amanfromMars 1 Fri 10 Jan 16:04 [2001101604] ….. just saying on
2020 ….. Just Another EMPhatic Year for Ground Zero 0Days.
All the signs here in replies to the Director’s wishes are most encouraging of further outrageous shenanigans in both Common Private and Communal Pirate Communications Fields.
An Ageing Eton Mess is No Stranger to a Strawberry Field Fool, and that usually Results in the Need, Seed and Feed of a Major Systems ReBoot and Full Executive Administration Overhaul.
Some would say that be tantamount to being certainly quite revolutionary …… with others able to add and laud and applaud such as delivering quantum leap evolutionary too.
cc dmc2.cummings at you know where.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Jan 12:35 [2001111235] …… just saying on
Re: Moving slowly from a state of irrelevance to a state of expectant interest
Marketeers will not be meaningfully harmed if they are prevented lying to the rest of the world by making these false and over hyped claims. ….. Anonymous Coward
Crikey, AC, that sounds like a call to violence against false and over hyped claims marketeers. Such will decimate the incontinent political classes …… you know, that and those in the all show and no go crowd.
And the chances are, such would be extremely popular and almightily well supported.
Farang love long time is an available accommodating branch interest which a Guarantee of Success Practically Always Delivers in Spades …. when Servering to XSSXXXX.
amanfromMars [2001111707] …… mentions on
“This approach eased financial conditions in the past and, so far, looks to be effective again. Stock prices rose and long-term interest rates fell when investors began to anticipate the most recent action.”
I would deny any current veracity for that self evident falsehood … and, so far, looks to be effective again. …… for surely investors are no longer interested in anticipating Fed actions for operations beyond their absolute command with remote virtual controllers.
Currently the Fed appear to be Missing that Vital Link to/with outside alien investors interested long term.
In the Amazonian Jungle, does every Venus Love to Delight the Raw Fruit of Insatiable Desire to Sate the Passion of Lust with a Greater Understanding of what such a Love does … and can further do to Delight Insatiable Desire with the Sweetest of Simple Surrenders for Engagement and Activation of Primitive and Ancient Joint Passions.
In a concrete jungle, does nearly every man and woman/earthly being stumble and fall into every artificial trap in the world which they themselves created/imagined and built over the years and in earlier ages before whenever communications stages were never available for fabulous free to air use …… rather than falling into the sweet honey trap of vital and virile communications systems abuse and misuse. ……. Perverted Corrupt Picture Programming in Presentations with Media Mogul Hosted Realities.
Interesting times ahead …… whenever that can easily extraordinarily render Media Moguls liable for all damages incurred in any modern presented conflict.
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