Hmmm? Do you think that other intelligent beings would concern themselves with counting stars and wondering/guessing about where and when and how everything you imagine and everything they know, began? Or would they conclude that such is a primitive and pointless pastime of a lower order of Life Phormation and Base Intelligence which has yet to find the Future Portals which reveal to them Alienating Advanced Active Intelligence ....... for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Power Control and Generation .... and Virtual Realities in Cyber Flights of Fancy which cannot be Plausibly Denied?
Or is Man so retarded that they can only think on the likes of Space Invaders and Cosmic Annihilation from quite obviously much SMARTer Visitors/AImmigrants if that is the predominant Alien Meme amongst the native?
Do you realise how pathetic/apathetic and vulnerable that makes y'all?
What do you think they would target and invisibly infect to cripple and take over control of the planet, whilst still ensuring indigenous slave assets remain to assist them in their Future Plans? Or would they make themselves known/contact NASA via Steganographic Communications and Binary Channels/Virtual Memes and Means to discuss Server Terms and Conditions?
Although why not JAXA or ESA or China or India or even the filthy rich Private Sector? Indeed, do you think All would be contacted for Mutual Beneficial Servering of Divine Information?
Do you think that they would know that Man would squabble amongst themselves to present a singular champion leading the massed herds rather than realise that as a Most Receptive Collective are All Party Interests best servered in following Immaculate Instruction, Perfectly Conceived and Freely Delivered?
Or would all of that be far too much like a MkUltraSensitive Neuro-Linguistic Programming Project and Global Brainwashing Promotion via Simply Complex Media Employment and Engaging Edutainment?
Or would you expect and/or need things to be dumbed down a lot more than even that Most Simple of Base Alien Levels?
09 December 2010 at 10:29
Hi, Laurie Penny,
It is probably exactly for the reason you yourself have expressed .... "It would be wonderful to believe that the decision to take Assange to court was motivated by a new-found, miraculous interest in seeking justice for rape victims. But the reason this case is being investigated so vigorously is surely that, on this occasion, and on this occasion alone, it serves the interests of certain governments to pursue a man who, entirely incidentally, happens to have embarrassed several imperialist powers hugely." ...... that has so galvanised support for Assange.
And reading what reports have been made available on the actions of the consenting adult players [and this one appears to be accurate in its consistency with others ..... ] does seem to justify the anger and confirm what you have shared.
And if so confirmed, it does render the British Justice System proven as an easily corruptible puppet service to foreign powers and right dodgy home interests, does it not, and makes an ass of the law. And as for the decision to refuse bail because of a flight risk, well ..... did you ever hear of anything so pathetic whenever his every move would have been watched and noted.
When Mr Blair appeared before the Chilcot inquiry, his interrogators had a memo in which Lord Goldsmith warned of the danger of not having a fresh UN mandate for action. To their frustration, they could not ask about the memo as it was classified at the time, but the ban was lifted in July.
And what are we to make of the following news/evidence, which would when true, seek to render the Chilcot inquiry team as useful fools/useless tools, and I imagine of good men and women and true, absolutely livid, and all in pursuit of saving unworthy face and preserving false legacies for sub-prime political actors, which an increasing number every day are recognising as poodles and puppets of corrupted regimes/Operating Systems .......
Delusional or outrageously fortunate? :-)
Posted Thursday 9th December 2010 14:47 GMT
"Register management ... would like to point out that Lewis Page is an unimportant, low-paid employee who is in no way representative of the Reg as a whole."
Are we then to assume that the Reg management consider themselves important and are highly paid.
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