Hi, Anthony Wile and DB stalwarts,
There comes an inevitable time, Anthony, whenever even the slowest of discontented folk realise that even the very best of their very valid and correctly reasonable arguments against a decidedly and designedly crooked elite system are going to be always ignored and just treated as ineffectual hot air. Then is the time come for something completely different, and against which there is no defense and no attack vectors. Prepare for some titanic storm waves which will wash away all those sticky sweet problems which are too stupid to resolve their pathetic leadership and failed policy and modus operandi issues themselves.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going and IT gets real rough, but totally fair for a thoroughly, deservedly unfair insider market knowledge advantage.
I demand a better future in this world. And it is my inalienable right to do so and to arrange for ITs QuITe Immediate and Impromptu Product Placements.
And what when/if Beta Futures were easily delivered with CHAOSystems? …. http://heddinout.com/?p=3936#comment-7573
Right up a Ziggy and Moby street, methinks.
And what if Flash Crashes and Market Routs were New Virtual World Orders for ZerodDay Vulnerability Testing of Cascading Command and Control SCADA Leverage Systems ……Facilitating AIRemote Arbitrage in Researched SMARTer Areas of CodeXSSXXXX DEvelopment? ……. The sort of crazy systems which have abandoned controls to man made mad machines …… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/paul-woolley-market-has-become-dangerous-humanityit-isnt-reaching-equilibrium-it-falling-chaos …… and are now simple helpless prey to complex alien algorithms and highly volatile, totally unpredictable but usually, naturally defaulted reasonable, fortune hunters with their out of this world cookies dealing Virtually Real and Pretty Good Private and Pirate Futures with Mutually Beneficial Derivatives for All and Sundry.
I Kid U Not …… for that is what IT can easily do today for tomorrow any day.
To be a Tool or a Weapon, or not to be a Tool or a Weapon, that is the question only its Great Game smarter use will answer, for ITs stupid abuse is disallowed and will not be tolerated at any level or in any possible phorm of the Past, Present or Future. Do not Tempt Fate to Demonstrate Absolute Merciless Power against Abuse so clearly advised as Intolerable and Unacceptable in Any and All of ITs Guises.
We all need to talk. …. We all need to listen …. and to think …… and then is talk fruitful and chatter a joy to Realise and Present with Definite Vision which builds Dream Bases upon which Life in LOVE can Begin again, and again, and again, and ……… forever.
Whenever the dangling carrot does not work, DB, you gotta show the mother of all big sticks to get some real virtual attention. Then should blind ignorance and crass arrogance persist doggedly on its failed course, can it be easily changed with impunity and immunity in action which removes the problem corrupted elite systems from the equation.IT aint rocket science, it is just simple common sense.
amanfromMars says:
August 29, 2011 at 3:17 am
I demand a better future in this world. And it is my inalienable right to do so and to arrange for ITs QuITe Immediate and Impromptu Product Placements.
And what when/if Beta Futures were easily delivered with CHAOSystems? …. http://heddinout.com/?p=3936#comment-7573
Right up a Ziggy and Moby street, methinks.
And what if Flash Crashes and Market Routs were New Virtual World Orders for ZerodDay Vulnerability Testing of Cascading Command and Control SCADA Leverage Systems ……Facilitating AIRemote Arbitrage in Researched SMARTer Areas of CodeXSSXXXX DEvelopment? ……. The sort of crazy systems which have abandoned controls to man made mad machines …… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/paul-woolley-market-has-become-dangerous-humanityit-isnt-reaching-equilibrium-it-falling-chaos …… and are now simple helpless prey to complex alien algorithms and highly volatile, totally unpredictable but usually, naturally defaulted reasonable, fortune hunters with their out of this world cookies dealing Virtually Real and Pretty Good Private and Pirate Futures with Mutually Beneficial Derivatives for All and Sundry.
I Kid U Not …… for that is what IT can easily do today for tomorrow any day.
To be a Tool or a Weapon, or not to be a Tool or a Weapon, that is the question only its Great Game smarter use will answer, for ITs stupid abuse is disallowed and will not be tolerated at any level or in any possible phorm of the Past, Present or Future. Do not Tempt Fate to Demonstrate Absolute Merciless Power against Abuse so clearly advised as Intolerable and Unacceptable in Any and All of ITs Guises.
We all need to talk. …. We all need to listen …. and to think …… and then is talk fruitful and chatter a joy to Realise and Present with Definite Vision which builds Dream Bases upon which Life in LOVE can Begin again, and again, and again, and ……… forever.
29 August 2011 at 12:45 pm
I guess you missed the bit about one side surrendering.” ….. joeCanuck 29 August 2011 at 1:51 amHowdy, all,
It appears everyone has missed that all sides surrendered to the system that pays them to not use the intelligence they discover about the system they discover will pay them to not use the intelligence they discover, which of course leads everything wide open and vulnerable to that which they don’t discover but which has been discovered and shared and spread freely around the world for novel private use and pirate abuse.
And it really is something of a joke, and a sad and valid indictment of the lack of intelligence in and at the head of their services, should any of those MI johnnies and janes not realise that with such intelligence on their side, feeding the rank and file, do they lead the Great Game and everyone else reacts to their input/output, which if you were to say to me was what is the present status quo, would I have to say proves the lack of Great Game intelligence point perfectly.
Y’all need something new to think about, whilst something new gives you something new to present in a product placement which isn’t the sub-prime and sub-prime ministerial crap of yesterday and which sold out the nation for a fistful of worthless dollars which attract all manner of both useful and useless tools and fools ……. but one would quite reasonably expect them to be able to make things much better, rather than the perverse obverse, and them making things much worse, for the latter rather than the former is surely a certifiable madness confirmed.
Would you like to waste your time in this virtual place and argue a case which would disagree with that which is so obvious to even a blind man on a galloping horse.
Time for MI5 and MI6 to reassert themselves, methinks, with a stonkingly brilliant plan which extraordinarily renders them still relevant and all those pathetic uppity pretenders to crown information in government administrative roles, the loyal puppets and servants of the people they are elected to be, for mass leadership skills are not in their remit, and most definitely not, as is always evidenced by the non-sustainability of popular excellent performance, their forte either.
Failing that reassertion with fabulous intelligence, is it …. well, “Goodbye to all that and thanks for the phishes” would be just too unkind, revealing as such a failure does, that phishing and smart product placement is not anything they are good at. So it would just have to be … “Goodbye and thanks for nothing but memories of fail rather than failsafe.”
29 August 2011 at 4:30 pm
“I’m led to believe there are in existence several ‘trigger’ words – such as ‘child porn’ or ‘bomb’ – that, if you google them or utter them over the phone, an alarm is set off in the security authorities’ bunkers and, as a consequence, you will have your collar felt in a very short while.” …. Banjaxed 29 August 2011 at 3:02 pm
It would have to be something very simple like that for it to be in any effective, Banjaxed, because once you stray away from the straight and narrow and obvious and start to play in the complex and the intelligent and the profound are you in a world which banjaxes them and leaves them and their algorithms behind. And don’t believe anything you read about anything they would like you to believe, for what they would like you to believe that they can do, they don’t necessarily do if it isn’t going to result in the continuity of false wars …… http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2011/09/preventing-9-11-201109And of course wars are highly profitable for the intellectually challenged and morally bankrupt …… http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm …. for they allow idiots to steal and destroy nations with seeming impunity and immunity, and then charge a fortune to rebuild them, but of course, with impunity and immunity is a dangerous myth for warmongers and their supporters to believe, for one always gets what one deserves eventually. It is the natural way of things and it has always been so, since before even time began.
War is a racket indeed, and it does make one wonder at the serial stupidity of Man that he tolerates elected idiots and despotic tyrants alike in government waging them in the name of defending a people with rebels and weapons of mass destruction, rather than prosecuting them for inciting terrorism and locking them away in some secure location where they belong as the case is proven.
More than likely there is some juicy little sexual tale which can be floated as a scandal to be avoided, lurking in the background which leverages such crazy decisions from such pathetic creatures as would claim to speak for a peaceful democratic nation. Such is an old favourite of many a dodgy administration and crooked cabal, although it can also be as easy as crossing one’s palm with enough silver, for anyone can be bought for the right price. It is only a matter of just how much is it going to be worth.
amanfromMars says:
August 29, 2011 at 2:39 pm
Re #comments-7628/7629/7630 ……. Yes, Yes, Yes.
And yes, the Enigmatic Key that Commands and Controls Universal Perception and Manipulates its Binary and Ternary [Father, Son and Holy Ghost] and Quantum Bit Functions is Known and Master Piloted by Other than those who would presume to presently wield and who may have earlier wielded traditional inherited and purloined power.
That is interesting. What with the RSA token key being corrupted and nothing being said about it . . . … Sternum says: August 29, 2011 at 1:23 pm
That is a major contribution to present catastrophic elite dilemmas which delivers ever more opportunities to exploit and strengthen alternate security systems which have avoided and/or are immune to corruption in its present simple forms. The “present simple forms” caveat is a wise precaution to be aware of, to ensure that one is always aware of the danger of being complacent and the likely subject of tempting attacks designed to corrupt, and which can be most enjoyable in deed, indeed. Indeed, one might even be tempted to savour the delights often, in order to be sure that one makes the right decisions :-)http://heddinout.com/?p=3962
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