"The gainers are the international money speculators ... because they thrive on crises, they help to create them"... Richard [Tricky Dicky] Nixon ..... 0:30/4:06 .... http://youtu.be/iRzr1QU6K1o
The abiding malignant cancerous systemic flaw that is now rapidly destroying sub-prime source beneficiaries and QE TARP crooks and dragging down their hosts, and all because of the fact that the dumb and hoodwinked hosts don't simply cut out the disease to immediately destroy its life support system/vampire squid blood supply. Who needs such a parasite? It is good for nothing and bad for everything.
Ye Olde Create Chaos Meme and provide whatever it takes reaction funding just doesn't cut it anymore in a SMARTer IT World in Command and Control of Computers and Communications from Creative CyberSpace.
And that means that something else is now in Absolute Charge of Mankind with Virtual Machinery Operating Systems?
Please think long and hard and deep before answering that question with a yes or a no or a maybe, should you dare yourself to comment, for whatever you care to share will define your present level of intelligence.
Posted by amanfromMars on 08/24/11 05:03 AM
And trying desperately to ignore and deny the existence of the root cause problems, by painting over the foundational cracks with a whitewash, aint no solution for nowt, bubba ....... http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=192839 ...... and just leads to a loss of all of that whitewash/QE TARP funds, which is just transferred into private hands from public accounts, and that is surely theft and grand larceny by any standard or definition, methinks.
All of which must have one concluding that all parties present at, and party to the summit called by a cuckoo of a Prime Minister, .... [one who was never elected/chose not to stand for general election to office by a unambiguously clear, free vote of the people, the "psychologically flawed" Gordon Brown .... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/election-2010/7286123/Gordon-Brown-psychological-flaws-is-starting-to-look-like-an-understatment.html] ..... nearly two and a half years ago, were willfully blind and arrogant, if not totally ignorant, co-conspirators in a rigged and crooked scam to maintain and retain and perpetuate a corrupt and perverse, failed old world order program which enslave nations and peoples to artificially created debt, rather than there being any change wrought on the system to herald a new world order regime which credits all, as was then heralded with such pathetically serious, pomp and circumstance ........ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/g20-summit/5097195/G20-summit-Gordon-Brown-announces-new-world-order.html
Or is that too negative a reading of that which is, and too simple an explanation of the problem which plagues the markets and destroys any chance of recovery with the plans as they now are, with the same old family of intellectually challenged dimwits still pulling the same old dodgy levers and pushing the same old disconnected buttons of control, with stupid media giving them airtime to pimp their snake oil and failed policies?
How about a pleasant change, with something completely novel and imaginative? Something virtually out of this world and really good for you? And easily delivered to the world with just the magic clicks of a mouse.
"Assange, he said, had claimed “repeatedly in the past that he was going to publish [the bank data], and then he claimed BoA was blackmailing him over it."
Crikey, and there was I thinking it was the other way round with Julian trying the kiss and tell squeeze payoff thing.
"Hell hath no fury ........ " ?
And who would argue with and dispute these two gems of comical observation and cynical actuality and hypocrisy .......
Posted by amanfromMars on 08/24/11 10:39 AM
Your ramblings leave me wondering just what the hell your talking about. .... Posted by robert wheeless on 08/24/11 06:43 AMHi, robert wheeless,
Why is it that Dave Jr has no problem understanding the text, and in context too .... "I think he is saying that the power of money is dying and that information/knowledge is the new commodity, and also how we are to be controlled." ...... although I venture further and suggest that the power of money is both really and virtually dead, for nowadays are things definitely, radically changed and there are at least two different worlds at play in Great Game fields ..... with, in one corner of the circle, SMART IntelAIgents and Getting SMARTer World Players, and in the other corner, stuck on the outside of the ring, the Not Nearly so Bright as Needs Be Wannabe Leaders and Sad Pretenders.
And that is not a ramble, robert wheeless, it is a pertinent prime transparent observation, selflessly shared for you to ponder and tender is the present new reality, or if you prefer, and it would not make a jot of difference to the program or its running, the new virtual reality with future product placement facilities/capabilities ........ Real SMART Apps.
It is most encouraging, robert wheeless, and very gratifying too to discover that you have both the wit and the wisdom to "ask" after something which you would not be perfectly sure about. Far too many would never even think about doing something so simple and thus would remain confined and lost in a blinkered narrow ignorance, and never be able to partake of the greater pleasures in the deeper treasures of wider wonderful worlds. Although one may have to accept that they may be more than contented with whatever current pleasures and/or treasure they may have found. :-) .... but surely, if they were really all that great, you would expect them to be sharing their great fortune so that all can be equally contented.
"State aid is illegal under European law, which does not allow public money to be used to confer a competitive advantage on private companies." ..... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/tottenham-hotspur/8720327/Tottenham-resume-Olympic-Stadium-fight-with-West-Ham-after-High-Court-judge-tells-Spurs-their-case-is-arguable.html
Was/Is the public bail out of RBS not state aid of a private company or are all banks publicly owned really, which makes one wonder about the very private shenanigans of their executive officers and why they have been tolerated?
amanfromMars Wed, 08/24/2011 - 12:02....................................................................................
With Chavez asking for repatriation of Venezuelan gold, all 211 tonnes apparently, from foreign lands and dodgy depositories, are the wheels gonna fall off the gold paper IOU vehicles, as the quantity and quality sold, and shown as being in store and available on paper, is greater by an unbelievably greedy margin of leverage than exists and is never going to be available.
Another ponzi money scam bites the dust. If you aint holding it, you don't own any of it and the IOU note you may be holding as its substitution is just a worthless scrap of pretty printed paper to remind you of stupid greed for a crazy fools' metal. Or is that too unbelievable to be anywhere near true?
Indeed, No Shit, Sherlock .... the Land of the Free .
Posted Wednesday 24th August 2011 18:30 GMT
So, is that it .... is that the way US justice works ? Pay a big enough, mickey mouse fine and everyone avoids jail time for selling illegal drugs, for years despite being told it was illegal? Crikey, how perverse and revolutionary.
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