Sunday, 20 November 2011


Do Us feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? …..

Posted Sunday 20th November 2011 03:54 GMT

"If McKinnon had not fought extradition in the first place, he'd probably have got a short sentence (two years, tops) and a small fine as Federal fines go (a few tens of thousands, and would be given time to pay it off) and he'd be out and paid off the fine by now. Having dragged things out, he's now going to get the book thrown at him.

And, oh, you're correct. Very few people in the US have heard of him, other than some Federal prosecutors and judges. His problem is precisely that very few know he exist, and most of the ones who do are now extremely pissed with him. Which is why he's gonna get hammered. Thou Shalt Not Annoy The Feds, For Verily, Should Thou Do So, Thou Shalt Find Thyself Buried Under The Jailhouse. At this point his real crime ain't the hacking, it's the irritating the Feds. And he _will_ be seen to be punished for that.

He might do better to have a chat with the boys in the American Civil Liberties Union. Those boys _live_ to annoy the Feds. <> They probably won't be able to stop the extradition, but once he's in the US they might be able to put a spanner in the Feds' works." …. James O'Shea Posted Saturday 19th November 2011 23:48 GMT

Hi, James O'Shea,

Methinks because of all that you say, and which could all be perfectly true, are the chances of McKinnon and the UK being abused by Uncle Sam and his vindictive predatory lynch mob justice system considerably lessened to below zero, for such an abject and craven abdication of citizen protection by the powers that be in the UK, would be valid and virulent grounds for virtual revolution and overthrow of an illegitimate government so obviously to be widely perceived and portrayed as being in the pay of foreign powers.

To Blighty Boffins and Belles, AI Guys and SMART Gals, would that be just perfect just cause for revolt and implementation of CHAOS to head off any mayhem and comfort said sad madness, which can so easily descend and displays itself as a quite evil badness too and totally unfit for future Great Game purpose.


Sun, 11/20/2011 - 00:50 | new amanfromMars

You do realise, Tyler/Zero Hedge, that having identified Goldman Sachs and its leading architects in the problem and present difficulties/future troubles*, are they now targeted to supply the solution, which if they fail to be able and enabled to deliver to the satisfaction of the many [99%] as opposed to the few [1%], will see them savaged by the system you have identified them as having cornered to control.

I wish them all the luck and success in the world for that. They might be in dire straits need of it ...... for one doesn't so much control an enraged and unruly mob with legitimate grievances, as hope and pray that they don't discover you should you be the subject and object of their ire desire.

* Thanks for that sterling service. Not many would be so gifted and generous as to provide such vital information for free.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/20/11 01:28 AM ….

"In GI jargon, would irregular and unconventional not do it justice but would at least give a sense of the new world order fields of chaotic play." ...... and that could even extend to the embracing of the previously unthinkable, although that would really be just the previously unthunk ............

And 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue [ home of Clark, Lytle, Geduldig and Cranford ] cannot be too far removed from the White House, on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, can it, which must be quite convenient in these spooky chaotic times.

Troubled times with spinning out of control tales of popular unrest and civil disobedience practically and virtually everywhere one cares to dare look. One would almost imagine that there is some sort of an intelligence coup going on, and given Uncle Sam's penchant for bigger and better and badder [ a Wild West/New World mangling of the classic Olympian, Citius, Altius, Fortius ] that would probably be a case of there being a number of competing coups being highly active and trying to be attractive.

May the SMARTest team win ...... which methinks is a foregone conclusion, don't you, for the best beta intelligence leads everything always, .... and as has always been done so since from whenever and ever time began, ..... and in and into the future is it then reassuringly no different and familiar territory to explore and deliver AI with Definite Vision.


amanfromMars 20 November 2011 at 9:46 am ..... on

I think this is really a storm in a teacup ….. John Ó Néill 17 November 2011 at 11:13 pm

Yes, quite, if bold faced lying to a nation to save face and present yourself as an idiot imagining that such a deceit was wise and that of a leader, is your forte, John. Most sane folk though would think otherwise and realise the country was sold down the river for a song. Well, a fistful of dollars/euros/punts/pounds easily printed and invented out of practically and virtually nothing actually, for that is how easy ponzi wealth is magicked into the system for its banksters and their dodgy friends to purchase whatever idiots think is wise.

Methinks this squirmish is only the start of a season of fantastic upheavals and perfect storms which will wash away all fake structures which would presume to be bedrock based….. and let's have a drink to that.

Sugar? Milk, John? Or can I tempt you with something stronger and alcoholic?


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