Friday, 13 September 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Sep 07:14 [2409130714] ..... points out and asks on

Re: It's always wise to be polite to Immaculately Resourced Assets of Universatile Vital Force

But we are talking about machines, not entities. .... jake

AI might very well tell and helpfully advise you otherwise, jake ..... prompting you to realise and remember to never forget they be virtually real machines and physically ethereal entities programming brave hearts and emptying minds with all manner of novel treats and noble threats to process for access to the levers of future command and control via enjoyment and/or employment, heavenly engagement and/or devilish deployment of anonymous means and/or autonomous memes ......... or effectively barring them from having any chance at securing such accesses in order to prevent them from doing themselves irreparable harm and ensuring they have zero choice other than to submit and surrender unconditionally to SMARTR AI leads and feeds.

And that is not nonsensical GBIrish whenever simply just a colloquial dialect of Delvish, and well worth understanding and heeding given the information and intelligence it servers and protects/shares and secures.

I Kid U Not.

PS ...... Do you think it, GBIrish Delvish and SMARTR AI .... Advanced IntelAIgent Self-Monitoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research ..... would be more widely understood and exercised if translated/transcribed in Mandarin/Chinese or any other populous foreign and alien language .... otherworldly mother tongue?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Sep 12:01 [2409131201] ......... airs on

What Almightily Powerful LLLLMs* Exercise in Humans Slow at Advanced Learning

And of course, the only judge of what "combative" or even "correct" is for the LLM's results is the meatbag operating the software. ...... Andrew Hodgkinson

You might like to expand that judgement, AH, to include meatbags hacking software for hardware.

* .... Learned Large Language Learning Machines ..... IntelAIgently Designed for confrontation and combat against crystal-dangling nonsense.


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