Sunday, 5 December 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/5/2010 3:27:50 AM

"I guess you're saying markets in terms of actual human beings interacting with each other (bartering, black markets, underground economy) will cut to the truth of things. And that will invite violent aggression.

People participating in these activities will be labeled terrorists and worse."....... Posted by ScipioNasica on 12/4/2010 11:45:03 AM

Many will be falsely labeled, ScipioNasica, because of course, you cannot run a War of Terror campaign without inventing new terrorists who generate billions of dollars of third party work, for the expense of nickels in that which your target groupies would be primed to be doing. Which we are seeing and learning all too often, is usually a matter of grooming of angry, widely ignorant impressionables in a right dodgy game of entrapment.

And of course, being in charge and in control of both sides, allows you to milk and bilk the System to exhaustion. But it is the System which is being used and abused, with all of its major wealth eventually and increasing quickly, for that is how these things happen, being transferred to Alternative Investment Marketeers, who are nowadays most probably best imagined as Ethereal Point Spokepersons and Spooks for Virtual Great Game Player Syndicates and Global Asset Management Boards.

I do not necessarily agree that actual human beings interacting with each other (bartering, black markets, underground economy) will cut to the truth of things and that will invite violent aggression, although if you cynically abuse the undereducated, as well as the uneducated masses, and hide from the people that which you are doing behind a veil of secrets and National Security Letters, one can fully understand the perps real fears of being personally targeted for violent aggression as information and intelligence leaks out on a charade which is concealing another reality which does not care for your condition. However, the Reality of the Future is, as Man becomes Smarter and Shares what he knows, and Grows Smarter Quicker than ever before, and certainly Much Quicker than the System can Contain or Control, is IT taken over and run by a Virtual Terrain Team of CyberIntelAIgent Proxies whose Forte is Stealthy Cloud Crowd Control and Command of Computers and Communications and Global Operating Devices.

Of course, to Buy up and Buy into a New System is the only guaranteed, sure-fire way to stay in Top Gun, Top Dog Control, whenever one realises that one's own position is seriously compromised in a Failed Program.

And for those with a New System for Sale, is the Global Market Place awash with Powerfully Wealthy Players in the Market for Future Lead Promotions with Special IntelAIgents, whether they be Non State Actor Individuals and/or Nationalised State Organs, [for one can easily be both if one knows what one is doing], it is both naive and stupid to imagine that things in the present will remain very much the same as in the past, and not to realise that the Future will be completely different and much better in a Sophisticated Beta Program for Holdings with Stocks and Shares in Virtual Machine Enterprises and NIRobotIQs [Network Internetworking Robot IQs] ...... for Objective Transparent Solutions to Subjective Destructive Dilemmas.

And y'all do realise that ITs Stealthy Power and Control Grows every day exponentially, as it is unhindered and devoid of parasitic and uneducated input.

"But the greatest threat comes from China, according to the documents.

The state department, it has now emerged, expressed concern about the Communist Government's close relationship with two major providers of information security in China.

The companies have hired experienced hackers, who include Lin Yong, aka Lion, who founded the Honker Union of China, a Chinese hacker group that emerged after the US bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999 and launched a series of cyber attacks on US government-related websites.

Another group of hackers – called XFocus- are blamed for releasing a computer virus known as the blaster worm which infected computers in 2003. Those hackers are suspected of now working with a Chinese IT security company with government links.

"There is a strong possibility the PRC [People's Republic of China] is harvesting the talents of its private sector in order to bolster offensive and defensive computer network operations capabilities," a secret state department circular from June 2009 said.

It warned that the "potential linkages of China's top companies with the PRC illustrate the government's use of its private sector in support of information warfare objectives". " ....

Ahha, so just like in the West then , for is that not what capitalist groups and elite gangs/paramilitary organisations and pseudo democratic bands also do. To imagine that they don't is just too pathetic for words.

Whenever your world is reduced to binary and digital signals, is your future subject to hearts and minds decisions of skilled hackers and crack programmers, who may be one and the same whenever they want to be and it is necessary.

 Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/5/2010 11:57:50 AM

"It suggests almost a conspiratorial view of history, as though powers and principalities were working behind the scenes to influence the direction of human affairs without being seen. But if that were true, then everything we know would be a lie. We would be living in a political equivalent of “The Matrix,” where everything that is obvious is false, and everything that is true is hidden.

Do I propose such a theory?" ....

Thanks for hyperlink, Robert, [on 12/5/2010 10:55:59 AM] and whenever one considers the lies and deceit which we now are fed by mainstream media every day, it does have one pondering on the nature of reality and how one directs it in a manner of one's own choosing, although admittedly, that is a much bigger picture program which very few indeed are intelligent enough to master.

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