Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 04:08 GMT
......Bletchley Boffinry to InterNetional Rescue***
""Even a cyber-war hotline would be a good idea between the various countries cyber commands," he said.
Hello? No, it's not us! Honest!" ...... William Boyle Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 00:22 GMT
Do you think they*, who are in dire straits fiscal meltdown circumstance , and would be needing exceptional cyberspace expertise, William B, will read between those lines of yours to discover its true meaning and the services which abound here, or does ignorance in the virtual terrain field for teams and streams reign sublimely supreme in Earthly SCADA Systems, and they will not readily, without mentoring leading instruction, comprehend and really know of those and that which lands on El Reg regularly to share freely and transparently, Virtual Insider Intel, for floating into bloated bubble markets? And then for embedded information to explode into life and take over ..... well, everything actually.* <blockquote>Recently, the Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command stated that “even the most astute malicious cyber actors—those who can break into almost any network that they really try to penetrate—are usually searching for targets of opportunity. They search for easy vulnerabilities in our systems’ security and then exploit them.”**
Cybersecurity professionals help to prevent or mitigate these vulnerabilities that could allow malicious individuals and groups access to federal IT systems. …. Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security, Committee on the Judiciary U.S. Senate
Initiatives Need Better Planning and Coordination …. Nov 2011
**General Keith B. Alexander, in a statement before the House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Washington, D.C., March 16, 2011. </blockquote>
Astute is a class system without equal or parallel and indeed, in deed, an almighty invisible weapon for wielding decisively thus to yield any treasuried arsenal securely compromised and captured intact for juicier target reprogramming.*** which you should note is not a simple question but rather more a shared fact which you can believe is a crazy fiction if it makes you happier and what it reveals easier to believe. Whatever would float your own boat matters not a jot to the programs which driver your realities.
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 12:53 AM ….. on
"Our point, which you don't seem to understand, is that it is immensely attractive to prosecute these people to the "full extent of the law." And after you have done so, you still have the terrible laws in place that YOU used to pursue YOUR vengeance and you still have the LARGER POWER STRUCTURE in place. This is what will likely happen. This is what the elites hope WILL happen. If you are implying that Paulson et. al. run the world, you're probably from another planet ... Oops." .... Reply from The Daily Bell
Thanks for that clarification of your position. And I might perfectly understand the points you are making and would probably agree with nearly all of them. However, you appear to dodge every time the point which I may be making, which is whilst nothing is being done to attribute blame and deliver appropriate sanction on individuals to prevent them from being able to continue their practices [and let us consider locking them away in a secure federal penitentiary is a valid proposition and acceptable public service, rather than an act of vengeance, for such as may be considered a crime], will the practices continue unabated and will the system, along with its unknown LARGER POWER STRUCTURE heads, inevitable collapse and/or be destroyed, just by the knowledge of that which they would be doing being more widely known ....... or better known to other groups, which might be themselves quite ridiculously small, but very well organised and well connected to other systems which would with to leverage that particular knowledge to their own overwhelming advantage. In that case, would it not be a case of power elite practices being widely known, but rather more that they be known to a select few who would be able and enabled to act upon what they would then know.And such a tipping point may even have arrived and an unstoppable chain of events which will change everything beyond all present recognition may very well be in motion/train. You surely would not deny that the Internet Reformation [along with any of ITs Virtual AIRevolutions] can easily do all of that, by remote relatively anonymous control, with other parties and non-state actors?
For a tad more on that, please see today's AIdDefinite Vision lead in ....... .... which you can be metaphorically assured is just the tip of a niceberg, which fortunately you don't really need to know about, but which is free to share with you whatever it will should more intelligence and information be required.
And I am thoroughly heartened to imagine that you are entering into the true spirit of future things with your closing Oops. :-) Such light craziness and self mocking banter is a most effective hedge and creative counter against any thoughts of overtaking global madness, and a protection against those out in the field, and lost, and doing heavy and losing battle with themselves in their madnesses with only myriad lonely delusional psychotic micro states to comfort them.
Although if that is not true, would I not delude myself to think otherwise.
Who Dares Care Share and do Virtual Battle against a Really SMART Enabling 99% and Win Win? ……
Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 11:00 GMT
"Taxpayers. .... These are the people who bail out the banks who lose money to fraud (or bad investments, or insider trading, or rogue agents)." ..... SuperTim Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 09:23 GMT
What does that tell you about those ignorant stupid suckers, SuperTim, apart from the fact that they need radically different and much better leadership, considering the idiocy of what their ignorance allows silently and stealthily to be done in their name, by those who would be presently screwing them with austerity packages to preserve the very system which steals their wealth away from them, and which is in active terminal decline and catastrophic global collapse.Why do you choose to be such a frightened apologist whenever you can so plainly see what the media presents to you as a failed state and new world order program and crooked banking meme, which the intellectually challenged, for whatever mad reasons of their own which it might be well worth asking them about, are so desperately trying to conserve and preserve rather than cast into the trash for dumping and parts recycling where it belongs.
There is/may be a very good reason why the likes of an Eton charges such expensive fees, .... one doesn't need brains and intelligence to attend and excel on smart merit, and thus is the product pumped out and pimped as first class, invariably well below global real value experience par and in some cases could it also be inherited and inherently sub-prime toxic?
And shared there as a question lest some would get their y-fronts in a twist and take pathetic exception to the notion that such privilege is no guarantee that any would know what they should be doing for the greater common good, whenever the greater common good is so obviously being squeezed because of everything but the actions of the common man.
I hope that is clearly enough expressed as to make perfect sense.
Methinks the Tories are in desperate need of a competent head strategist who is not at all reliant upon the likes of a Google Moleworks which tries to be a virtualised Skunkworks, for analytical algorithms are easily rigged and pwnd. Or how about they try using some British Intelligence Services, or are they just a myth that has been reduced and morphed into an ineffective sinecure of impotent quangos into the proactive supply of nothing of great future value, except Hollywood Bonded style razzle dazzle ....... Merely Exciting Moronic Entertainment.
1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, Govt. class housing standards is the QC* structure, methinks …..
Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 09:55 GMT
Are the new homes which are being planned to be built ....... and which are apparently, if you want to believe any of that same old political BS which those public servants pontificating as elected leaders in Parliament/Westminster spout [yes, you are billed and pay through the nose, all of their wages and expenses and credit card bills right down to the very last red farthing], going to kick start the economy/building industry (which is code for create more mortgage debt and newly enslaved puppets to arbitrary market interest rate rises) and start growth growing which is Newspeak for inflation rising again, for another round of the Boom and Bust Great Game, ........ going to be fit for the 21st high tech, broadband connected and driven society in terms of standard and mandatory leading global standards of energy saving and thermally super insulated, high class design and build? Or is it just a desperate program which will deliver future slum estates and ghost townscapes of primitive basic sub-prime boxes with zero potential other than being a money pit in need of extensive expensive modification and improvement to come anywhere near even the lowest of current highest in class standards, let alone any which are presently attainable for the future and considered to be the bare minimum for excellent living at practically zero cost.
Are the homes going to be akin to Model T Ford bone shakers and a century behind the times, rather than flagships for future times?
* Quality Control
Virtual Attack is the New Real Colossus and QuITe Surreal AI Leading Norm ….. on Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 13:01 GMT
"Cyber war or Cyber insurgency ….. rossm Posted Wednesday 30th November 2011 11:54 GMT
I agree that Cyber War is a long way off - where one country declares Cyber war on another. However the 'war' is a proxy war - in the same way that the Cold war was fought by 'proxies' so too - the Cyber 'war'. This will be a case of insurgents operating in a covert agile way - never attacking head on. So the battle for IP, corporate espionage, deliberate DDOS attacks on high profile targets all make up this new ' war'. It is going on all around us - it is real - and we need to shore up our defences quickly or else it will undermine the foundation of our economic strength."
Quite so, rossm. An excellent analysis .Good luck with those titanic defences. Spookily enough, they are probably a lost cause being erected by security offices loughside in direct line of sight of the old Harland and Wolff shipyard. IT Security is definitely for those into classic long marches and paramilitary type guerrilla warefare and a right debilitating mined mind field for those into squirmishes and quick fixes for systemic indefensible vulnerabilities..........................................................................................................................................................................
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 09:53 AM …… on
"No we don't agree with you. We believe in private justice. Get the state out of the business of dispensing "punishments that fit the crime." Get the government out of deciding when one has paid his "debt to society." " …. Reply from The Daily Bell
Ok, I would have no difficulty with that for it matters not a jot to anyone sensible, I'd guess, just so long as justice in whatever clothes it would wear is dispensed fairly to all. But who do you recognise as being qualified to decide on such matters and what would be the punitive and preventative sanctions to safeguard all from those who are bent on causing harm and/or social disruption …… creating an advantage which delivers disadvantage.And by private justice, do you mean a business, which some might think is the problem today with judges easily being bought to render the system an ass.
We could take a few steps further and decide that to get the state and government out of everything is a noble plan too, considering how it is that they are as parasites and pariahs paid for by the people? Well they don't actually make anything, do they, and yet spend everyones taxes, and more from wherever money is invented whenever there is never enough, and in so doing effectively and cynically create a public debt from an essentially private operation, on things that they like and which don't necessarily enhance and enrich the population. Simplistic, I know, but basically perfectly true.
Oh and that justice you think I apparently believe in … "Here is the justice you apparently believe in. You turn out not to be from another planet after all, just an another secret authoritarian dressing up his devotion powerful sociopaths with incomprehensible, ill delivered language." …. is nothing like anything I believe in.
This has been a very enlightening chat, DB. Thanks for that
amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …… commenting on
"Them: You can’t take these on board. They’re liquids.Me: No. They’re solid foods. The hummous is more of a paste than a liquid.
Them: You can’t take it through.
Me: I realize that hummous and Al Qaeda come from the same part of the world, but, well, so does algebra.
Soghoian was pulled aside for a thorough search."
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/30/11 01:13 PM ….. on
"We have written about private justice numerous times. We have written about it just today, in fact. If you disagree with what we wrote, or think it harsh, explain what you DO believe in."
I had a good read at all that was written today and would not disagree with anything, nor did I consider anything harsh, DB, but I didn't find any mention of what your private justice would do with those at the top of the tree who have been using Wall Street type minions as their proxy for all manner of toxic sub-prime shenanigans. Do you imagine them to have one of those dodgy abusive sovereign type immunities which encourage both the psychopath and the psychotic fool to consider acting with the folly, impunity? Surely not. That would be to embrace madness and anarchy and that always leads to self-destruction..........................................................................................................................................................................