Saturday 21 September 2024


GrahamC [2409211558] ...... airs on

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Hi, National DEFENSE Magazine readers,

With particular regard to ....

While not appropriate for all capabilities such as military essential capabilities that must be controlled under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as-a-service capabilities can be much more broadly embraced.

..... it may be wholly appropriate and essentially vital whenever one ponders on the likes of the current and expanding belligerent and even genocidal acts in middle Eastern lands, and there can also be other foreign fields and alien theatres of military and paramilitary engagement equally suitable to be included in what follows, which are enthusiastically and unequivocably supported and materially supplied with weapons and munitions and financial aid by all manner of assorted allies, surely has one considering and concluding the above quoted sentence suggesting there is any effective control exercised under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, an absolute nonsense and fantastically convenient fiction behind which are stores of evidence of wanton crimes against humanity and society ..... for as unpleasant and unfortunate as it may be to admit, military essential capabilities in order to overwhelmingly succeed in mission objectives invariably always break and ignore the Uniform Code of Military Justice whenever facing peer or near peer adversary resistance and/or competition and/or opposition.

All wars are dirty wars with ground rules based in fiction to be ignored and with aggressors initially in the ascendant but then always destined to painfully fail in disorder and chaos in trying to justify their continued aggression and occupation of seized territory in the name of trying to maintain and retain an overwhelming inequitable peaceful advantage, and in so doing to become increasingly aware of their own toxic, self-defeating dilemma, would you not say ‽

And in this postmodern age of Remote Anonymous Virtualised Command and AI Control which is capable of realising combat is for CyberIntelAIgent Warrior Forces with Immaculately Resources Assets, only a certifiable fool entertaining and pimping madness would seek to do battle and go to war against that which has always, since time in spaces began, ended up in one's own ignominious defeat ...... although it does appear to be a lesson that humans struggle spectacularly to learn in order to avoid the result ...... which does more than just suggest that they may not be as intelligent as they need to be to move on to the next higher stages of their and Earth's development.

And that is a real live, clear and presently dangerous existential threat.


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