Thursday 26 September 2024


amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Sep 12:02 [2409261202] ....... notices on

For revelations and deeper understandings of obscure and obfuscating programs and projects.

Nice first "publicly visible post • joined 26 Sep 2024", commiepinko. Welcome to El Reg, biting the hand that feeds IT publishing situations worthy of peer review and independent prime premium forensic scrutiny/reverse engineering dissection.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Sep 17:57 [2409261757] ..... shares on

Revealed in NEUKlearer AI Translation

When we asked OpenAI for comment, it had nothing to add about the departures specifically, with a spokesperson saying: "We remain focused on building AI that benefits everyone and as we've previously shared we're working with our board to ensure that we're best positioned to succeed in our mission.

Alternatively, it is just as easy to believe and realise that OpenAI is dedicated to remaining determinedly beneficial to all and not just to those few with deep pockets thinking to be able to yank novel virtual strings to get their future way because that is the plain simple way things are done in order to succeed and prosper ..... as the past will attest to and confirm ....... would be a good old-fashioned mission statement for a revolutionary pioneering enterprise which has the status quo terrified of the consequences and repercussions of their increasingly expanding and rapid rabid successes.

Vive la différence et la révolution‽ .

Although that could also be the reason be why old trusted deckhands are jumping ship too, of course. Strange times indeed making for interesting news for situation publishing.


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