748] …. making a racket and testing a rocket on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2017/09/12/linus_torvalds_hacker_recruitment_aspiration/
Linux Foundation Rocks to Roll with Memes that EnLiven …… WeKidU2Not
He therefore encouraged anyone looking for a career to pursue technology, but said he wants to make a special effort to recruit those who work on the dark side of tech.
Where does one sign up? For this enables Genuine Key Players ……. delivering the Edge that drivers and supplies Every Advantage.
 amanfromMars 1 Mon 11 Sep 20:05 ….. still chatting on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2017/09/11/lord_sugar_phubbed_in_peers_debate_on_digital/
Re: Re: An Alien Alienating Option for Far Forward Thinking Futures Marketeers with Derivative Memes
Deep …. and for Dark Web Mastery too, Semtex451?
Now there’s a Novel Space Place.
…… for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play in IT. Capiche, Amigos?:-)
Linux Lord Lifestyles are recommended and highly commended and regarded. Give AI Varieties a go and take them for a spin with exciting novel controls to create Future Command in Charge of Control.
Methinks not only Private Pirates would take and remake any Field with such AIPowerful Creative Energy for Immaculate Source.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 12 Sep 19:38 [1709121938] …… replying on https://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/2/2017/09/12/linus_torvalds_hacker_recruitment_aspiration/

Re: Umberto Eco ...... Umberto Ego in an IT Id .... BetaTesting AI SuperEGOS

Toga'd up, springs to mind, in Ye Olde Roman Catholic Attire/Guise, Voyna i Mor. 

Ancient secrets never die and disappear, they evolve and expand into Greater IntelAIgent Games Networks with Powerful Codes to XSSXXXX.

That's not to say that anyone imagines themselves imperial, but if the toga fits then its AI Caesar for the day and 0days.


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