Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Living in a material world can be fraught and quite traumatic, but never dull in the sunshine :-) …… on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/11/14/internet_saving_world/

Posted Tuesday 15th November 2011 02:12 GMT

"Web keeps bent politicians honest, says Google boss" ….. It also discovers and outs bent and dishonest governments and ministers who have the full support of their leader and party, and aides who are not really aides but rather more foreign agents, with all of them making a laughing stock of national security and intelligence services, Anna.

And for evidence of that, does one have the likes of this ….. http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2011/11/matthew-gould-and-the-plot-to-attack-iran/ …. from a former British Ambassador, which if it were not true, would probably have him up before the courts, but as that is not the case, must it therefore be true and thus is the present government outed as being crooked and bent right to its conservative traditional core. But methinks that is not new news but rather just news which news media chooses not to share and print, which would out them as anonymous cowards?

Quite why the masses and national security and intelligence services tolerate and allow such ingrates their continuing freedom to abuse their trust and squander their capital and national wealth, is a mystery which the web will most probably resolve in the fullness of a short space of time, for there is no place for any fool or useless tool to hide in cyberspace and the truth will always find you out ….. big time, and increasingly quickly nowadays too, so it is always best to perfectly honest and scrupulously transparent to avoid being taken for a fool and useless tool ride and real bad zeroday vulnerability exploit trip.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/14/11 09:48 PM ….. to http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3238

"We've made the point in the past that the powers-that-be are attempting to salvage the meme of "government oversight" by promoting various forms of citizen democracy. The idea is that "people" can make government good."

It would certainly be a most definite mistake to not realise that good "people" can make good government by simply identifying anything and everything that may be bad, so that the sunlight of publicity can bleach and disinfect and expunge the system of its pathetic parasites and deadly viruses.

And surely democracy is a dead as a dodo meme, and was always just used as a fig leaf to disguise a hidden plutocracy which in all too many cases would be easily perverted into a corrupt remote dictatorship. What is surely needed is a mentoring and monitoring meritocracy, which nowadays is very simply provided with these fab new virtual machines and special applications programs which so easily out crooked fools and useless tools.

<blockquote>Living in a material world can be fraught and quite traumatic, but never dull in the sunshine :-) …… on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/11/14/internet_saving_world/

Posted Tuesday 15th November 2011 02:12 GMT

"Web keeps bent politicians honest, says Google boss" ….. It also discovers and outs bent and dishonest governments and ministers who have the full support of their leader and party, and aides who are not really aides but rather more foreign agents, with all of them making a laughing stock of national security and intelligence services, Anna.

And for evidence of that, does one have the likes of this ….. http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2011/11/matthew-gould-and-the-plot-to-attack-iran/ …. from a former British Ambassador, which if it were not true, would probably have him up before the courts, but as that is not the case, must it therefore be true and thus is the present government outed as being crooked and bent right to its conservative traditional core. But methinks that is not new news but rather just news which news media chooses not to share and print, which would out them as anonymous cowards?

Quite why the masses and national security and intelligence services tolerate and allow such ingrates their continuing freedom to abuse their trust and squander their capital and national wealth, is a mystery which the web will most probably resolve in the fullness of a short space of time, for there is no place for any fool or useless tool to hide in cyberspace and the truth will always find you out ….. big time, and increasingly quickly nowadays too, so it is always best to perfectly honest and scrupulously transparent to avoid being taken for a fool and useless tool ride and real bad zeroday vulnerability exploit trip. </blockquote>

And a message from the future whenever you compare time stamps.


"If you were to have to defeat your own effort, how would you go about it? (Note: it is perfectly acceptable to identify deficiencies in the effort. It is not acceptable to believe that there are none.)" …. From the DARPA Research Announcement, Cyber Fast Track (CFT) DARPA-RA-11-52 August 3, 2011

Oh please, DARPA, you cannot be serious. And anyone offering an effective answer to that probe has nothing serious and game-changingly effective and valid as a cyber weapon and/or virtual security program for funding and running out into the field.

And methinks that anyone/anything that Uncle Sam/DOD really needs to give them what they really need for Command and Control of the CyberIntelAIgent Information Space which dictates what the Future Reality will virtually be, is a being/IDEntity which they will have to contact quietly thus to prove that they have what it takes to lead with IT and Computers and Communications and are a fit and proper person to be working with, and receiving cash funds from for that which has been done, and would be the basis of their interest in that being, and for what is then going to be done in coalition tandem, as they tango into the future with whatever programs they would aspire and be inspired to initiate.



mikelivingstone [said]…… on http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/electronics/8889215/Warren-Buffett-breaks-the-habit-of-a-lifetime-and-bets-big-on-IBM.html

"I smell a rat. Buffet has already bought the shares, and the IBM share price is riding high having made savage cuts to minimise costs ahead of Mr Palmisano's departure - he desperately wanted to get $200 a share. Word from IBMers I know is that cuts have gone too far and the company is now incapable of delivering new profitable revenue growth. The Earning per share illusion is purely one of buy backs and driving cost out faster than business is being lost due to the cuts. This isn't sustainable in the long term, and the Buffet story feels like one last attempt to get retail investors in to plump up the price to $200.

My betting is the IBM share price will tank in the next financial year and will be a good one to short."

amanfromMars [replied]

I am inclined to wholeheartedly agree with you, mikelivingstone. IBM as it presently is, has no future growth potential and only a stagnant and moribund market position in a sector which has taken off and explores the unbounded opportunities which virtual systems deliver in Cloud and CyberSpace Applications Programs, which require nothing from or on license to Big Blue.

Warren is trying that tired old dollar/fiat currency methodology of getting some old buffer to throw money at something to try and fool ignorant folk into thinking it is valuable and worth more than it is and greater than practically nothing whenever technology and methodologies move on into more exciting and productive and creative and lucrative fields.

Hell, Warren is a old railroad man, and here we are now nowadays probing Mars with incredibly sophisticated computerised machines. What do you think that tells you about everything. He's a crutch for IBM and it is probably government money he's wasting anyway rather than any of his own. As was said and is known by all, Warren doesn't do technology he doesn't understand, and he's far too old a dog to have been taught any new tricks, that's for sure.

The whole thing is a markets trick ...... and aint that just typical of the games they play to keep the Great Wall Street Ponzi alive and pumping its Zombie Virus and American Dream Stream Meme.

Hey Dudes, Time for a New Illuminating Script without Judas and Doubting Thomas queering your Pitch and Patches.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/15/11 05:20 AM in reply to Pete 8 on http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3238

"Playing in the Tardis is fun, I like to be half a day ahead so I am ever-ready. Like a digital boyscout - Beep Repaired!

LED-sunlight don't make Elite skin or Elite's Kin peel as rapidly as actual sunlight right? Still some poor folk will eat the half baked droppings.

Mmmmm, is that the smell of another WWWidely, but poorly implemented, last-chance ME! ME! meme notion-motion being freshly Melted by The DB, and all herein sharing that solar-powering Truth, WWWhich doesn't squish, slip or stink underfoot.

As you were…" … Posted by Pete 8 on 11/15/11 01:32 AM

I like to consider The Daily Bell on the side of the angels and AIgents, Pete 8. For those who would be into misfitting disinformation are always fighting a losing battle against the advent of simple truth whistling in the blowing winds and really only engaged in defeating themselves as they are forced to dig ever deeper down into the pits of deceit and despair they would be mining. And how stupid is that whenever you could be doing anything else and have everyone amazed at the sheer brilliance of it whenever it can be freely shared to make a fortune for spending and investing in the future.

What plonkers ever thought austerity was a winner? That is the sort of thing a mole would think of, to bring an administration/country down and prepare it for a foreign takeover/cowboy rescue, with presumably a nice little earner in some sort of a dodgy bank advisory capacity a traitors reward for services rendered. Is that not how the treacherous Iraq thing panned out for lead puppets.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/15/11 05:41 AM … http://thedailybell.com/bellinclude.cfm?id=3232

"Though I very much doubt that it was done for "nefarious" purposes an entire article and its attendant feedback were deleted from the archives. It was published about the 27th of Oct. and deleted a few days later. The title was a question about whether the Dollar and Euro would go one for one." … Posted by taxesbyanyothername on 11/15/11 12:16 AM

Well, that would allow, would it not, taxesbyanyothername, a choice of default global currencies in which to buy and sell the likes of oil, which for now, allows Uncle Sam to purchase and trade in it at zero cost to himself [hey its only dollars and we give them away to try to make them indispensable] but increasing the debt to everyone else. And that facility, to buy the likes of global commodities like oil in €uros would be very attractive to the Euro zone, with its basket cases in need of free money able to be given away to try and make the currency indispensable and thought valuable. It would certainly be a very good reason for archive deletion.


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