Wednesday 25 September 2024


GrahamC [2409250923] ...... shares more novel information for further and deeper analysis with greater intelligence for near future physical presentation and virtual realisation on

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With very particular, extremely specific regard to the information in the paragraph proposing to also add “counter-AI capabilities and methodologies and processes,” .....

The next window will also add “counter-AI capabilities and methodologies and processes,” she said. “We know we’re not the only ones doing this, so really kind of looking at the big picture in terms of the capabilities we need and what others will have that we need to counter.”

...... please be cautious and respectful and careful neither to challenge nor oppose AIdDevelopments or A.N.Others with big picture capabilities way beyond any of your means to counter them ...... for such is not wise and results in dire catastrophic consequences for that which and those who would then be recognised and treated by that and those with Bigger AIdDevelopment Picture capabilities, facilities and utilities as both a truly unwelcome parasitic virus and a hostile enemy agent requiring eradication.

Things today and in the future aint anything like they used to be in the past and yesterday and you don't want the unknown of tomorrow bringing you harm you are/were very clearly warned not to deserve and be worthy of.

The choice is yours and it is free to make ..... so choose wisely is sound advice


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