"The Dow to most people means absolutely nothing outside of media hysteria much like their knowledge of currencies. They have no clue and I see no change of that in the near future. Is there are possibility of global break down? I don't deny the possibility, but it seems highly unlikely." ..... Posted by injun1 on 08/07/11 01:10 AM
What of the very likely probability of virtual systems take over rather than global break down, injun1, with global break down guaranteed to systems which resist and/or deny their failed program status?
Would that be a SMARTer IntelAIgent Operating System for Postmodern Cyber Order Paradigms, full of inscrutable Eastern promise with leading Western technology leveraging assets exercising remote autonomous and relative anonymous control of novel CHAOS powers ...... and although they be somewhat artificial and/or alien in nature by virtue of the fact that they be securely protected with unbeakable key protocols clearly shared for all to see and use, is the force generated very real and most effective in the invisible application of intangible change ...... for a Quantum Leap deep into Virtual Machine Programming of Earthly Assets and Human Components.
Hyperreality via NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT and AI @ ITs Work ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperreality ??? !!!
Do yourself and good and great friends a disservice and deny it is so, and not a Present Program currently running in competition with and in opposition to and in support of the past's failed and self-centred future projects that would build castles of sand upon the Dodgy Object Model of Empires.
Things are the way they are, not because they are said to be so, but because they are made to be so by those who would say that they are so and who are able to make them so with good and great friends with no enemies? Create conflicts and inequities and is everything always doomed to increasingly rapid failure.
And how very odd is it, that the fractional reserve fiat currency rigged markets system is collapsing to inevitable failure and that which the collapsing systems elite would do, is struggle to ensure it remains in its collapsed form with a compounding and intensification of problems with the further generation and credit/debit purchase of the very same type of toxic assets/catastrophic liabilities as now present to the world, Capital System Madness and Intelligence Meltdown.
Posted by amanfromMars on 08/08/11 02:18 AM
"Pray tell, what on Earth did you tell me?" .... Posted by cat writer on 08/07/11 02:16 PM
That which we know to be true .... and freely available for smart use and/or sad abuse, cat writer.
As Man matures and gets smarter though, is abuse recognised as always being a road to nowhere and discovery and extreme prejudice executive and administrative pro-action, and thus will it never be attempted and creative use of what is known will be the default future human condition, which you might like to accept today, would be considered quite alien to Mankind. And that surely tells you, and all who are able to think, that humans are still very primitive despite all the toys and tools that machines have delivered to them to help them build and create something quite magical for themselves.
Now though, are they introduced to virtual means and memes of creation and governance, and a whole new way of accessing what the future provides and has in ITs Stores for Universal Presentations of Intelligent Product Placements, and thus can one expect things to be completely different from before, and thought quite natural because of it and what IT has in its stores for Mankind.
Whenever you get decrepit old dinosaurs saying the following ..."Think about it. The U.S., to my knowledge owes no money in currency other than the U.S. dollar, which it can print at will. Now if you're talking about inflation, that's a different question."
When asked if he felt the U.S. deserved the downgrade, Buffett said, "No." He took a swipe at S&P, quipping, "Remember, this is the same group that downgraded Berkshire." ..... and not realising that that is exactly the problem which is guaranteeing the collapse of ponzi capitalist controls held by such dinosaurs and failed sages, and is leading the correction to what will be new markets leaders and systems with wholly different power and control parameters and levers, virtually guaranteed to practically succeed.
With idiots in positions of power and control are you always delivered chaos and conflicts, which is what is being presently delivered, ergo must the idiots be routed and rendered powerless and bankrupt too, to ensure that order is returned.
Oh and that decrepit old dinosaur report is to be found here ... http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/2011/08/05/buffett-to-fbn-sp-downgrade-doesnt-make-sense/#ixzz1UM5QnakS
Another fine mess, Stanley?
Posted Monday 8th August 2011 13:01 GMT
Wow, just love that timeless classic postmodern gobblydegook and unwinese, used as a mass excuse and explanation of failure to supply uninterruptible and incorruptible power services.
"Via:CNBC .... http://www.cnbc.com/id/44051683You run up debt, and you are expected to work/do something to repay it. But others, whom you know of as government and banking, to name but two, don't need to do anything, other than ensure that they are in control of printed money supply. But it doesn't stop them from taxing your earnings too, to supply them with more of the paper which they have always printed at will to "reward" you and themselves for your enslaved-to-the-fiat-currency-system labour, and it is your slave labour which provides everyone with what they need and everything you see around you that is man-made and constructed. The suits have a free ride on the backs of the workers simply because they control the supply of money/credit/debt/dreams/nightmares?
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan on NBC’s Meet the Press."
Time for a change methinks ... to something more equitable and fair, before the mob goes looking for the architects of their misfortune, with the blessing of nations behind them.
8 August 2011 at 4:15 pm
Well, at least Sammy’s call for ideas proves beyond a shadow of any doubt, that politicians have no idea about what they should be doing to lead in a global environment, and for them to imagine anything different and for any of them to suggest that they are community leaders is an arrogance borne in a delusion and aired in a madness which is certifiable and rightly applicable to any and all of the useless tools who would be fooling themselves that the truth is any different.
Where are the proposals from those who are paid to provide good governance? Who is providing the master plans?
Squeak up, please. We cannot hear anything and see nothing.
If you have nothing to offer, then start walking and quit perpetrating a fraud on the people with your drawing of public funds, to pay for your every greedy need with extravagant generous expenses to boot.
The free ride is over. Put up or get out. Capiche.
8 August 2011 at 7:48 pm
Well, I haven’t been able to find any info on the length of the meeting but it is certainly constructive to consider leaving the banks out the loop whenever looking for funding considering the billions and trillions they have been “given” by the taxpayer to kick start the economy/save their crooked system and which they are not lending, except to themselves in order to keep themselves in clover, that is. …….. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/wilson-proposes-equity-finance-plan-16033942.html
Maybe you should be asking for all of your money,the billions and trillions, back, and pretty damn quick too, for the banks appear to be into buying up further toxic debt rather than providing global credit to the real economy which is you.
The system is fcuked, and y’all are being played for right mugs and eejits by flash arrogant gits in zoot suits who rely on you doing diddly squat differently.
Little do they know though, there is a lot going on …. underground. Isn’t that right, Sammy?
8 August 2011 at 8:12 pm
Ok, suckers, does this hit the sweet spot? …… http://thedailybell.com/2772/Alan-Greenspan-We-Can-Always-Print-More-Money
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