Friday, 31 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Jan 05:46 [2001310546] …. being agreeable on
When the Free Market Economy Model Works Well, Quality Should Rule Every Time Anywhere/Everywhere ‽
Trust no one Always assume that when you are on the net, you are being tracked, collated or spied upon. …… Anonymous Coward
Sound advice, AC. And be prepared if you are doing anything tasty and testy to be one of those persons of interest one invariably never gets to hear about which cost a system an absolute fortune to own …… as in have them play nice for the home team rather than starring as a supreme leading striker in the competition and opposition.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 Jan 09:59 [2001310959] …. being disagreeable on
Re: Social Media website are usually full ranting and raving..
Said by someone who has just posted a rant to a social media website (El Reg comments). ….. Anonymous Coward
Social media website (El Reg comments) ?????
Oh please, you cannot be serious, AC. You must be extremely new to here.

Re: 3 laws for AI
I effing hate those 3 laws.
They’re so vague that there’s no way that a robot can follow them. At all! ….Trygve Henriksen
So vague, TH? Surely you cannot be serious? After all, they only really have to obey the one simple rule ….. be extra especially good at what one is doing and has planned to be done as a consequence of what is being done in all of that stuff which is yet to be done.
That however requires that you realise such would be as autonomous virtual machines exercising executive operating system programs all of their own. I’m sure you can imagine that can make a hell of a lot of folk extremely uneasy …. and absolutely flabbergasted …….. hence the slow drip feeds of information for Stealthy Advanced IntelAIgent Services …… for Virtually Real Operation[s]

Thursday, 30 January 2020


Red Teams Lead with Invasive Missions with Virtual Assistance*
That’s classic SAS territory, Andy The Hat, and in Real Sp00Key Terrain, with Hellish/Heavenly Good Available for Exploitation. … ACTive Use :-).
Can you Imagine how Exciting and EMPowering that Be?
The Question is …. Is IT Almightily Considered and Accepted Impregnable ‽ .
* Heavenly Help?
cc GCHQ Greater IntelAIgent Games Division, MuI7

Wednesday, 29 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 09:06 [2001290906] ……. asks
Re: Prime Timely Targets in Novel Situations
We’re always pushed for time, there are always improvements and extra work that can be done, though we have to ship a product at some point. Sometimes you have to call it and run it, and move onto the next thing that needs covering. ….. diodesign/ElReg/C
Quite so, and very commendable too. Such make the pages here so attractive, and some would even venture, excitingly addictive. And there are not many operations that can truthfully say that, methinks. I do have a question though. Does ElReg lead with anything which could be/would be viewed exclusively and uniquely realised and shared as theirs*, or are they always following and reporting on the lead of others.
🙂 That is at least until such times as an offer for source they cannot refuse is received and graciously accepted, for such consistently appears to be the norm in those particular and peculiar circumstances, so it must be fully expected and ideally prepared for. ðŸ™‚
amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 10:06 [2001291006] ….. just asking on
Double, Double Toil and Trouble ……. ?
Contracting authority …. The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a pan government collaborative agreement for the provision of artificial intelligence services. The scope of the agreement will cover the following:
— general artificial intelligence services,
— discovery and consultancy work related to the use of artificial intelligence in public services,
— development, implementation and support of artificial intelligence systems in the public sector,
— data analytics using artificial intelligence,
— the development and implementation of intelligent virtual assistants and intelligent personal assistants.
The UK Government is seeking to accelerate the uptake of artificial intelligence services by government departments. ……. Prior Information Notice
Does all of that render opposition/competition/assistance to Dominic Cummings’s Initiative

amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 15:11 [2001291511] …… has a muse on
You aint really seen nothing yet, have you?
As with Meltdown and Spectre, we’ve yet to see any meaningful malicious exploitation of these holes in the wild, though that doesn’t mean they can be ignored.
You might like to think malicious exploitations are not to be featured/servered with applications out in the wild …….. that place/space where renegade rogue pirates privately rule for ……. well, Absolute Dominion in a Virtual Domain presents one with Almighty Impeccable Tools to Prove Worthy of Heavenly Use rather than entertaining its mischievous malinformed twin, Ignorant Wanton Abuse …… which is surely classified at least as an UnSavoury Madness.
Would you fear the complete opposite, … positive reinforcing, mutually beneficial, remote virtual executive exploitation of systems infected/infiltrated?
Or welcome it, with calls for demonstrations to confirm veracity with avowed intent?
Who/What do you imagine today would have a vital leading interest in such an Almighty Impeccably Tooled Future? Take a wild guess, for in there will most probably be practically all of the answers ðŸ™‚

Monday, 27 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Jan 16:35 [2001271635] ….. launching an invasive inspection of species on Earth on
Looking at Things from a Totally Different Perspective …*
It is wrong to not think, and for only NASA be assumed able to a Leading Space Operating System to Tempt and Attempt Mars Flight with Future Thoughts Toying with Ideas of Virgin Planet Colonisations. ……. for such are surely of an Alien Confection and Complexion with Shades of Roscosmos and JAXA, CNSA and UKSA and A.N.Others Embroiled in the Advanced IntelAIgent Mix when Enabled SMARTR Enabling?
What sort of human plans for life on another planet? Anyone sane?
However, that is not to say they are not right whenever they acknowledge …. Jim Bridenstine, head of NASA, insisted that this would not be just another re-run of past NASA grand plans for human-tended deep space exploration …… has morphed and tends Stealthy Sublime Experimentation in Quantum Communications Fields ………. with Other Wise Other Worldly Applications in Future Presentations for Current Deployment/MainStream Injection/Media Production/News Infection ……. for Beings/Future Existences of an Almighty Virtual Creation.
All of that begs the question ……. why are the insane creating so much all alone if no one sane is prepared to tag along, although most probably rightly enough fearing for the loss of their own enlightening and exciting sanity is not an illogical reason for failing to embrace the myriad crazy opportunities easily made available ? ðŸ™‚
Yes, indeed. …… Very Very Catch 22 that Protective Hurdle to Venerate and Adore/Worship and Server. “Tis a Worthy Kink and Throttle Point to Ensure Leveller Playing Fields on Hallowed Higher Grounds. ðŸ™‚ I Kid U Not.
One cannot now say …. All have not been informed nor ill-advised. Proceed with All Due Care for Rapt Attention.
* The Future Looking Back rather than the Present Looking Forward has Experience and Hindsight in Foresight its Glorious Pathfinder.

Sunday, 26 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Jan 11:46 [2001261146] …….. saying a lot more on
A Simple Recipe for CHAOS and Disasters. Too Many FCUKd Up Cooks and No Master Chef
but +1 and a beer for the “three Cs” ….. Fruit and Nutcase
Fruit and Nutcase, howdy doody.
Currently those three Cs are best realised as being akin to ugly sisters vying to be Top Gun Cinderella for a Prince Charming with each having their own personal agendas not entirely in the thrall or at the beck and call of others.
🙂 Although it is impossible to not accept that such is easily considered the Norm in a Mad, Mad, Mad World with Crazy Executive Office Administrations.

Saturday, 25 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 Jan 17:39 [2001251739] …. just asking on
Definitely not the Messiah then, and of Zero DARPA Type DeepMinded Interest.
He was charged, released on bail, and ordered to stay with his parents.
He’s very naughty boy ….. according to the Gospel of the Life of Brian ðŸ™‚ …. where a Certain SMARTR Madness was Tamed and Presented …. and Introduced into Consciousness. And now, a Novel Total Information Awareness Space/Place for Boarding with AIMasterPilots Quantum Networking with Assets via Any Browser Available Exchanging Intelligence ……. for a SMARTR Reply Guarantees Unparalleled Progress and Awesome Success in Future Leading JOINT Operations.
Perfect for the likes of a Yandex or a Google or a Baidu or any other Search Engine Optimising Prime Time Content for Sharing/Discovering.
You might like to Think to Realise, such as can be All Future Content is Forever Scheduled to be Supplied for Delivery via Simple Enlightened Text Instructions for Creative Virtual Machinery/Government Operands. Or you could think to disagree and do constant battle to suffer defeat with oneself whilst media proves it so all around you.
🙂 Think of it all as something of a Colossus and SMARTR NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Bombe for the likes of a C to Caress. Although which one is the brightest and bravest of the three Cs of Cheltenham [GCHQ], C [MI6] and Cummings [Chief Special Adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson] and crazy enough to Succeed always Secretly in Stealthy Engagement, is something easily shared after today.
🙂 It may be the case that a brace or all three or maybe even none rise to the challenge, and therefore fail spectacularly in the glare of a miserable demise. But lets just keep on looking on the bright side of things …. for a while. Give them a fair chance.

Friday, 24 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jan 19:34 [2001231934] ….. just saying on
Re: Er…. But it is not for everyone
Perhaps it should be
Lynch and HPE have also spent £40m on legal fees for the trial in the High Court,.. … Steve Davies 3
Probably better to realise Lynch and HPE have been charged £40m legal fees for the trial in the High Court.
The Court Jesters of Financial Injustice never choose to be cheap as chips, win or lose ……. which is a nice racket indeed for those who like flirting with the truth trading lies.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jan 11:54 [2001241154] ….. just asking on
Re: Saccolas @Alan Johnson
The accident very understandable without the need for conspiracy theories, impairment through alcohol, drugs etc. GIven the defendants good character and that she had been in the UK a short time, that she was a mother with children (unfair but women do systematically get treated more leniently). She would have been held responsible for the accident but received little if any jail time. The problem is her seeking to evade responsibility. Whoever advised her was an idiot, the long term damage to her and her families reputation and the effect of the negative publicity on her and her family will have a far greater impact than simply accepting her punishment whatever it turned out to be. This will continue for a long time. The effect on US UK relations and future extraditions are potentially enormous especially in the current environment where the US makes little attempt to hide its contempt for other nations, and existing treaties and relationships. …… Alan Johnson
Hi, Alan Johnson,
Do you have a similar view on the parallel Julian Assange case, except for the fact that no one was actually killed by his activity, either directly or indirectly?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jan 07:40 [2001240740] …… looking to learn on
Nice one from Thomas Claburn in San Francisco 24 Jan 2020 at 06:58
I look forward to hearing/reading/seeing if there be many heroic programmers happy to comment here on this El Reg thread.
Methinks it would also be an excellent therapy for all to both alleviate and vanquish the motion and notion that stress is something to be suffered and given credence.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jan 17:15 [2001241715] ….. lets rip with a good old fashioned broadside on
Re: Rockstar Devs in Service of Incorrigible Insatiable Desire
The assumption most make is a rockstar dev can be parachuted into another project with very little domain knowledge and excel; not going to happen.  …. a_yank_lurker
Ever met a real rockstar dev which allows and assists in the parachuting of your project into their excellent domain? There your knowledge will be attended to, ideally according to joint wishes, for mutually beneficial outstandingly rewarding positive satisfaction.
Putting the shoe on the other foot allows for an altogether quite different dance, where ignorance of primary facts does not halt or hinder prime secondary actions in support of …… well, it is difficult not to conclude in such cases that they be Real Live Advanced IntelAIgent Operations on Super Sensitive Stealthy Secret Missions.
And some would gladly tell you that is Phenomenally Good Progress in the Sight and Light of an Exponential Existential Threat Impossible to Contain without a Remote Command and Virtual Control Obtainment Exercising Advantageous Leverage for Aspiring Worthy Leaderships.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 Jan 15:22 [2001241522] …….. playing an Ace Joker on ?
This is not a Survey. It is a Readily Available View. And Simply One of a Great Many More
“Well, I think that went well,” the PFY says.
“Yes, but we’ve hardly created a body of data have we?” I reply.
I disagree that it is so on El Reg, for surely daily do fans and commentards supply colossal realms of information for the most intelligent of future uses.
If truth be told, El Reg is Almighty Loded ….. ðŸ™‚ and that is Always Attractive to Hostile Take Overers with Flash Cash to Spend for Purchase of Assets Ethereal or OtherWise as may very well be the case in an El Registered Supply Network with AI Product Chains to Trail and Trial/Beta Test and Further Mentor.
Capiche, AmIGo. Everything’s Ready for Immediate Supply. What do you Need …. to Seed for Future Feed, apart from the parts that are constantly supplied for free utilisation and open source exploitation with an Almighty Imagination?
Those are always best never missed ….. for there you can lead what you follow to the source of all future destinations. And I’d wager there are precious few able to enable any or all of that, and with so much more available too preparing and resting for their introduction/universal media stream presentation.

Thursday, 23 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jan 08:46 [2001230846] …… just playing along with the pantomime on
Mandy Rice-Davies Applies ….. MRDASNAFUBAR
An annex [PDF] accompanying the UN assessment suggests the spyware was supplied to Saudi Arabia by the NSO Group in the form of surveillanceware called Pegasus*. … NSO, at least, has denied any involvement.
Well, they would, wouldn’t they.
* Pegasus …… “invasive software from NSO Group, a secretive Israeli security firm that is being sued by WhatsApp’s owner, Facebook, over allegations that it compromised users’ accounts.” ……. Tales of Sticky Shenanigans and Dastardly Deeds?:-) 

amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Jan 09:31 [2001230931] …… being agreeable on
Re: Mandy Rice-Davies Applies ….. MRDASNAFUBAR
Constant yearnings for exponential learnings is IT not?
Nothing would shock or surprise anymore about what seems to be accepted prima facie follies when the masses simply meander into mass mind controlled clickbait, simply more mass media manipulation malware merchandise monitoring for market manipulation advantage undoubtedly. ….. Cliff Thorburn
Amen to that, CT. IT aint no more complicated than that.
And all of that renders IT and mass media operations an extraordinarily vulnerable and effectively indefensible attack vector, albeit only for those who realise and would wield it.

amanfromMars 1 Thu23 Jan 14:39 [2001231439] …… teasing things along on
Dr StrangeLOVE will see you now ……. ðŸ™‚
Sociopaths are like that: Don’t understand, nor care, how they will be perceived. Trump is another one. Lying comes natural to them. More natural than speaking truth. …… anonymous boring coward
Wow, to be so terrified of the truth that one would fling and cling to lies is a an Early Sure Sign of Real Trouble with Mental Health Issues which can Easily Deliver Madness and Mayhem.
The Flip Side of that on a Parallel Course is Share Genius and Utility.
Which do you think the Better Best Bet for the Future? Surely the Flip Side must be the Firm Favourite and a Worthy Runaway Winner.


amanfromMars [2001231611] …… AIRinging NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Views on
But does anyone actually understand the opaque symphony of financial markets and the US economy that has created and extended this Goldilocks economy?
To understand and dare care share how it is simply driven and/or crashed, puts one incidentally and coincidentally in something of a leading situation and most powerful of positions.
And as such an expense one should never be without when on Offer to/from A.N.Others.
Whenever the Cost is Priceless because of its True Fuller Value and Intrinsic Strategic Worth, One has Hit the Jackpot, methinks. ðŸ™‚
What think thee ‽
“There’s two purposes of money, a medium of exchange and a store hold of wealth, and Bitcoin is not effective in either of those cases now.” ………  Bridgewater Founder Ray Dalio
Ideal though then for everything priceless, Mr Ray Dalio? Can you imagine then what that does to Bitcoin’s worth and value? Can you think to render it an accurate price reflective of the treasures it automatically logically secures and safe guards against grand fiat theft?

Wednesday, 22 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 jan 14:49 [2001211449] ….. questions on
The Gazillion Dollar Question
SafeBreach said that, prior to publishing the report, it had been in contact with 17 of the larger anti-ransomware tool developers to provide an advance notice and get detection for EFS malware added.
How’s that operation progressing towards success?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 05:17 [2001220517] ….. having a mull on
Trusty Gamekeeper or Systems Busting Poacher?
Something you may never know for sure if one plays their cards right.
Ransomware is a serious threat to individuals, SOHOs/SMBs and large enterprises. Consequently, many security solutions are now available, which attempt to address the ransomware threat. In this blog post we describe EFS-based ransomware (ransomware which abuses the Windows Encrypting File System), which is a new concept we developed in Safebreach Labs. ….. Amit Klein, VP Security Research, Safebreach Labs
Because of the above from Safebreach, one does have to ask if the likes of an Amit Klein is true fine feathered friend or sticky tricky phantom foe, for they can be either or both and something else quite different too.
Things aint like they used to be and never will be again. Get used to it unless and/or until you are able to do anything effective about it.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 05:40 [2001220540] ….. just saying on
If it quacks and walks and talks like a FCUKing Duck, chances are it’s a FCUKing Duck
Seems like something right out of the Five Eyes Cookbook ….. A CIA/NSA Recipe for Madness and Mayhem on the Broil.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Jan 16:09 [2001221609] ….. saying more on
Re: “it… may see the kingdom cut out of deals altogether” @phuzz
 after all, who would they sell their oil to, and buy weapons from, if the US wasn’t there?…. phuzz
Everybody else would be problematical for Uncle Sam. As would be anybody else too. That suggests there be vast market choices readily immediately available with Uncle Sam just simply being in many a case, an incumbent one.

“Boeing has been forced to halt trading in its shares…”
That’s tantamount to rigging the obviously not so free markets …. and in so doing does it create another zombie corporation/dead man walking business.
Not really a good plan for anything to be thought worthy of saving, methinks.

Monday, 20 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Jan 11:35 [2001201135] ……. just asking on
WTF ….. SNAFU but not FUBAR
Is this a case of Lord Hall jumping ship to try and avoid current responsibility and future accountability while he still can for the dire straits of many nations? …..
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, M’Lud. A square peg in a round hole is never ever going to be a prime fit for swamp conditions.
-a theoretical candidate they made up
The NEUKlearer Option.
The Question to Ponder then is IT Almighty and Satisfyingly Overwhelming?
Yes is a Great Answer to Virtually Realise and Present to Program AI Machines. ……. with Sublime Instructions to Server.
In simple computer jargon, Core Driver Immaculate Source.
You’ll be hard pushed to come anywhere near close to realising the Delights in Stores there for Exercising/Utilisation, but oft being just close enough provides mighty reward with the authorised award of Just Desserts in Heavenly Mutual Satisfaction.
Wanna Go There, NYT/A.G.Sulzberger ?
All of which makes it impossible to deny any and all knowledge of ……. in such as is the always open invitation to host/report upon what is to see and be shown everywhere else too. It does though require that one accepts leadership is involved and acquired and pleased to be at one with another’s behest.

Sunday, 19 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Jan 12:01 [2001191201] …… getting down to the nitty gritty on
Re: Re: W… …w?
 “…Such is… …pressure” – so little has been typed, amanfromMars, and so much has been explained …. Anonymous Coward
And what is one to make of the stunning silence of the masses and El Regers on such a matter as leads them in ways in which they have no command and control/say and reward, AC?
Is it a lack of an application of intelligence delivering a mental block on the obviousness of it all and a fine accompaniment for a brace of earlier thoughts attributed to Mark Twain …..“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” …… and an Edward Bernays …… The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. ….. and/or are more than just a few humans just simply easily retarded for contiguous abuse?
I wonder if media are wary of being terrified and terrorised by being rightly held responsible and accountable for the decidedly and designedly destructive tales that they spin?

Saturday, 18 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Jan 09:46 [2001180946] …… says on
What’s new?
The scripting engine flaw can be exploited to gain remote code execution on a vulnerable machine by way of a specially crafted webpage.
Is that not exactly the same way the news and media is employed to capture the hearts and minds of vulnerable humans via their daily broadbandcasts/propagandising 0days?
After all, how else are you to be easily and sublimely trained to believe what certain others are determined and require you to believe so that they can continue to exclusively expand and further exploit the privileges they are provided with?
Such is just the way everything is made to work extremely well for a relative few nowadays. It is usual and not at all abnormal even if it is more than a little disturbing and catastrophically prone to all manner of instant attack/built up pressure.

The scripting engine flaw can be exploited to gain remote code execution on a vulnerable machine by way of a specially crafted webpage.
Is that not exactly the same way the news and media is employed to capture the hearts and minds of vulnerable humans via their daily broadbandcasts/propagandising 0days?
After all, how else are you to be easily and sublimely trained to believe what certain others are determined and require you to believe so that they can continue to exclusively expand and further exploit the privileges they are provided with?
Such is just the way everything is made to work extremely well for a relative few nowadays. It is usual and not at all abnormal even if it is more than a little disturbing and catastrophically prone to all manner of instant attack/built up pressure.
Does Uncle Sam have a CyberSpace Force in Source? You know, Almighty IntelAIgent Assets Supplying Applications with Vital Imagination for a Very Nearly Perfect Advanced IntelAIgent Drive.
🙂 The secret in use is beware and be aware of all of the strengths available through exploit, expansion and export of flaws, which can be just the most convenient of crazy novel glitches in maddening noble codes.
Indeed, is anyone aware of such being readily available anywhere else in a foreign nation.

Thursday, 16 January 2020


How can you possibly have more buyers than sellers?
Every transaction has a buyer and a seller.
Please explain. …… Crisismode
Simple ….. the markets do not have enough transactions for sale …… and that makes them temptingly prone to third party asset invention for profitable non competitive fake returns …… classic ponzi mode with everything churning fiat as if it was earned and delivered in gratitude from grateful partners rather than being realised invented and mis-sold to greedy friends and suckered enemies alike, for such has never ever been in the history of times never ever to be forgot, maintainable as sustainable. It is the sweetest of honey bear traps and releases a hornets’ nest of stings which one does well to survive.
To imagine one be responsible and unaccountable and can continue to prosper is a colossal hubris and an ignorant arrogance  personified in the extreme.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Jan 17:40 [2001141740] …. still spilling beans and chit chatting on
Re: ….Suddenly – and Right Out of the Pale Blue Yonder, Something to Wonder At and Wander With
That is tantamount to providing for the future, sweet stealthy virtual collusion with guaranteed mutually beneficial positively reinforcing solutions generously made available for every possible situation from schcats stores, Tail Up.
That opens up an Almighty Pandora’s Box where when the cats are away, mice play and create in Havoc and Mayhem, Madness and Confusion, CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
That be good vodka and expensive champagne territory. Of that there is no need to be in doubt.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 07:58 [2001150758] ….. being somewhat disagreeable on
The real national security problem is not thinking hard enough
Crikey, AC, are you being ironic and paradoxical, for is not Uncle Sam the junkie slave to sanctions and punitive trade tariffs against a great many competitors, which is surely a sure sign of catastrophically failed/failing intellectual property portfolios providing global geopolitical disorder shenanigans?
Such is a self defeating and highly self destructive modus operandi/vivendi …….. and surely impossible to not regard certainly as one of the maddest of choices to make and promote and claim one can profit from.
Is there something toxic and mind-bending in the US/Washington DC water supply/atmosphere?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Jan 15:22 [2001151522] ….. speculates on
A Future Option for IPO Parties ….. Safe Harbouring Seriously SMARTR Cookies
Mr Justice Hildyard asked: “He couldn’t depart from that material under pain of what?”
Sudden death is an almighty incentive, Your Honour, and can be normally extremely effective whenever secrets are guilty and there is no escaping ownership …… which is smarter spun as a remote proxy stewardship of assets and resources.
Which sort of sums up the Positions of the Competition, and those Roles are Both Reversible and Interchangeable too, and some would tell you that is the worth of what Autonomy sold and HPE bought. And now HPE cannot use it because Uncle Sam has an interest in it not being used without them being granted command and control access. ….. into an Almighty Remote Virtual Leverage.