Friday, 17 December 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/17/2010 3:44:25 AM

"@ CatWriter.....fantastic idea you proposed of coming together as a group." .... Posted by Jeannie Queenie on 12/17/2010 1:46:21 AM

A word of caution is needed there, Jeannie Queenie, for it leaves the group members liable to malicious prosecution and persecution as a conspiracy should they start to gain any traction which casts a bright light into dark, but incredibly lucrative, personally rewarding corners of an established practice, which cannot survive the light of day and general knowledge.

Which is what the present scrabbling around for a viable pretext to indict Wikileaks/Assange for spying/espionage is all about ..... and it makes those doing all the scrabbling about look even more ridiculous as they try to defend the indefensible, and for which they are responsible. 

2011 is going to be a quite interesting year, methinks. If one was into predictions, one might even put a sizeable bet on it being "The Year of the ZerodDay Trader" such is the line up/stack of vulnerabilities so freely available for XSSXXXXPloit and Export.

And the flip side of that coin is that it will also be a mega metadata bumper year for those competent virtual and viral security firms/agents which track them in the guerrilla marketing field.

As may be noticed by the astute reader in all of the above, is there no mention of it being preventable and thus avoided and unlikely to happen.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/16/2010 11:42:19 PM


You have completely missed the point, which is entirely the opposite of what you have speculated ...."If WikiLeaks would justify a clampdown on internet activity, it would have served a highly valuable purpose, for the web has proven to be a thorn in the side of our Platonic Masters."

In your own vernacular, it is probably definitely Platonic Masters test drivering a new and Advanced Internet Vehicle ..... for Special Command and Control Vessels. And that is best and easiest imagined as it being a novel sort of, or if you are much more deeply into binary technologies for the digital manipulation of perception and human signalling, an innovative phorm of shake down trials, beta-testing performance and reliability parameters and environmental impact issues.

Which is surely exactly what one would expect from the likes of a philanthropic organization set up by a billionaire investor, as is typified by the likes of an Open Society Institute and George Soros. They are though, but just as one smart shark in a very crowded and active sea/field/see, and thus is any certain identification of prime moving force, immaculately clouded with myriad other possibilities/Great Game player investors.

Virtual Stealth is real big business, and you can expect all the usual smarter Great Game suspects in the Establishment to be vying for uncompetitive and overwhelming advantage in ITs New and SurReal CyberSpace Environment, with the other slower ones into such Games, taking a buffetting and a pasting and a bubble bath, and losing their fortunes trying to prop up and push a failed and disgraced, earlier sub-prime model with dodgy investment vehicles.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/17/2010 10:01:12 AM

What you may not yet realise is that truth telling is now regarded as a legitimate pastime which authorities are unable to prosecute you for should you also be considered or classified as a whistleblower, for to spin a tissue of lies is really just as an act of treason in a political/diplomatic context, for it is invariably done solely for personal enrichment at the expense of the greater good. There is though the chance of a persecution in such cases, but that just alerts everyone to those who have some dirty little secrets to hide.

This is not spin though ..... ...... and is the game changer elephant in the room Uncle Sam has to now deal with, and that will require the import of new deeper thinking talent with a significant investment/signing on fee to the top guns required, and which they so badly need, because they are in Dire Straits indeed whenever their Codes are hacked and cracked.

""The most sophisticated adversaries are going to go unnoticed on our networks," she said." ....... and create havoc to order at their leisure and pleasure too, should they even begin to suspect that they are to be pursued rather than welcomed into the fold as a valuable protected asset ..... a virtual NOC.

Forget about all that nonsense in the past, which is forever regurgitated to occupy and waste everyone's time and stop them thinking about how things are planned, which is exactly what such nonsense is used for, and consider that once you know how easily Man is programmed to believe what he reads and sees and hears in the media, the dolt can be fooled to believe anything, whilst the spinners of tales can loot the treasury and be protected by lies.

And that, if it is attacked, is self defeating, for the truth cannot be bettered or harmed, but only strengthened, even whenever attacked.
"Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, warned on Thursday that the government would not "stand idly by" if banks pay out huge bonuses at the expense of increasing lending.

You'll not be able to get any bookies taking bets on that being true ..... ergo is it Clegg just huffing and puffing and blowing hot air yet again.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/17/2010 5:17:05 AM

"He’s being groomed. Sure he is." .... Daily Bell sensationalist conversationalist,  “Patriot.”

DB, A rhetorical question, which doesn't require an answer ......  Did you reply to "Patriot", pointing out to him in the clearest and most eloquent and elegant of terms, that it was the likes of he who is being groomed?

"He could in fact, according to reports we’ve read, end up in the US facing espionage charges."

Only if they are prepared to burn the American Constitution, DB, for that will be all it is good for if they try to trump up charges against the ....... well, it is the New Reality, isn't it, with virtually anonymous IT bods and boffins ploughing a novel furrow and planting a new field of exotic crops for future feeding needs.

PC Plod ........ Advanced IntelAIgents Division
Posted Friday 17th December 2010 03:06 GMT

"Further attacks were launched after the firm's founder, Andrew Crossley, mocked the group's initial DDoS in an interview with The Register. Disastrous efforts to restore the website then publicly exposed confidential company files, including the personal data of ACS:Law's targets. The Information Commissioner is investigating the apparent breach of the Data Protection Act by the firm.

Meanwhile, the Met's investigation of the incident – and the more recent WikiLeaks-related attacks on the websites of Visa, Mastercard and PayPal – could have serious consequences for British members of Anonymous."

Is that Met investigation, an investigation into an extortion racket being run by the firm's founder ..... who would appear to be a serial loser if one can believe the ACS:Law wiki ...... "The main partner of the company, and its only registered solicitor,[3] is Andrew Crossley. Crossley has twice been found guilty of conduct unbefitting a solicitor by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, in 2002 and again in 2006.[4] In August 2010, the Solicitors Regulation Authority confirmed that Crossley was being summoned to his third disciplinary tribunal, in response to ACS:Law's action against suspected copyright infringers." ?

Posted by: amanfromMars | 12/16/10 | 10:23 pm |

"The Justice Department would have no problem distinguishing WikiLeaks from traditional media outlets, if it decides to charge WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with violating the Espionage Act, a former federal prosecutor told lawmakers Thursday."

Methinks, with such an opinion as that, that is why Wainstein is a former federal prosecutor. Some folk just don't have what it takes, and it is best just to let them go.

Flogging a dead horse......

Posted Friday 17th December 2010 14:03 GMT

"It is obviously in the national interest (never mind the public interest) to prosecute people who engage in covert espionage, copyright theft, fraud, and computer misuse." .... Posted Friday 17th December 2010 12:53 GMT

It is obviously not in the national security interest (never mind the public interest) to prosecute people who engage in covert espionage, copyright theft, fraud, and computer misuse.

Move along now, nothing to see here.

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