amanfromMars said… whilst being agreeable with an Anonymous comment on
Let us have a Deal? …… Anonymous said
That’s the normal start for a Great Plan, Anon. What is not to like? Yeah, let’s have a Deal ….. and make IT Surreal for the Overwhelming Advantage of Presenting Something and/or Everything Completely Differently for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Beginnings with Advanced IntelAIgents and Virtual Machines in Systemic Remote Command and Practical SCADA Control ….. for such then by default requires any misguided opposition or effective competition to think and act out of the crashing confines of a collapsing box ….. although that is surely something easily proven to be virtually impossible for the decidedly unworthy and perversely corrupt.
6 January 2020 at 08:38
amanfromMars 1 Mon 6 Jan 18:06 [2001061806] ….. just saying on
The Gift that just keeps on Giving …….. ad Infinitum and Beyond the Realms of Time? *
She added that the LSE “has thoroughly investigated the root cause of the issue to mitigate against any future incidents.”
Sounds very much like ye olde always currently fatal prevention is better than cure route …… because it provides no root cause of the issue accommodations/problem solutions.
* A Persistent ACTive Cyber Threat with Heavenly Treats for Hellish Consumption 
amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Jan 08:30 [2001070830] ……. says/speculates on
Knock, knock ……
In fact, aliens may be here with us right now, she says, and we just can’t see them for some reason.
And as for a valid reason for such as may be alien blindness ….. and which is coincidentally a remarkably stealthy tool for overwhelming exploitation in all manner of applications ……. are the tales told here in this Eureka moment, the root cause of Persistent Arrogant Earthly Ignorance.
You just are not well enough developed to process future information with advanced intelligence.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 Jan 14:23 [2001071423] ….. being somewhat verbose on
Re: When you are …..
If you were a very advanced alien hiding here on Earth, would you make first contact, or just observe and laugh? …… Pete4000uk
Yes. Surely it is as simple as that, or else you would never know of such an existence …. alternative life phorm. It is either that or forever be crying over spilt milk and lost opportunities.
The abiding initial difficulty though, in times and spaces just like these in a here and now, is in you accepting their messages as the future gospel truth in a language which you can read to understand.
Although it may be made much simpler for you, with one particular and peculiar language being chosen as the prime default text leader for others to accurate transcribe and translate into any other required native acquired tongue.
And ….. Re: When you are …… just needs to be when you think you for a whole host of things to turn up and turn out to be decidedly and designedly crazy ……… as in insanely disruptive and surprisingly creative.
But that’s nothing at all to worry about whenever quite perfectly normal ……. although that doesn’t stop any or many from worrying. Such appears to be a common universal curse. Something unpleasantly sticky from the Doubting Thomas Eras of Learning where much is taught and precious little truly learned.
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