19 December 2010 at 6:30 am
Sovereignty? You think there is anything like sovereignty today whenever the manipulation, the free flow and the subjective restriction/turning off of the supply tap, of easily invented credit and quantitatively eased loot, controls your every move. Oh please, get real, you are being played for ignorant suckers and sad fools by those who invent paper wealth for themselves and then enslave you with it whilst they have a ball and charge you for the privilege.
Educate yourselves or you will render yourselves as dumb schmucks if you are not already there.
Try these two hyperlinks …. with the first one containing this Ireland reference …..
“Internationally, Moody’s cut Ireland’s credit rating by five notches from something called Aa2 to Baa1 and warned it could further downgrade it to Baadfuckingidea. Money McBags doesn’t know what is more absurd, Moody’s rating system or that anyone would give a fuck about it. But hey, blinding insight like “the Irish government’s financial strength could decline further if economic growth were to be weaker than currently projected or the cost of stabilizing the banking system turn out to be higher than currently forecast,” provides a valuable tool for the market (the tool of course being the analyst who wrote that). ” …. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/tax-bill-signed-known-misery-compromise
And this other one, which tells you of the folly of secrecy because of the abuse of power which it tempts information controllers with, and which they don’t control, and thus do they generate the chaos in which y’all now live in. And it appears to mirror exactly the present Wikileaks saga too ….. http://www.progressive.org/images/pdf/1179.pdf …… although 31years ago. Then too was free speech defended against the fool tools of the establishment who would have you ignorant of the dodgy deeds that they do and would continue to do for their power plays over you. And they are too stupid to learn that they aren’t nearly smart enough, nor are they fit for future purpose in this new Reality of Instant Shared Global Communication, should they seek to Punish and Silence the Pushers of Knowledge …….. for that turns the tables on them and locks them into a Self Destruct Cycle.
Uncle Sam has been here before, prosecuting and persecuting those into free speech, against the will of the people and the spirit of the Constitution ...... just over 30 years ago......................................................................................................................................................................
And the powers that be didn't fare very well then either, for even the slowest of wits and dimmest of souls knows that secrecy is invariable always used for personal abuse and perverse enrichment and subversive advantage ......... http://www.progressive.org/images/pdf/1179.pdf ..... and slavery of the masses.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/19/2010 5:05:02 AM
"AmanfromMars said:"Gareth Williams was the real leaker not Bradly Manning."" .... Posted by Onebornfree on 12/18/2010 6:46:07 PM
That is untrue, Onebornfree, for I have no knowledge of that and it is plain for all to see that it was something Posted by David on 12/17/2010 6:08:27 PM, which is what I shared. It is a novel theory.
Regarding the ongoing Wikileaks show, which is as a growing SMARTer Invisible Movement against Abusive Forces and Dodgy Sources, and as a Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Idiocy [to be dramatically/melodramatically florid] ..... the Powers that Be have been here before, and have lost badly to keep secrets which are invariably always used for their personal gain ....... http://www.progressive.org/images/pdf/1179.pdf
Is Bradley Manning, an Osama bin Laden clone and a convenient scapegoat to hide an assault on the Banking Sector ..... which is what you collapse or takeover if you want to exercise Power with Chaos Command and Control?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 12/19/2010 5:09:51 AM.....................................................................................................................................................................
Please remove that annoying arrow and br after pdf in the address bar whenever you have clicked on Click to View Link to access what you need.
A persistent gremlin in the works, Daily Bell. Is it so difficult to get rid of?
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