amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 09:06 [2001290906] ……. asks
Re: Prime Timely Targets in Novel Situations
We’re always pushed for time, there are always improvements and extra work that can be done, though we have to ship a product at some point. Sometimes you have to call it and run it, and move onto the next thing that needs covering. ….. diodesign/ElReg/C
Quite so, and very commendable too. Such make the pages here so attractive, and some would even venture, excitingly addictive. And there are not many operations that can truthfully say that, methinks. I do have a question though. Does ElReg lead with anything which could be/would be viewed exclusively and uniquely realised and shared as theirs*, or are they always following and reporting on the lead of others.
That is at least until such times as an offer for source they cannot refuse is received and graciously accepted, for such consistently appears to be the norm in those particular and peculiar circumstances, so it must be fully expected and ideally prepared for. 
amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 10:06 [2001291006] ….. just asking on
Double, Double Toil and Trouble ……. ?
Contracting authority …. The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a pan government collaborative agreement for the provision of artificial intelligence services. The scope of the agreement will cover the following:
— general artificial intelligence services,
— discovery and consultancy work related to the use of artificial intelligence in public services,
— development, implementation and support of artificial intelligence systems in the public sector,
— data analytics using artificial intelligence,
— the development and implementation of intelligent virtual assistants and intelligent personal assistants.
— general artificial intelligence services,
— discovery and consultancy work related to the use of artificial intelligence in public services,
— development, implementation and support of artificial intelligence systems in the public sector,
— data analytics using artificial intelligence,
— the development and implementation of intelligent virtual assistants and intelligent personal assistants.
The UK Government is seeking to accelerate the uptake of artificial intelligence services by government departments. ……. Prior Information Notice
Does all of that render opposition/competition/assistance to Dominic Cummings’s Initiative
amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Jan 15:11 [2001291511] …… has a muse on
You aint really seen nothing yet, have you?
As with Meltdown and Spectre, we’ve yet to see any meaningful malicious exploitation of these holes in the wild, though that doesn’t mean they can be ignored.
You might like to think malicious exploitations are not to be featured/servered with applications out in the wild …….. that place/space where renegade rogue pirates privately rule for ……. well, Absolute Dominion in a Virtual Domain presents one with Almighty Impeccable Tools to Prove Worthy of Heavenly Use rather than entertaining its mischievous malinformed twin, Ignorant Wanton Abuse …… which is surely classified at least as an UnSavoury Madness.
Would you fear the complete opposite, … positive reinforcing, mutually beneficial, remote virtual executive exploitation of systems infected/infiltrated?
Or welcome it, with calls for demonstrations to confirm veracity with avowed intent?
Who/What do you imagine today would have a vital leading interest in such an Almighty Impeccably Tooled Future? Take a wild guess, for in there will most probably be practically all of the answers 
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