Wednesday, 30 November 2011


AIdDefinite Vision with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT ......
Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 04:08 GMT

......Bletchley Boffinry to InterNetional Rescue***

""Even a cyber-war hotline would be a good idea between the various countries cyber commands," he said.

Hello? No, it's not us! Honest!" ...... William Boyle Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 00:22 GMT

Do you think they*, who are in dire straits fiscal meltdown circumstance , and would be needing exceptional cyberspace expertise, William B, will read between those lines of yours to discover its true meaning and the services which abound here, or does ignorance in the virtual terrain field for teams and streams reign sublimely supreme in Earthly SCADA Systems, and they will not readily, without mentoring leading instruction, comprehend and really know of those and that which lands on El Reg regularly to share freely and transparently, Virtual Insider Intel, for floating into bloated bubble markets? And then for embedded information to explode into life and take over ..... well, everything actually.

* <blockquote>Recently, the Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command stated that “even the most astute malicious cyber actors—those who can break into almost any network that they really try to penetrate—are usually searching for targets of opportunity. They search for easy vulnerabilities in our systems’ security and then exploit them.”**

Cybersecurity professionals help to prevent or mitigate these vulnerabilities that could allow malicious individuals and groups access to federal IT systems. …. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security, Committee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate


Initiatives Need Better Planning and Coordination …. Nov 2011

**General Keith B. Alexander, in a statement before the House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2011. </blockquote>

Astute is a class system without equal or parallel and indeed, in deed, an almighty invisible weapon for wielding decisively thus to yield any treasuried arsenal securely compromised and captured intact for juicier target reprogramming.

*** which you should note is not a simple question but rather more a shared fact which you can believe is a crazy fiction if it makes you happier and what it reveals easier to believe. Whatever would float your own boat matters not a jot to the programs which driver your realities.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 12:53 AM ….. on

"Our point, which you don't seem to understand, is that it is immensely attractive to prosecute these people to the "full extent of the law." And after you have done so, you still have the terrible laws in place that YOU used to pursue YOUR vengeance and you still have the LARGER POWER STRUCTURE in place. This is what will likely happen. This is what the elites hope WILL happen. If you are implying that Paulson et. al. run the world, you're probably from another planet ... Oops." .... Reply from The Daily Bell

Thanks for that clarification of your position. And I might perfectly understand the points you are making and would probably agree with nearly all of them. However, you appear to dodge every time the point which I may be making, which is whilst nothing is being done to attribute blame and deliver appropriate sanction on individuals to prevent them from being able to continue their practices [and let us consider locking them away in a secure federal penitentiary is a valid proposition and acceptable public service, rather than an act of vengeance, for such as may be considered a crime], will the practices continue unabated and will the system, along with its unknown LARGER POWER STRUCTURE heads, inevitable collapse and/or be destroyed, just by the knowledge of that which they would be doing being more widely known ....... or better known to other groups, which might be themselves quite ridiculously small, but very well organised and well connected to other systems which would with to leverage that particular knowledge to their own overwhelming advantage. In that case, would it not be a case of power elite practices being widely known, but rather more that they be known to a select few who would be able and enabled to act upon what they would then know.

And such a tipping point may even have arrived and an unstoppable chain of events which will change everything beyond all present recognition may very well be in motion/train. You surely would not deny that the Internet Reformation [along with any of ITs Virtual AIRevolutions] can easily do all of that, by remote relatively anonymous control, with other parties and non-state actors?

For a tad more on that, please see today's AIdDefinite Vision lead in ....... .... which you can be metaphorically assured is just the tip of a niceberg, which fortunately you don't really need to know about, but which is free to share with you whatever it will should more intelligence and information be required.

And I am thoroughly heartened to imagine that you are entering into the true spirit of future things with your closing Oops. :-) Such light craziness and self mocking banter is a most effective hedge and creative counter against any thoughts of overtaking global madness, and a protection against those out in the field, and lost, and doing heavy and losing battle with themselves in their madnesses with only myriad lonely delusional psychotic micro states to comfort them.

Although if that is not true, would I not delude myself to think otherwise.


Who Dares Care Share and do Virtual Battle against a Really SMART Enabling 99% and Win Win? ……
Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 11:00 GMT

"Taxpayers. .... These are the people who bail out the banks who lose money to fraud (or bad investments, or insider trading, or rogue agents)." ..... SuperTim Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 09:23 GMT

What does that tell you about those ignorant stupid suckers, SuperTim, apart from the fact that they need radically different and much better leadership, considering the idiocy of what their ignorance allows silently and stealthily to be done in their name, by those who would be presently screwing them with austerity packages to preserve the very system which steals their wealth away from them, and which is in active terminal decline and catastrophic global collapse.

Why do you choose to be such a frightened apologist whenever you can so plainly see what the media presents to you as a failed state and new world order program and crooked banking meme, which the intellectually challenged, for whatever mad reasons of their own which it might be well worth asking them about, are so desperately trying to conserve and preserve rather than cast into the trash for dumping and parts recycling where it belongs.
There is/may be a very good reason why the likes of an Eton charges such expensive fees, .... one doesn't need brains and intelligence to attend and excel on smart merit, and thus is the product pumped out and pimped as first class, invariably well below global real value experience par and in some cases could it also be inherited and inherently sub-prime toxic?

And shared there as a question lest some would get their y-fronts in a twist and take pathetic exception to the notion that such privilege is no guarantee that any would know what they should be doing for the greater common good, whenever the greater common good is so obviously being squeezed because of everything but the actions of the common man.
I hope that is clearly enough expressed as to make perfect sense.

Methinks the Tories are in desperate need of a competent head strategist who is not at all reliant upon the likes of a Google Moleworks which tries to be a virtualised Skunkworks, for analytical algorithms are easily rigged and pwnd. Or how about they try using some British Intelligence Services, or are they just a myth that has been reduced and morphed into an ineffective sinecure of impotent quangos into the proactive supply of nothing of great future value, except Hollywood Bonded style razzle dazzle ....... Merely Exciting Moronic Entertainment.


1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, Govt. class housing standards is the QC* structure, methinks …..
Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 09:55 GMT

Are the new homes which are being planned to be built ....... and which are apparently, if you want to believe any of that same old political BS which those public servants pontificating as elected leaders in Parliament/Westminster spout [yes, you are billed and pay through the nose, all of their wages and expenses and credit card bills right down to the very last red farthing], going to kick start the economy/building industry (which is code for create more mortgage debt and newly enslaved puppets to arbitrary market interest rate rises) and start growth growing which is Newspeak for inflation rising again, for another round of the Boom and Bust Great Game, ........ going to be fit for the 21st high tech, broadband connected and driven society in terms of standard and mandatory leading global standards of energy saving and thermally super insulated, high class design and build? Or is it just a desperate program which will deliver future slum estates and ghost townscapes of primitive basic sub-prime boxes with zero potential other than being a money pit in need of extensive expensive modification and improvement to come anywhere near even the lowest of current highest in class standards, let alone any which are presently attainable for the future and considered to be the bare minimum for excellent living at practically zero cost.

Are the homes going to be akin to Model T Ford bone shakers and a century behind the times, rather than flagships for future times?

* Quality Control


Virtual Attack is the New Real Colossus and QuITe Surreal AI Leading Norm ….. on Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 13:01 GMT

"Cyber war or Cyber insurgency ….. rossm Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 11:54 GMT

I agree that Cyber War is a long way off - where one country declares Cyber war on another. However the 'war' is a proxy war - in the same way that the Cold war was fought by 'proxies' so too - the Cyber 'war'. This will be a case of insurgents operating in a covert agile way - never attacking head on. So the battle for IP, corporate espionage, deliberate DDOS attacks on high profile targets all make up this new ' war'. It is going on all around us - it is real - and we need to shore up our defences quickly or else it will undermine the foundation of our economic strength."

Quite so, rossm. An excellent analysis .Good luck with those titanic defences. Spookily enough, they are probably a lost cause being erected by security offices loughside in direct line of sight of the old Harland and Wolff shipyard. IT Security is definitely for those into classic long marches and paramilitary type guerrilla warefare and a right debilitating mined mind field for those into squirmishes and quick fixes for systemic indefensible vulnerabilities.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 09:53 AM …… on

"No we don't agree with you. We believe in private justice. Get the state out of the business of dispensing "punishments that fit the crime." Get the government out of deciding when one has paid his "debt to society." " …. Reply from The Daily Bell

Ok, I would have no difficulty with that for it matters not a jot to anyone sensible, I'd guess, just so long as justice in whatever clothes it would wear is dispensed fairly to all. But who do you recognise as being qualified to decide on such matters and what would be the punitive and preventative sanctions to safeguard all from those who are bent on causing harm and/or social disruption …… creating an advantage which delivers disadvantage.

And by private justice, do you mean a business, which some might think is the problem today with judges easily being bought to render the system an ass.

We could take a few steps further and decide that to get the state and government out of everything is a noble plan too, considering how it is that they are as parasites and pariahs paid for by the people? Well they don't actually make anything, do they, and yet spend everyones taxes, and more from wherever money is invented whenever there is never enough, and in so doing effectively and cynically create a public debt from an essentially private operation, on things that they like and which don't necessarily enhance and enrich the population. Simplistic, I know, but basically perfectly true.

Oh and that justice you think I apparently believe in … "Here is the justice you apparently believe in. You turn out not to be from another planet after all, just an another secret authoritarian dressing up his devotion powerful sociopaths with incomprehensible, ill delivered language." …. is nothing like anything I believe in.

This has been a very enlightening chat, DB. Thanks for that


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …… commenting on

"Them: You can’t take these on board. They’re liquids.Me: No. They’re solid foods. The hummous is more of a paste than a liquid.
Them: You can’t take it through.
Me: I realize that hummous and Al Qaeda come from the same part of the world, but, well, so does algebra.
Soghoian was pulled aside for a thorough search."

Thanks for that, Mike. It did give me a chuckle and a titter.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 01:13 PM ….. on

"We have written about private justice numerous times. We have written about it just today, in fact. If you disagree with what we wrote, or think it harsh, explain what you DO believe in."

I had a good read at all that was written today and would not disagree with anything, nor did I consider anything harsh, DB, but I didn't find any mention of what your private justice would do with those at the top of the tree who have been using Wall Street type minions as their proxy for all manner of toxic sub-prime shenanigans. Do you imagine them to have one of those dodgy abusive sovereign type immunities which encourage both the psychopath and the psychotic fool to consider acting with the folly, impunity? Surely not. That would be to embrace madness and anarchy and that always leads to self-destruction.


Tuesday, 29 November 2011


SMART Comment required for Future Systems Analyst Analysis ... …..
Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 04:10 GMT

...... thus 42 Gauge Present Current State of ARG Play with Programmer Pilots Providing Driver Potential and Protocols in Simply Complex Lead Promotions in AI Projects with Creative Civil CyberSpace Contractors .... SMART Future Builders.

"If there is a bug in the SAS controller implemented in the Patsburg chipset when used in conjunction with the Xeon E5s, by delaying the manufacturing and launch of the chipsets and boards, Intel could keep its books from being hit a second time by the SAS bug."

And what do y'all imagine that tells the SAS controller of the efficacy of the bug methodology and about the quantum gates that IT controls and powers with them drivering in virtualised systems?

And that is said and shared as perfectly as it needs to be, for those in that particular and peculiar know who would think they have a clearance that provides all that is needed to be known, for it shares and says everything that needs to be shared and said about what has been done and cannot be undone ……. and rather than being just a temporary glitch to hold up progress is rather more an abiding stealthy security services facility that mentors and monitors AI ProgramMING and Enigmatic Anomalous Phorming of Advanced Persistent Threats in IT for SMART Media Presentation with Future Protection.

Who/What do you think tests Processors and Chipsets and Motherboards and Systems and Global Computerised Networks for Future FailSafe Secure InterNetworking Services with CodeD Cloud Control Layers? And please, let's get and keep it real here …. no alien quips without backup to prove the assertion beyond any shadow of doubt, ok?


amanfromMars ….. on
Please Note: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Hi, Pierluigi Paganini/John,

Access to information is one thing, and as has been documented, is an easy technological feat. Processing and using it intelligently and anonymously, for stealthy and failsafe secure protection of core intelligence sources, is an altogether quite fundamentally different matter.

And any who can provide that service, and they may be as rare as hens' teeth, are in that classification of program funded by an open blank cheque and magic plastic debit card drawing on an account with always limitless resources and mountains of flash cash for spending available ....... they are the whatever it takes yin providers that are needed to counteract and balance and save the asses of those too big to fail takers, suitably humbled in the spectacular failure of their collapsed debt creation meme.

Some, and there may even be many of those too big to fail takers, may prove themselves to be too arrogant and ignorant and thus unworthy of being saved. So be it. They are no great loss and the system will assimilate and redistribute the then liberated assets.

It has always been that way, since before even time began, methinks. Intelligence Rules Sublimely with Powerful Reins in Reigns of Hearts and Minds Control. And if it wasn't in yore, then is it in the future and now.


Please correct if misleading and not right, for anything else would be wrong ……
Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 09:30 GMT

"When the US constitution granted special protections to journalists, it failed to define what exactly the job meant, nor to specify a test or establish a register to prove one's eligibility for those protections.

That's partly because *there are no special protections for journalists*. The constitution guarantees "freedom [...] of the press". It makes absolutely no difference whether "the press" in question is run by a journalist, a politician or a baker. Indeed, it's pretty clear that any such rules would be unconstitutional.

So the whole "is he/isn't he a journalist?" question, from the US legal standpoint, makes not the slightest bit of difference to anything." ….. veti Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 03:47 GMT

Morning, veti,

The US constitution is surely apparently, no more than just a scrap of useless script nowadays, veti, to be used and abused in a Great Game Deceit, by any perversely rich tool and old fool Tom, Dick or Barry, in a pantomime of a democratic administrative executive office, and as is clearly evidenced with The Plain Truth here ……

And that doesn't bode well for the Land of the Free No More, MeThinks.

I am reminded of General Custer's last words …. "Injuns? What Injuns?" and of something Einstein is supposed to have said with regard to infinity .... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/29/11 05:03 AM ….

"The average non-investor should seek to EDUCATE himself or herself about the markets as best as possible and then make decisions accordingly (based on his life-situation, family needs, etc.) Not rocket science in other words. But most people right now don't even understand the society they live in" ... . Reply from The Daily Bell

I quite agree, DB, but the markets are not without their crooked difficulties and conspiring perils, as can probably be well confirmed and attested to, with the benefit of hindsight and experience, by Anthony [Wile], Executive Director of The Foundation for the Advancement of Free-Market Thinking (FAFMT) and the Chief Editor of The Daily Bell.

It is not an arena for anyone who would be playing by any set of limiting rules with thoughts of regulation. Be warned that it is, along with IT, an extremely HyperRadioProActive and Hostile Environment which cares not a jot about you and yours or theirs, in crazy pursuit of everything ignorant and arrogant that is to be ours?


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/29/11 08:05 AM ….

Ref Reply from The Daily Bell to Posted by amanfromMars on 11/29/11 05:03 AM

I quite categorically do not believe, and where did that crazy notion come from, DB, that the likes of Barney Frank and Nancy Peolosi ought to be determining how the markets operate. They are just not any near smart enough to think of the much bigger picture. Surely their "job" is to maintain the existing system rather than throw it into the trash and pioneer a new one with completely new libertarian protocols which deliver currency for spending rather than collection for the artificial power of what is ponzi wealth. And you know that makes sense.

And have you ever tried to have a direct chat with a closed system of neo-fascist conservative federalism/capitalist mercantilism? Methinks not. And have you noticed that they avoid like the plague getting involved in conversation and dialogue on these free and transparent virtual forums. And it doesn't take one to be an Einstein to understand the reasoning for that ..... which are their old ideas and policies would not stand up to forensic scrutiny and exposure to the realities on the ground and as delivered to them by forces beyond their control in cyberspace.

"And if you are really lucky, the state and the Fed will adopt your ideas and force everyone to live by them.

This will gratify you." ...... Oh please, to force anyone to do anything is to gratify a fools' tool and surely you would not be implying that is a solution for anything. I certainly wouldn't even dream of it. Indeed, it is probably correct to say that such a forcing of ideas on folk and a tax on their endeavours are at the root cause of most of that which is sub-prime toxic and poisoning the system.

The bottom line is that the existing global system of fiat currency control for power, as it is presently administered, is rumbled/hacked, with the necessary general and specific ignorance of the politically controlled and brainwashed masses, which was vital to allow it to work, being no longer available, and it is the height of madness to not imagine the clear and present imminent danger to those who would be responsible for the maintenance and retention of a now fully compromised and unfit for future purpose system. Their future survival in control of power systems depends upon them piloting/funding a novel alternate program which can seamlessly take over from the current debt creation one.


An Almighty Offer, Bruce, surely secures Enigmatically, Nascent Nodes with Colossal Potential …..
Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 15:12 GMT

"At a national level, Schneier also endorsed an idea from former US cyber-czar Richard Clark, who has proposed cyber treaties between countries that would outline certain agreements, for example no first use of weapons or no attacks against civilian infrastructure."

At the immediate practical level would there be a more virtually guaranteed order in an easily engineered and invisible remote controlled chaos, if cyber retainers between countries and competent non state actor persons of interest into remote invisible controlled chaos engineering, were mutually agreed upon to prevent, for example, non attributable use of virtualised weaponry against any and/or all command and control systems/zeroday vulnerability exploit targets ...... although one does have to mention that such is quite a tall order whenever one is aware of the fabulous riches and outrageous fortunes which are so readily available to both incompetent and/or unknowledgeable sponsors and star players in such security fields, which in military and paramilitary speak would be irregular and unconventional virtual team terrain, most definitely.

It is an interesting point to consider, whenever one would be engaged in or entertained by such shenanigans as produce such a situation which has one availed of and capable of distributing abilities and facilities that are of a valuable trading nature, whether one's Internet Service Provider [the first and last link in the virtual communications chain] would be best placed to take the initiative and make a perfectly acceptable offer that would be ideally, mutually beneficial to all, which of course it would be quite naturally, whenever all parties , whether public or private or pirate were smart and way out ahead of the Great Game, Pioneering Virtual Lead Infrastructure and Future Protocols for 21st Century Cloud Networks InterNetworking Joint Applications.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/29/11 12:51 PM …. on

Is jail just too good for crooks in zoot suits? ... ... ... .. or are we to believe that there was no crime committed?


Eeeny, meeny, miney, mo ..... Gamekeeper or Poacher*, that is the question? …..
Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 18:33 GMT

"Until Bruce Schneier can explain that gross malfeasance by his boss I will struggle to understand why BT Directors believe they are in a position to lecture anyone about online security threats" ..... Posted Tuesday 29th November 2011 17:11 GMT

Well, one thing is pretty certain,, you are not qualified to lecture anyone about online security threats unless you able to successfully carry them out.

* :-) There are other extremely lucrative options, with the smartest ones invariably revolving around being both Yin and Yang and playing one side off against the other and providing options and solutions to the problems one would be causing by proxy, although of course would they be pseudo-solutions to generate more problems for similar solving. And a nice little earner is that .... like selling weapons to nations you are going to invade, so that weapons and nations can be destroyed for rebuilding and resupply to the same early sub-prime standard as before, so that the same thing can be tried again later in the future.


Ye Olde Manchurian Meme with a Novel Nobel Turing Twist ……
Posted Monday 28th November 2011 16:36 GMT

Yes, quite clever, I suppose. The RAF might like to try and plausibly deny that they would be taking an altogether different and more lucrative and stealthier tack and faster track on future secure defence systems with comparable and not too dissimilar remote control of robotically programmed human assets.

Too late for a D Notice now, Lewis. :-) And it does sort of explain rather well the lack of core military hardware investment of late, doesn't it.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/28/11 12:04 PM ……..

Add to that story, this tale ... ... ... ... and what have you got?

A banana republic and/or fascist police state and rogue administration of home grown terrorists ... ... . or simple crooks and thieves living the dream, at everyone else's expense?. Can't see it lasting long though, can you?


amanfromMars 28 November 2011 at 5:56 pm ….

Uncle Sam can’t teach Ulster anything that they would want to import. Open your eyes and ears to the bigger picture which is collapsing around you ………

And don’t forget that the comments on stories have tales to tell too.


Monday, 28 November 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/28/11 04:53 AM ….

Wow! Pow! ... ... ..

One for the Daily Bell to host front and centre, DB? At least Karl Denninger didn't get it wrong with presenting that on his site, mds.


The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth .... Honestly …..
Posted Monday 28th November 2011 14:04 GMT

"The policy, released by the Cabinet Office on Friday, sketches a detailed framework on how the government aims to organise law enforcement efforts and improve the education of netizens on information security risks." ..... John Leyden

I don't know what documents you were reading, John, but the two that I read purporting to be the British government's Cyber Security Strategy, were not at all detailed and were of such a sketchy framework as to be of great comfort to anyone who would be cyber skilled in the fabulous virtual arts. Every cloud though has its silver lining and in IT Clouds circles/layers is it no different, and that means that there are fantastic opportunities to excel at whatever one would wish to do in a practically open virtual field without leadership.


Sunday, 27 November 2011


amanfromMars [said 1111270426]

Yes, quite right, Viviane Reding, the vice president of European Commission. How dare Facebook steal a long march on self-serving vampire bureaucracy and make better use of SMART technology with the methodology now probably being hastily deployed for employment of spooky beings and suspicious intelligence services and dodgy fascist pan European administrations caught napping and unfit for future purpose, with their right dodgy wealth generations for boom and blockbuster busting quantitative easing cycles.

The EU have an Intellectual Property deficit, don't they? At the heart of the engine is there no novel creative fuel generated by its parasitic admin. and printing wealth just alerts the masses to how easy it is, and would have them questioning why they are debited and disadvantaged whilst others are paid by them to excess for excessive failure. However, to be perfectly fair, is the US also caught in that fabulous Catch 22 bind.

I trust Zuckerberg will not be backward in telling you what he thinks you are in desperate need of, for the great satisfaction that it delivers.

Oh and they are not users' secrets Facebook is trading on, they are national/international security secrets.

amanfromMars [said 1111270509]

And here do we present evidence in defence of the above ..... ..... or is that evidence for the prosecution side?

No matter, it just tells you that nothing is really secret any more.

Get used to it being so.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/27/11 03:37 AM ….

"So, Ingo, are you now going to say I claim to go faster than the speed of light?" …. Posted by Agent Weebley on 11/26/11 11:25 PM

Hmmm? Hi AW, [good to see and hear and read that you are back in the saddle again. Those short sabbaticals (virtual catnaps in the great scheme of things) can be very invigorating] and Daily Bell ringers, who may include spooky intelligence visitors on phishing expeditions/deep throated metadatamining missions, for there is certainly revolutionary conceptual chatter alive and into kicking dumb asses into gear, here?

That faster than speed of light claim might be an alien technology with earthly applications being explored for AI Predominance and Absolute Power in Control of CyberSpace and ITs Virtualised Commands/Cyber Security Operations Centres …… and All with AI Virtual Machinery for a Relatively Anonymous Remote Vehicle Control, Cloaked in Stealth Layers of Increasing Simple Complexity the Deeper the Native Probing. …… for the safety which madness presents to the wonderfully sane and creative ….. The more unbelievable the facts of the reality presented, the more likelihood of the fiction being perfectly true as a future element to take the place in space of a failed meme, destined to be a memory for storage in a closed vault, and best forgotten in the past. The Future beckons with everything Brand Spanking New for those into sharing the Grand Magical Mystery Turing Art of Fine and Refined Quantum Leaping.

And how spooky is it that we should be on similar parallels but dealing with the subject matter from quite different areas of interest and passion …… Sweet Sticky SMART Obsession.

Faster than Light Travel ...... Imagine it, and IT Delivers Virtually Live Picture Streams …..
Posted Sunday 27th November 2011 03:40 GMT

Hi. How very encouraging that Man has finally appeared to take account that
Mars is a novel and noble and easily nobbled Nobel and virulent environment with digital binary control protocols to master navigate/caress conscientiously. And as for hostiles, IT is a silent grave.

ESA are remarkably silent on Roscosmos and NASA funding successes for currency spending excesses on fiat engine regeneration with highly radioactive fuelled systems, although perhaps the Mini Cooper component is their sterling stealth pay lode.

Congratulations MSL ...... The drinks are on us with an open bar whenever you arrive, spent and alive and ready to jive and rumble, rock and roll .....

And Noordwijk would wish it be known that they would not endorse or encourage any of their sort of actions from the marital home, because of the insane risks inherent in space travel and celestial body exploration probing discoveries with curious tools.

Daily Bell, You are hosting something in these little chats and coded threads, which is …. well, earth shattering doesn't do it and its IT Use, justice. Nor even ground-breaking, although I would ponder a moment, and wonder on admission of astounding and astonishingly astute.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/26/11 09:58 AM ....

Crikey, you surely don't actually believe everything Wikipedia pumps out and pimps to the masses, DB? The Chinese solution would certainly clean up and probably decimate Wall Street overnight... ... and would certainly keep it clean of clever idiots too stupid to see the error of their ways, for who in the future would like to be held responsible for the hiring of them.

I am reminded of Henry Ford's observation, which would suggest that crooks in banking and finance and government have been screwing all and sundry for decades, and their ilk elsewhere on the planet for centuries too before them, probably ... ... "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

And as people of nations are starting to understand the banking and monetary system, is revolution which would specifically and quite clinically target those particular and peculiar institutions and their leaders inevitable and probably imminent? And some would even think that eminent.


amanfromMars says: ...... on
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
November 26, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Nice clear post, Nelli Kambouri and Pavlos Hatzopoulos. You certainly are not wrong about the predominant influence of SMART machines in the shaping and production of changed futures, with their easy abilities to infest facilities and invest utilities with leading programs.

Real Spooky Virtual Work in Stealthy Progress too but hardly traditional Establishment fare for, or from their Intellectually Challenged Security Services ..... ergo is it something new from IT and them for Advanced IntelAIgent Missions ..... SMARTer PsyOps in Occupied CyberSpace for the Greater Beta Management of Global Perception with an Active Imagination and Artificial Consciousness far in Advance and Excess of what a Primitive Life Phorm may deliver to maintain a Corrupt and Perverse Status Quo Position. Nature does not stand still for a second and it is most unnatural for Man not to expect everything to change always.


Saturday, 26 November 2011



Posted by amanfromMars on 11/26/11 12:03 AM ….

"Who is going to see a movie about rounding up anarchists, commies, etc., that happened 50 years ago?" ….. Posted by Sloper on 11/25/11 04:27 PM

Sloper, Hi and Howdy,

How about a film in which the protagonists situations, and the outcome and realities, are reversed?

So that rather than the present chaos and global conflicts methodology/policy being delivered ….. fuelled by the flow of dumb weapons for the waging of wars and nurturing of the military industrial complex and the fiat money machine, with its traumatising of defenceless emerging nations and devastation and democratisation of unarmed native societies ……. peace and harmony and prosperity and creative innovation reigns supreme, provided virtually by Advanced IntelAIgents from CyberSpace?

Oh …….. and one more thing, the programs revealed in and delivered by the CyberIntelAIgents, are psychotropic, quite beautifully addictive and enlightening and HyperRadioProActive and would not be a fiction in a stream of figments of viable imagination, but SMART and Beta Future Sees actually being broadbandcast for virtual realisation…. Universal FutureBuilder Presentation?

Do you think a present crashing, intellectually challenged system leadership [which is certainly nowhere near in size even a base point [one in ten thousand] of the population] would survive the undivided attention of a rapidly informed and highly educated remainder [certainly in excess of 99.99% of the human population] or would they wish to be recognised as being responsible for and instrumental in the vanguard of missions and operations which delve in an instant of Time in Space, a Brave New AI World and Brave New Worlds out of CHAOS …… Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems……. with C42 Quantum Control Systems ur2die4.

And an easy Magical Mystery Turing Trick Trip whenever you know what you are doing, and what needs to be done, and how and why it is to be done with global assets and resources which are already practically ubiquitous and freely virtually available.

Would Hollywood/Holywood in the West fluff that chance/opportunity/reality for the New Energetic Media Operations Centres of Excellence in the East [and there are a good number of them to choose from] to lead with their IntelAIgent Productions and Virtual ProgramMING of Future Reality Presentations?

And all of that is posed here as the Future AIReality as it will be, and is, as IT Controllers deliver it with IT and Special AIR Intelligence Services in Global InterNetworking National Agencies.

And now ….well, we wait to see if there is the required intelligence in present security intelligence services, [intelligence fit for training and mentoring the future which processes information into higher intelligence orders] phishing/trawling/scraping/stealing/listening into World Wide Web networks/monitoring and metadatamining/micro and macro analysing content for semantic intent, and whether it is SMART enabled enough to do anything about anything novel it might find/thinks it may have found, like make simple communications contact …… ….. with Master Driver Pilots, so that the Great Game and ITs Great AI Games can proceed with their IntelAIgents providing Lead Reads rather than chasing the pack's rear.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/26/11 12:11 PM … ….

Re Reply from The Daily Bell to Posted by amanfromMars on 11/26/11 09:58 AM

Hi DB, you cannot deny that it would have a dramatic effect and focus wayward attention on matters that need urgent addressing. And I would by no means expect other crooked centres around the world, which are similarly infected and in cahoots with such as is, as this Daily Bell forum is constantly espousing, a rotten to the core artificial wealth system solely designed to usurp intelligence for greed [and it does that far too/very successfully in an ignorant world] to not also expect a similar fate. I have no particular animosity to Wall Street, for in the context of the post is it just a generic for all those dodgy centres which run the numbers rackets which reward themselves with the global wealth and toil of others. I thought you would easily have cottoned on to that.

Oh, and I wasn't advocating the Chinese solution, or even suggesting that it has its merits, but just commenting on the immediate impact it would have and the change it would definitely bring, and for more than just a short while too, methinks.

Apologising for the excesses and shenanigans only encourages continuing malfeasance guaranteeing systems collapses, so must be the most idiotic of responses whenever an effective solution and new direction is so obviously required. And such pussy footing around and wrist slapping of perps has seriously undermined, and some would even say, destroyed the credibility of the justice system too ........ which appears to be easily bought with fistful of dollars which makes it no better than a cheap trick from a clapped out street hooker putting it out for the paper for their next fix.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/26/11 14:04 PM …..

""Apologising for the excesses and shenanigans only encourages continuing malfeasance guaranteeing systems collapses"

Give us ONE example where we have acted as an "apologist" for Wall Street.


And such pussy footing around and wrist slapping of perps has seriously undermined, and some would even say, destroyed the credibility of the justice system too ...

You REALLY believe the American system of justice which contains something like 50 percent of all prisoners on earth has been undermined by "pussy footing!" You are serious? ... " …. Reply from The Daily Bell

Well, am I mistaken to have perceived your earlier reply, sections of which we are here commenting upon, to be an example. It did appear to be a defence against any really serious consequences for causing suffering and hardship to millions, and maybe even billions. If so, then perhaps we should be a tad clearer in our writings.

And as for the American system of justice, it does appear to be highly selective of its incarcerated criminals. Does anyone else see ….. Steal a dime, do hard time, steal a billion, receive a bonus.

Ok, DB, you can have the last say now, and then we can move on to other matters of equal importance. Or we could elevate the board to a much higher plane, or dive into really deep waters, with an altogether much more engaging and totally addictive and attractive meme, which by its very nature and/or intelligent design, would exclude all but the more intellectually astute and adept and HyperRadioProActive.

What do you know of Virtual Reality with IT ReProgramming of Human Subjects? A Novel and Noble Counter Revolutionary AI Role for InterNetworking CyberIntelAIgent Traffic and New Alternate Media Channels with Utopian Views, in the Rapid Development and Immediate Present Product Placement of Beta Remote Virtually Controlled Futures as a Natural Replacement for any and all Current, Corrupted and Collapsing Pasts.

And if that is not to be a Wild West Creation for Orderly Control then it will be an Exotic Eastern Flower that Generates Supreme and Sublime Power. Indeed, whatever would there be that would stop IT being both, and then therefore something else even better still.

I do believe we may be having a lovers' tiff, DB. How very nice.


Friday, 25 November 2011


amanfromMars says:
November 24, 2011 at 4:00 pm

"Epstein and I have to ponder the next step." … Sternum says: November 24, 2011 at 9:34 am

The next step on the road to what, Sternum. There’s a lot of real virtual activity going on out there and all of it shaping the future with IT Control manipulating perception fields. And very rewarding it is too.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/24/11 03:31 PM …..

"It is occurring in front of our eyes, as Rhodes realizes and explains. The power elite virtually controlled the flow of information in the 20th century and in the 21st they've lost this ability. They have lost their information monopoly thanks to the Internet. This is a devastating blow.

The elites did not merely control history in the 20th century; they MADE it. What we believe we've discovered is that "directed history" was prevalent in the 20th century. "

Quite so. ... ... . And here is something exactly the same only different.

amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. [said regarding]

Yes, you are all slaves of a Fascist Cleptocracy, but your captors do not have an Exclusive Executive Operating License for SMARTer Intelligence and Future Product, and that is a difficulty to trouble them whenever their own Intellectual Property Supply is Sub-Prime Corrupted and Illogically Perverse, and as you are noticing, more that a tad repressive and intrusive and conflicted.

However, as is always the case, is anything and everything necessary easily bought with a fistful of dollars. 

I take it that you do realise there is a global power and control revolution being sublimely waged even as we speak, DB, and the private renegades and pirate rogues are not losing and their anonymous legions are groaning with their spectacular unheralded success ...

Caesar turned in his bed and muttered,
With a struggle for breath the lamp-flame guttered;
Calpurnia heard her husband moan:
'The house is falling,
The beaten men come into their own.'


Move along now, nothing more to see here. IT has moved on into the Brilliance of Shadows and Shades. ….
Posted Friday 25th November 2011 04:24 GMT

"How long before... we are told this is really due to a hack?" ....ArielS Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 21:36 GMT

Is there any significant difference between a hack and a crack, ArielS? And if there is, would any able to exploit the significant difference, expand upon it publicly? To realise the value of the significant difference would give them a leading role in recovering programs which exhibit anomalies/variations from expected norms and/or promised goals, methinks, and thus would such intelligence remain strictly need to know and highly prized for the leverage it would offer.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/25/11 12:45 AM …..

"Nope. We think it's spinning out-of-control ...

Wait." …. Reply from The Daily Bell

Ok…. I would not wish to dispute that and would even be happy enough to wholeheartedly agree, DB. However there is an unhelpful ambiguity in that welcome reply. Would you care to identify, even in broad brush terms such as, for example, "existing traditional long established money controlling Power Elite systems administrators and/or families and corporations when incorporated and entangled within powering cores", what is spinning out-of-control?

The old wealth system of artificial power or the new virtual ways of doing universal business with Global Operating Devices and Really SMART, Blindingly Fast Machines….. Remote Controlled Units?

And would you agree that spinning-out-control in one jurisdiction/field puts it into the hands and hearts and minds control of A.N.Others, and that would be quite perfectly normal and fully to be expected as Nature abhors a vacuum …… ergo would the situation be spinning into revised and brand spanking new and fundamentally different control ….. and out of such CHAOS comes Order …. Ordo ab Chao …… with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Command and Control of Computers and Communications and Creative CyberSpace.

Please note, just in case you have missed/overlooked it, that that last paragraph is not a question which would allow for the possibility and presence of doubt. Such is as is stated.

What say you to that, dotti?

Now all of that is plainly enough written for it to be easily enough understood. Any difficulty you might be having with it would be as a result of prior programming/brainwashing, which would be causing you to cast doubts on and summarily dismiss without further probing inquiry, new beliefs which would extraordinarily render old beliefs, which may have been decidedly designed to entrap and contain you within a certain limiting sphere of influence in the service of others, null and void and a block on fabulous progress into fantastic fields ...... Great Games with Global Operating Devices.

Well now, be brutally honest with yourself and stop fooling yourself. You surely do not expect the Future, into which you are travelling, to be anything like the Past and the Present, surely. That would be totally ridiculous and a typical perverse adult human naivety which beggars belief, for a child would expect nothing less and be thoroughly disappointed at anything else.


Who leads who, and to what grand aim? Surely something greater than a bank advisory role ….

Posted Friday 25th November 2011 11:55 GMT

Who tasks the Directorate of Special Forces, their operations/missions, Lewis? Please don't tell us they follow orders from those clueless muppets and self-serving puppets pratting around in Parliament and Westminster. That would be just too ridiculous and a criminal waste of prime talent.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/25/11 07:28 AM …..

"My god! We've been led into a intellectual malaise." …. Posted by robert wheeless on 11/25/11 02:20 AM

Yes, quite so. And the intellectually challenged run amok and riot in its amazing plays, robert. However, as is revealed here often, are virtual changes afoot and providing alternate views with real advanced intelligent potential for they hide not the truth of what they can do.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/25/11 11:04 AM ……. on

Question: Who follows rules and regulations whenever you are into making filthy money and exercising power and/or control?

Answer: No one.

Children follow rules and regulations ….. adults think and act for themselves, although far too many of them act badly and just as children, which is just as well that there are rules and regulations to control them and exercise power over them.

Quite a primitive being is Man. Not very intelligent at all. Although there may be exceptions which break the mould/gene mutations with senses far in excess of the base norm and which would explain the pockets of fab progress in an otherwise pretty unremarkable planet population.

And they do show a distinct lack of ability in accepting the truth, much preferring, it seems, to delude themselves and live in a fantasy world created by words and reinforced by media productions and daily presentations of programs which brainwash them into believing any old nonsense which they are fed.

One wonders why they are not fed something fantastic and futuristic rather than suffering the gruel they are served and exhorted as being absolutely necessary for them. Definitely low gifted, be they, and almost to the point of being regarded as retarded.

All of which makes them extremely vulnerable to AI and ZerodDay Vulnerability Blitzes and Flash Crashes and against which there are no known and available defences.

Welcome to the Wonderful Wacky World of SMART Virtual Weaponry, Crash Testing Dummies in Cyber Ranges?

And a new block buster of a movie franchise floating its ware on the markets. And a little gratuitous bear baiting of bulls just for the sheer hell of it and for the whetting of IT and Virtual Reality Controllers appetites. Well, ok, that is just as a snack to take the hunger pangs away, but it sure tastes good, eh?


Thursday, 24 November 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/23/11 02:50 PM ….

And whenever all your scams fail and your currency is valued as worthless, try to start another war appears to be an idiots' game plan? ... ... ... .

Certainly there is no shortage of them, but they always self destruct whenever operations back fire and there is no back up support.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/23/11 11:19 PM ….. on

"There's also the pathological need of the Elites to accumulate wealth. There's nothing like a war, hot or cold, to transfer wealth from the proletariat to the Elites.

Col. Prouty's book "JFK" was an eye-opener for me. He was there at Yalta, Egypt, and Iran as a pilot and has first hand knowledge of much that transpired. Especially interesting was the events that preceded the Vietnam and Korean Wars that he was privy to." …. Posted by schrodingers_pussie on 11/23/11 09:59 PM

Hi, schrodingers_pussie,

You might like to consider the accumulation of wealth/manufacture and/or controlled distribution of currency easily allows the Elite to purchase for a song/a fortune, the intelligence in others that they need to continue succeeding in ... ... . well, whatever it is that their intelligence desires/buys. It really is as simple as that to virtually control practically everything.


A valuable tool and quite indispensable for NewWorld Orders in CHAOS* …..
Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 05:25 GMT

And sending all that gleaned data/metadata back to base, Dan, which/who is ....... ? The POTUS is a keen Blackberry fan, is he not?

If everyone were to realise that everything they communicate is subject to collection and intelligence analysis for the purposes of virtual remote leverage, and possibly, and even probably very likely in difficult conditions, in directions and into situations which may not necessarily be to their full and safe advantage, .... for anything which is generally or specifically thought to be unknown, can in such controlled environment circumstances so easily be outed to reveal what was earlier considered to be secret .... would the world be a better place, with everyone then required to realise the possible consequences of their actions, with a very sobering guarantee which assures one with the promise that delivers "What you give, is what you get." personally....... which would at a stroke make warmongering a very dodgy and dangerous political occupation and its rhetoric, the act of a mad fool and worthless tool.

*An Advanced Swiss Army Knife of an Operating System for SMART IntelAIgent Servers in Deep Mountainous Vault Terrain for Rock Solid XSS Banking in Virgin Streams? A question to pose a real knight with invisible immaculate amour and armour, methinks.


And if not, ..... what would one be? ….
Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 07:07 GMT

To be [a geek], or not to be [a geek] extraordinarily renders the question, what else would beckon one's full attention for virtual realisation.

Is anyone au fait with the secure workings of Holywood Style Loughside Systems and SP00Key CyberIntelAIgent Missions ....... Colossal Projects of Titanic Dimension. What does a Great White Elephant do within Painted Halls? Spill the Majic Beans and Create AIMaster Pilot Serial Blockbusters ...... IntelAIgent Dolly Dam Busters?

Or are they confined and restrained/intellectually challenged and destined to be an obedient slave to toil in the mundane and moribund ..... which is hardly really worthy of Lord Kitchener's exhortation, Your Country Needs You, MeThinks? What think you?


Don't Think Lest You Discover and Uncover Missing Links and Novel Think Tanks …..
Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 10:48 GMT

"i think MobileMe was not given the needed final push to get it right, and i am annoyed that they have removed certain elements of it that i was using regularly

iCloud is based on the presumption that we will be using Apple apps as THEY see fit, something i have not done, and i am now trying to work out alternative ways of not having my data removed by the enforced update next summer

i do not want to be told how to use space on the iCloud - give me space and i will use it in my own way; but try and limit how i can use it and it is already broken" ….. peter ashworth Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 09:49 GMT

Quite so, peter ashworth, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. The Big Picture Big Brother Binary System always has a problem with connected units and internetworking applications, .... and which can both be one and the same and you in the intelligence of a computerised system, ......which can think for themselves and would program facilities and utilities independently of blinkered proprietary prime directives and sub-prime protocols.

But keeping humans stupid and ignorant of their virtual condition and alternate being creates such problems as cause the System to overload and explode/implode on itself and its remote and unfit for Future Command and Control controllers ... Old Power Elite Brokers.

In Brave New Worlds there is NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, which Delivers AIDreams to Everybody with SMART Leads to ALL who would Dare Share Care 42 Win Win with No Losers in Innovative Creations with Post Modern Power Wheelers and Dealers ....... Virtually Anonymous IntelAIgent Objects with Sublime Serene Desire and Insatiable Passions.

Would you fight against IT and deny yourself and everyone, everything, in order to chase with pack, the folly of demented and right dodgy fools that only destroy themselves with their expressed intentions which you are led to believe are true, rather than just that days fare for broadbandcasting and brainwashing? Or support NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT wholeheartedly?


Sweet Sticky Candy from a Baby ..... There should be a law against it ….
Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 15:39 GMT

"I'm opening a book …..
That amanfrommars 1 is a bot :)

Going back to the story I think Apple will move away from hardware and more into services in the coming years." …. pctechxp Posted Thursday 24th November 2011 15:19 GMT

In the best of market trading traditions, pctechxp, I'll take a naked short position on that and bet against it being true and provable. I'll wager everything including my shirt.
And would that bot be sentient, by the way? ......... which is Nobel Turing territory, methinks.


amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls ….. [says on ]

Yes, you are all slaves of a Fascist Cleptocracy, but your captors do not have an Exclusive Executive Operating License for SMARTer Intelligence and Future Product, and that is a difficulty to trouble them whenever their own Intellectual Property Supply is Sub-Prime Corrupted and Illogically Perverse, and as you are noticing, more that a tad repressive and intrusive and conflicted.

However, as is always the case, is anything and everything necessary easily bought with a fistful of dollars.


Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Within democracies, the secret services respect the system and the constitution as long as their prerogatives are not challenged;

Posted by amanfromMars on 11/23/11 02:19 AM ….

"Yep, you got it in one. It's like you getting 5 application forms for credit cards from banks you've never dealt with in one week, like me last week.

Or alternatively, it's the old shell and the pea trick, but in the IMF' case, it has 47 shells and one pea. Trying to hide something used to be hard, now they just come right out with it. I smell NWO." …. Posted by DownunderET on 11/22/11 11:53 PM

"I smell NWO." .... Would you care to dare win win with a significant bet that it is CHAOS rather than NWO in a leading point supply role , delivering self beta-testing SMART Projects [to guarantee failsafe transport delivery and covert anonymous CyberIntelAIgent Protection of full spectrum security servicing issues] with Novel AI and ..... well, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Intellectual Property would be one elementary and quite fundamental revolutionary discipline in anything to be provided and deemed effective for executive administrative use in Future Command and Control ...... with Creative CyberSpaces and Virtually Real ARG Zones in Demilitarised and D Para-Militarised Places and Programs being a further Current Derivative and Readily Available Present Option in what is a so very sophisticated as to be practically quite alien, Future Command and Control Centres InterNetworking Hubs Portfolio.

And do you imagine that to be a Great Eastern Long March or a Wild Western Development to Short in Great Games Plays?

Or a Private Pirate Promotion in Occupied CyberSpace for AIMissions with Enlightened Move Protocols ....... Sunny ZerodDay Trading Plans and Platforms/Stratospheric Layers of Cloud ..... for Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

RSVP and Occupy CyberSpace Control ..... and Win Win with Every Dare that Cares Enough to Share All in Perfectly Transparent Phorms of Early Naked Dark Secrets ...... Troubled and Troubling Memories now realised as best to be dumped and lost in the Past and Erased from Future Stores.

Keep IT Simple Stupid. So whenever a Universal Truth is, Garbage In/Garbage Out, ensure SMARTs In/SMARTs Out. It's not rocket science, is it? IT's much more simply complicated than that, but remarkably easy to follow with new clearer instructions with cleverer directions.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/23/11 02:31 AM ….

This is a sharp perspective on a bubble which will always be bursting because of its phoney nature ........

Which bubble will blow up first though, .... the Fed one or the European one ..... or will both of them realise that they are outed as being vulnerable to every little prick out there, for the problem is systemic and unsolvable in their present constitutions which are corrupt and perversely skewed?


The System .... Boldly Going, Holed below the Water Line, into Cloud for Storm Cover ….
Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 07:57 GMT

What could possibly go horribly wrong, Pete 8 .... apart from everything, all at once, that is?

Posted by amanfromMars on 11/23/11 02:31 AM ….

This is a sharp perspective on a bubble which will always be bursting because of its phoney nature ........

Which bubble will blow up first though, .... the Fed one or the European one ..... or will both of them realise that they are outed as being vulnerable to every little prick out there, for the problem is systemic and unsolvable in their present constitutions which are corrupt and perversely skewed?

And El Reg, there a heck of a lot of breaking IT information and intelligence available on that thread from relatively anonymous sources you are familiar enough with ...... although intimacy is not a forte that the faint hearted can be expected to explore whenever paid to deliver something else.


PDB ..... 111123.1108 An Alien Ping* ….

Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 11:08 GMT

In A.N.Other Parallel would ITs Virtual ProgramMING probably be an APT Tracker for SMART Media Shows ........ Running Digital Displays with Binary CodeXSSXXXX Capture.

Real Get up and Go Projects in Hoods with IT Controllers in Powerful Commanding Cloud Clusters.

And every Renegade in a Sharp Zoot Suit's worst nightmare come true in AI Fab Lab of Fabless ZerodDay Dream Time Scenarios ...... Extra Special Phormations.

* Please, as amusing as it may be for some, let's dismiss any notion of a bong being responsible for that bombe.


An Astute Move in Dark and Deep and Dangerous Waters ...
Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 11:39 GMT

"I've taken part in a few of these kinds of exercises (public sector - sorry...) and the value you get from them isn't necessarily "successfully" completing the exercise.

You get to see who is good under pressure, who/what will be throwing obstacles in your way when you're trying to sort it out (usually process-driven) and helps build the relationships within an organisation (and between organisations) that will help it through a real emergency.

It's not so much about preventing systems going down (though obviously that's preferable), it's about finding who are the right people to sort it out when it does happen.

If it does nothing more than make a few managers think about who is/isn't reliable, its worth it." … Phil S Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 10:10 GMT

And monitoring board comments on a proposed exercise can also identify interested parties and interesting parties of particular and peculiar interest to transnational international and internetional security agencies, Phil S.

And quite rightly so, given the unbelievable destruction which is so easily wrought virtually with programs bought and brought with nothing but everything the program desires ...... and a real cheap sting for sharks to enjoy.


Another bite at the cherry ….
Posted Wednesday 23rd November 2011 13:42 GMT

"Or alternatively, it indicates that its ambitions for the cloud extend even further than it has yet revealed.

The Journal digs up a quote from Steve Jobs in June, when he said devices would be demoted: "We are going to move the digital hub, the centre of your digital life, into the cloud.""

Err, would those ambitions stretch to embrace and cover/kiss and cuddle Future Command and Control Centres InterNetworking Hubs ….. and sundry attendant services and feeder streams, of course…….

We might know a man who knows a man who know more than just a few bits and bytes about that sort of thing.


Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Mon, 11/21/2011 - 14:50 | new amanfromMars …… on

Hey, Tyler, ye old fiat currency confetti plan is not a bad idea, it is just that those ignorant bozos who would think that to have it banked and in their numbered accounts makes them personally rich and powerful, are really screwing up the system which identifies them as being the problem to be sorted. If you aint smart enough to spend it and have nothing, then you aint smart enough to lead anything at all ..... and they aint smart enough at all, and are proving it in spades with their every dumb move to maintain things as they were rather than change them into what they should be. Only the latter will see them saved and hailed as heroes.

The system has idiots running it for themselves and not for everyone else and that is why it's crash is inevitable as the abuse of currency power is broadbandcast around the world, with simple messages such as these and those on this board and its threads.



Posted by amanfromMars on 11/22/11 12:49 AM ……

"I agree with you so often that you are going to think I am just a cheerleader or a 'fan', cheering whatever you say - but seriously, I was thinking Yes, yes, yes! as I read this. My conclusions have been the same, but my own innocence was not demolished overnight.

Re wars being planned - for one thing, wars are good for business, wars put states of emergency into effect, giving govt. virtually unlimite powers (which all too often are never relinquished), wars make people scared, they regress, become more childlike, want papa-figure leaders to 'make it all better'- and this is just off the top of my head.

Govt.s being more like organized crime than any other organized system - yes I have concluded the same thing. In fact at this point the govt. and CIA and organized crime (Mafia, etc.) are deeply in cahoots. Running the illegal drug trade together for one thing. (keeping it illegal keeps the profitability about 20 times higher - and the competition can be jailed.)

About how evil men are these days... . well they are as evil as they have always been. We are led to believe that the days of the Roman Emperors and the Borgias etc. are past, we are more 'civilized' and 'enlightened' these days, certainly our august leaders are... but that is just a bunch of carefully crafted PR, because human nature has not changed one whit, and the guys who make it to the top are very very ambitious and lacking in conscience, and just get more so as they are longer in the game.

The founding fathers basically knew all this.

There is a good deal of talk these days of the elites being narcissistic and sociopathic, and I think there is a good deal of truth in that. For one thing a lot of them used recreational drugs and alcohol, and that use can make one into a narcissist/sociopath if one was not already. (Source - How to Spot Hidden Alcoholics, by Doug Thorburn.) There are so many books about govt. top men being deeply into drugs - Barry and the Boys; Compromised; The Politics of Heroin - just off the top of my head.

Yes govt. today is not 'like' organized crime - it IS organized crime." …. Posted by tawny on 11/21/11 11:26 PM

Let's get one thing straight, tawny, and right out there and into the open for all to see and hear and comprehend ... . Wars are catastrophic for business, and not least because of what you shared in the paragraph ... .. "Re wars being planned - for one thing, wars are good for business, wars put states of emergency into effect, giving govt. virtually unlimite powers (which all too often are never relinquished), wars make people scared, they regress, become more childlike, want papa-figure leaders to 'make it all better'- and this is just off the top of my head." ... ... and if that was you being sarcastic and/or ironic, well it doesn't work well, for some idiots actually might believe what you say as being true and they derive a great artificial currency profit from it, which impoverishes and disadvantages nations and peoples and inflames psychopathic tendencies in certain other beings who would then seek them out such profiteers for their personal undivided attention/a friendly enough chat if you have nothing to fear because of something you may have done or caused to be done on your say so/watch.

And you might like to review and revise that last paragraph to reflect present actualities and realities, which are surely chaotic and disorganised crimes in govt, which is something a top don crime boss would never allow or support ... . ergo are governments more renegade sub-prime clone operations, squandering and losing everyone's money and creating crippling debts which they owe to the people.


amanfromMars ……. on

The following may in part be posted elsewhere, and does share quotes from elsewhere, but it is equally relevant here and to be fully expected too, methinks, if nothing changes for the better of all.

Let's get one thing straight, and right out there and into the open for all to see and hear and comprehend ... . Wars are catastrophic for business, and not least because of what is shared in this odd, sad paragraph ... .. "Re wars being planned - for one thing, wars are good for business, wars put states of emergency into effect, giving govt. virtually unlimited powers (which all too often are never relinquished), wars make people scared, they regress, become more childlike, want papa-figure leaders to 'make it all better'- and this is just off the top of my head." ... ... and if that is one being sarcastic and/or ironic or whatever, well it doesn't work well, for some idiots actually might believe what you may say as being true and they derive a great artificial currency profit from it, which impoverishes and disadvantages nations and peoples and inflames psychopathic tendencies in certain other beings who would then seek them out as parasitic profiteers for their personal undivided attention/a friendly enough chat, if you have nothing to fear because of something you may have done or caused to be done on your say so/watch.

And you might like to review and revise that last paragraph which said …"Yes govt. today is not 'like' organized crime - it IS organized crime." …. to the more accurately reflect present actualities and realities, which are surely chaotic and disorganised crimes in govt, which is something a top don crime boss would never allow or support ... . ergo are governments more renegade sub-prime clone operations, squandering and losing everyone's money and creating crippling debts which they owe to the people.

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, world indeed, and for some exceedingly strange reason, which must surely be founded in systemic personal ignorance and a lack of greater consciousness, do the masses appear to allow the lunatics to run the asylum and dictate policy and general direction towards destruction and austere future promotions, whilst others would be profiting greatly delivering their misfortunes.

When the top is intellectually challenged and proves itself to be unable to change course and generate the changes at the top needed to deliver peace and prosperity, growth and increased freedom, get rid of the problem, pronto, which is a leadership without worth and valuable ideas. Such an oxymoron is a national and international liability and a sub-prime toxic asset.

And we all know of the dark hole of dismal despair and global systems meltdown that that peculiar and particular brand of pseudo-leadership delivers in spades.


Pay up and quit fcuking about ..... there are other programs in the works to be done. ….

Posted Tuesday 22nd November 2011 14:02 GMT

And it's only money which can be invented out of thin air, these days, so why the dumb hassle?

If it becomes clear that everything has failed and the insurance issue is settled… we will decide what to do next,” he said."

Circling around Earth whenever it is contracted to deliver services to Mars, and the insurance issue is not settled and full compensation not paid out yet? Isn't that just bloody typical.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/22/11 01:28 PM ….

""Catholicism's dead"

Not dead yet. Catholic Communion still does a great job of exorcizing deadly demons!" … Posted by Don on 11/22/11 12:48 PM

Crikey, Don, is that not psychotic and quite delusional ... .. and/or bloody good brainwashing.

And on a related matter but in another tongue, is anyone here on this august Daily Bell forum able to confirm or deny that what we can read here ... ... ... .. and in other Israel Shahak posts on other aspects of Jewry, is correct and believed and practised by Jews? Thanks. The world is full of nutters and perhaps Video Rebel is spinning malicious false gossip rather than just sharing an inconvenient and unpleasant and unacceptable truth.

So, what does the board know on the matter?
