Muppets do as Puppets tell them
Posted Thursday 3rd November 2011 11:20 GMT
"However he added that he expected the government would have "vigorous and private discussions about these things" in the future." ... Wee Wullie Hague.
Yes, I'm quite sure that it might and that is their problem, for cyberspace does not lend itself to private discussions, which are all about ensuring mickey mouse government ministers stay in their posts and have a future role imagined in their heads, and absolutely nothing to do with providing a prosperous and safe, and therefore completely different future for all.In fact, today we can read of the intellectually challenged, Foreign and Commonwealth Office's latest blow job to their puppet master, with this mad proposal of virtual intent with a coalition of idiots ..... .... or is that the Home Office, or the MOD going renegade and rogue hooker?
No fear of cash shortage there. is there, ergo are such shortages a contrivance engineered to manipulate the masses? And more on that subject later. alligator, in a while, crocodile.
And here is more on another subject which you may know practically nothing about, but which you really ought know more than just a little about, considering what it and IT and media are easily capable of doing for you and/or to you, without you having any idea at all about who would be doing it and with what and for whom and to what end. Now that is REAL Stealth even though it may also be as a Virtual Weapon against which there is never any chance of there being an effective defense and nothing to attack with dumb force and kinetic armaments.
Just testing a novel GCHQ ARG ....... Softly, Softly, Hush Hush ........ and Spooky dDutch Registered Initiative stuff too*
Hi, Big Brother,
This is well worth watching …. Good Night and Good Luck …. with George Clooney ….. and the speech given by Murrow to the Radio and Television News Directors Association in 1958**, in which Murrow harshly admonishes his audience not to squander the potential of television to inform and educate the public …. which starts at the beginning of the program and finishes right at the end of the film, is a classic, and as just as prescient today and even more relevant today than even it was then, whenever it was first delivered.
The capture of hearts and brainwashing of minds has always been the new real deal and quite surreal head space/virtual battleground for the floating of New Ideas for New Worlds and which to conquer and administer to with ITs Command and Control . And there are more than just simpleton actors with corrupt and dodgy scripts in a newly invented but already failed printed money system ....... … stupidly designed to enslave nations to insurmountable debts which can never be repaid, playing in the field.
Some of the players are quite deceptively smart and easily able to deliver what they say the future has for the present, and with no need to rely on the machinery and baggage of the past ....... :-) ..... for with the Power of SMART InterNetworking Systems all around you, how can you not fail to be impressed with new ideas shared freely for global wealth and well-being and which would trump and call to account old failing systems with dodgy orders into meeting in secret and/or in closed and exclusive session behind barred doors and in Cabinets...... so that the world may not know of the heated discussions that lead only to self serving, face saving decisions designed to maintain the status quo at the expense of future progress into new fields in AI and Virtual Remote Control of Earthed Human Assets with Special Access Programming to Special Access ProgramMING Projects/Cloudy AIMissions in CHAOS.... Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
* Posted Wednesday 2nd November 2011 16:39 GMT ... .. and what the Dutch have, has been copied to here .....
..................................................................................................Something to ruminate on .....
Posted Thursday 3rd November 2011 16:45 GMT
“And the first step is the diplomatic means and then the military means, as it has always been. We have to stand ready to respond in kind, because we’re very vulnerable, we’re all very vulnerable.” … John Duncan, the FCO’s special representative for the conference [LCC]
Hi, Brid-Aine Parnell,I was searching in you article for the bit where it was saying, re cyber attacks on UK gov/Blighty, …."Once we've sent a letter and had a chat, naturally" ….. because it has been my experience that sending letters and having a chat, [which are surely nowadays sending emails and having a Skype type session] about things which are brand spanking new and highly irregular and unconventional and extremely disruptive to the Establishment but which are of an easy second nature and nothing at all unusual to an alternative, and maybe even a number of alternative underground streams/radical memes, is something which the status quo is pretty hopeless at, even whenever intelligence service channels and cabinet office emails are used.
Invariably does that convey to those parties who would be the valuable parties of especial interest to governments and societies and services which are more than just very vulnerable, and are in reality, virtually defenceless, that they have a clean sheet field of play and can name their price for services to be rendered in order to provide required security. …… for they would be leaders in the field and leaders in a field that government do not understand because of their own ingrained programming in service to that which gives them their orders.
I trust that is plain enough text for all to understand the difficulties which the system and its old orders have, in these new changed times.
It is so nice to have a chat, for one can learn so much about practically anything and virtually for free, too.
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