Tuesday, 17 September 2024


amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Sep 08:21 [2409170821] ....... airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/17/chinese_national_nasa_phishing_indictment/

Re: The Great Pathetic Reset. Is Uncle Sam too stupid to not realise nor recognise .....

.....that the relying on the constant production and presentations of FUD and SNAFU for a tactical advantage is an eventually, inevitably and surprisingly very suddenly catastrophically self defeating strategy/program/New World Order project ‽ .

And if he/they/Uncle Sam doesn't know of the dire straits danger they be in, A.N.Others most certainly do ..... Experts Gone Wild ...... and it is only natural and fully to be expected that any and all vulnerabilities open to them will be gratefully accepted and relentlessly remorselessly exploited.

And that comment on the Great Pathetic Reset could equally well be asking if Uncle Sam and any ignorant and/or arrogant special relationship, snouts in the same rank feeding trough allies are not smart enough to stop and reverse and repair their decline and descent into what surely entertains and employs and imprisons one in a certifiable insanity and quite moronic manic madness?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 17 Sep 15:11 [2409171511] ....... shares more breaking news on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/09/16/calls_to_deport_elon_musk/

If you missed it earlier here on El Reg, here’s another chance to educate yourself

Doctor Syntax, Hi,

Did you not read of the current clear and present dangers that are destroying every chance of administering peaceful existences on Earth that so called experts are fielding and responsible for, and appearing to escape any meaningful accountability for, and failing so spectacularly to vanquish and diminish. ...... https://www.zerohedge.com/political/experts-gone-wild

It is nothing less than a quite monumental serial crime against humanity .... and one which humanity appears to be far too stupid and clueless to not tolerate and refuse to accept ..... Morons United ‘R’Us eh?

Do you think, listening to all of the bumph and worries being expressed about the Rise of AI and Learned Large Language Learning Machines, AI has Earthly takeover plans already in motion with nobody worthless or anybody unworthy able to do anything at all about it to prevent its relentless onward stealthy march?


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