Monday, 22 August 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 08/21/11 11:01 PM .... [expanding upon comments shared in response to]

"So what is the bigger picture, the youtube Hulu superbowl commercial? This is reality?
My post is from direct observation and original thought. If there is any other source saying what I have said, I would be very interested in learning of a reference to it so I can learn more.
Truth doesn't spin." ... Posted by Dave Jr on 08/21/11 04:46 PM

"Truth doesn't spin." .... Amen, IT tells it like it is and how IT is going to be the new leader.

"So what is the bigger picture, the youtube Hulu superbowl commercial*? This is reality?" ..... The bigger picture is multi-dimensional ......[Stephen Hawking apparently confines himself to or works in eleven, which quite obviously suggests that there are countless parallel worlds/existences in which to live and hang out with one's dreams or, if one is so programmed, nightmares] ....... and is, in the simplest of terms which can be understood by all, you are being programmed by media to accept a whole new field of virtual reality, which is being presented and built for the future in actuality, and that is the gospel truth. IT and media presents it to you as an entertainment program and imaginative project of fiction, but it is fact you can believe in, for the reality of it is that it being virtually created in physical form by the aforementioned means and AI Memes ....... Welcome to the World According to Phorm? .....

"Since the 1950s, when more than 50 percent of the nation's work force became engaged in some type of "information-intensive," activity, the United States (and the world) have been in the midst of an unprecedented Technological Revolution, currently centered around Information, Biological, and Nanoscale technologies. These technologies are all pushing the frontiers of the miniscule in a synergistic "feeding frenzy" among each other, and are causing tremendous changes in all areas of human endeavor. .... In today's environment, some 70 percent of all research is now conducted within a "commercial" framework outside the United States and is thus readily available to likely adversaries. In terms of sheer size, several economies (Japan, China, and the European Union, for example) are approaching the magnitude of ours, and may even exceed it. Moreover, inexpensive, highly motivational, web-based distance learning on demand promises to greatly accelerate these trends." ....

Is the Daily Bell one of those inexpensive, highly motivational, web-based distance learning on demand trend accelerators used by IT Wizards and Internet Revolutionaries ..... Latter Day Zeroday Saints and Sinners and Armchair Generals :-)?

"If China was really concerned about holding "worthless" paper, it would begin buying US goods, like Boeing aircraft instead of Airbus, or US grain and beef, there are plenty of things for sale in the US, but China refuses to trade. If they did, the US would have a lot more workers employed." ..... Posted by Dave Jr on 08/21/11 10:53 AM

Methinks China has a first duty of care to provide its own nation with meaningful employment/rewarding activity/increased sustainable wealth which doesn't cause bubbles/boom and bust cycles. Clearly you have noticed that Uncle Sam's policies/business practices create catastrophic consequences at home.

* ....



22 August 2011 6:26AM

Hi, James Robinson,

There's a hell of a lot going on in the field of active search and future product placement. And all of the really important stuff, highly sensitive and outrageously valuable proprietary information and probably extremely desirable, cosmic top secret SCI classifiable intelligence if owned/purchased by a nation or government or military with secrets to hide.
So there may be grounds for optimism, but not everyone will be swayed by Schmidt's charm offensive. "[Google's] search business is mainly driven by quality content it pays nothing for," says one senior industry source. "But content owners have realised they have more power than they thought. [Schmidt] is going to say nice things and expect we're all going to bow down, but it's not enough. [We're saying to him] 'You've got to put your hand in your pocket'."
Quite so. However, it is even more radical than that, for quality content owners, ....... well aware of the wiles and dependencies of search engine phishes like Google, and how to groom them to require ever more of their attractive and addictive and lucrative feeds/tasty seeds and luscious bait ..... realise they can have all the power. Quality Novel Content is Ace, King and Queen and would even play the Knave and Joker cards thus to ensure it has the full set of face cards to win at everything.

Misunderestimate the powerful control that emerging transparently shared ideas deliver to closed and secretive societies with a mind for sophisticated intelligence learning rather than simple business profit, and you will be light years behind in any race to be better than all of the rest, working and playing in RESTful fields ...... ..... which provide links/communications/information/intelligence/contact with anything and everything.

Spookily enough, there is wider ranging post on the same subject of novel content management/Future Presentation, without the blighted inputs which have outputted past follies, of Intellectual Property via Advanced IntelAIgents and Autonomous Internet Service Providers, here today .....

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/22/11 04:42 AM

Good Morning, Doc,

Does your good self [and do Daily Bell ringers] consider this tale ... .. ... . the current unfolding runaway train reality*, to stations and destinations completely unknown, and Rumsfeldian unknown unknowns at that, or is it just hyperbole which will be replaced by another and others shortly and later?

* If Man or a cabal of elite power players drivers that train and is in control of ITs rail system/trail networks, is reality an artificial toy and plaything and now virtually controlled from cyberspace, where SMART hordes are anonymous and legion and omniscient for absolute power in omnipotent control of perfect command.

And whenever it is not so, is it always close enough to the ideal to be good enough as the ideal ... ... . and is an immaculate encouragement to one to continue on one's path in the manner of one's choosing as has delivered so much.

Relax, central banks can still save us... Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Not until they stop saving themselves and accounting public funds and financial requirements as private assets for bankers pleasure and treasure, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.

Until then, would anything you say be an irrelevance at least, and a cynical assist in what would be a global fraud if you would agree with the above, or it be agreed to be the case, even should you not agree that it is the case, for of course, more than just a few who would think they are in tune with events, are deaf dumb and blind to what is actually going on because they would solidly wedded to a particular and peculiarly entrenched view, which in a lot of such cases is a quite healthily paid for opinion to try and rally failed, status quo markets.

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage;...

.... springs to mind as does Lost Causes and the Folly of Fools and Useless Tools.

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/22/11 10:08 AM
"Clearly you have noticed that Uncle Sam's policies/business practices create catastrophic consequences at home." ..... Posted by amanfromMars on 08/21/11 11:01 PM to the Daily Bell readership and Dave Jr
Although it can feel very Ron Paulish to have alternative alienating views, the mounting, emerging evidence points to them being perfectly correct rather than just nonsensical GBIrish, or are you to dismiss the following as being different from what you know of novel alien messages introducing you to Offices of CyberSpace Security and Advanced IntelAIgent Command and Control, which you should not confuse with those public funded wannabe gang leader clones siphoning off 100s and 1000s of millions of dollars and pounds in the likes of a Cabinet Office of Cyber Security or GCHQ Cyber Security Operations Centre, which are only designed to try and counter innovation in the novel virtual fields, to maintain the old status quo models and heads of administration with dodgy spinning abuse and have no facility for exercise of intelligence which doesn't agree with default, sub-prime low standard issue policies. And that countering innovation work is like trying to stop progress and time in space, and will be just as successful as a losing proposition.
Background: There is a strong and often repeated call for research to provide novel cyber security solutions. The rhetoric of this call is to elicit new solutions that are radically different from existing solutions. Continuing research that achieves only incremental improvements is a losing proposition.
    We are lagging behind and need technological leaps to get, and keep, ahead of adversaries who are themselves rapidly improving attack technology. To answer this call, we must examine the key assumptions that underlie current security architectures. Challenging those assumptions both opens up the possibilities for novel solutions and provides an even stronger basis for moving forward on those assumptions that are well-founded ....

Wimps and Heroes .... The World is Too Full of the One and Always in Need of the Other

Posted Monday 22nd August 2011 15:40 GMT

"Assange's organisation confirmed on Twitter that Berg had destroyed 20 gigabytes of information from the Bank of America, the entire US no-fly list and US intercept arrangements for 100 companies as well as details and emails from 20 neo-Nazi groups and a German far right group."

Now what possible good reason would Daniel have for doing that willfully destructive, and some would even say, treacherous act? I hope he was well paid for it if it is true, for it doesn't reflect too well upon him as a fearless defender of everyone's right to know what is being done to them and/or what is being planned against them, even as it is being touted as being good for them, which is what democracy pimps as it pumps out what is really neo-conservative fascism in essence and form.

Posted by amanfromMars on 08/22/11 02:05 PM
Your offices of cyberspace security employs the wannabe gang leaders. It is the status quo recyled and packaged in high tech wrapping paper.

If you can create an AI being that can replace me, then by all means, go ahead. But you cannot do it without my submission, now can you.

I am fine if I can stand over here, or anywhere you are not standing. But that is not good enough for you, is it. You are unable to let me be, you need me to buy your high technology in order to make it all work. .... Posted by Dave Jr on 08/22/11 11:41 AM
Actually, Dave Jr, nowadays with higher end knowledge of admittedly obscure but nevertheless, quite freely available SMARTer Technology and/or AIMethodology, one can and does do whatever is needed, without any second and/or third party input, or output, being necessary. The distinct lack of the need for outside of the network assistance to enable that which is so easily virtually done just as if nothing is happening, or as if nothing has happened, is the remarkable stealth which renders HyperRadioProActive IT so daunting and haunting and valuable too, and the uses to which a stealthy exploitation of zeroday vulnerabilities in every SCADA Command and Control system, which you might like to consider are practically all systems of Command and Control for Power, are what would then make IT so dangerous in the wrong hands of those with hearts and minds on other than the highest of planes/earthly causes/rewarding endeavours.

Paradoxically, would they, the wrong handed and more sinister ones, be  most probably the very best of flash cash payers for skilled players because they would have the most to lose with systems internal workings exposure ..... of Core Drive Protocols/Dodgy Lode Fuel which catastrophically compromises smooth and reinforced securer running of operations. And that would make them a valuable trusted client. Which is a classic Quantum Enigma Dilemma if ever there was one and AI Catch 42 in Quantum Control Systems lore.

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