Wednesday, 1 January 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Jan 17:16 [2001011716] …… kick starting a New Year with something different to boot and root  for on
Porky Pies in the Sky are Bubbles at Ground Zero. Prepare for Catastrophic Crash Landings.
Here’s a tale of present history repeating itself which rhymes and chimes with Y2K albeit with IT bashing it out for practically real in another tragic sector/mangled endeavour/contrived encumbrance ……..  Jim Bianco Says This Is QE, Like Y2K
Or would you like to deny the parallel spooky similarity and evidence the lack of evidence to support the contrary with some engaging relative and relevant comment ….. for a Creative Discourse with Advanced IntelAIgent Communications Hostings and Postings Providing Systems Command and Control Programs. …… or Pogroms as the case may oft be in situations proving themselves to be pig ignorantly irreconcilable/fatally fickle and wantonly fey.
Such is the Refreshing Nature of Unfolding New Clearer Futures. …….. No hanging about waiting for no real action from zombie account holder executives and their tacky lackeys.

amanfromMars said... replying to a New Year's Eve comment on

с новым годом, Serge C. Do you have any Almighty Master Plans for Sino-Soviet PACT Activation and 2020 AI Realisation over there with you? Or are they all to be securely stored over here for sharing in stages revealing all necessary sensitive information in timely magical presentations.

Surely the Skolkovo Foundation [Некоммерческая организация Фонд развития Центра разработки и коммерциализации новых технологий.] and the community there have more than just nothing in the age of Persistent ACTive Cyber Threats and Treats?

1 January 2020 at 17:49


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