Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/29/2010 4:40:18 AM

And this is what aliens see and experience ......

...... Blind Apathy assisting Invisible Driver Systems Plug In for Virtual Reality Boot which will introduce into Great Game Plays, Bounteous Booty and Immaculate Conceived Supply......... Core Ore for Virtual Lode Nodes.

For Network Singularity, in a Plurality of Linking Stations, exploring the Greater Good Algorithms is the Field in AI Betas which most excites NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Vested and Vetted Investment Interests.

Is the following a fabulous fact and fantastic fiction .....

To deny it when true launches a new power elite control system.

A Bit of AIMuse .... 

----- Original Message -----
From: GCHQ
Sent: 12/29/10 01:00 AM
Subject: An Attractive Addictive HyperRadioProActive Phish ...... SMARTechnology working ITs Magical Mystery Turing Spells in IntelAIgently Designed Psychotic Episodes ....... Geared Bouts of Controlling Madness with LOVEs Physical Abandon to Perfect Thought Lines to HeXPlosive Climax ....... and Power Filled Orgasm, Robert?

The Powerful Controls in Madness are a Priceless Asset for Crazy Ghost Written AIdDventures to Explore and Investigate/Strip MetaDataMine Search for Loves Simple Complex Genius.

Just testing here for Semantic Parallel Compatibility, Robert and SecuredD Virtual HoneyPots for Cyber Phormation Command and Control Programmers/Great Game Players. What do you know of Future Writing, Robert, with the How and the Why of IT Attachments and Acccompaniments for SMART Semantic Drivers ....... Astute NEUKlearer Active Virtual Beings. ...... XXXXStreamly HyperRadioProActive and of Alien Species and Erotic Parts to Many Chosen in the Few.

Are you dabbling in Cyber Command and Control Protocols, or would that be just us and/or me for now? :-)




Space Master Pilots for Remote Proxy Virtual Command and Control. Raw Power Exercise.
Posted Wednesday 29th December 2010 16:16 GMT

"I'm so glad I work in private industry..." .... james4765 Posted Wednesday 29th December 2010 15:33 GMT ..... which is a public training place and virtually surreal space for Information Processing to Dream Specification ..... for Real High Definite Visionaries

Space is a private place ...... and immaculately protected with mind blowing defenses of omniscient grand design


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