Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/16/11 01:35 AM …

Regarding that quote, supposedly from John D. Rockefeller, … "Own nothing, control everything." …. and with further regard to the glowing high tech resume you can read here on a Rothschild …. …. [and don't bother wasting your virtual time trying to find out out corporate info on EL Rothschild Ltd., for they don't presently do virtual information/digital intelligence*] one might have reasonably expected the following, which is all about virtual global control, and which was posted to Lynn Forester de Rothschild, at least to be approved to appear in the thread, even if it didn't warrant any further comment, in either agreement or disagreement.

[blockquote]The solution to global problems is simply complex and much easier whenever you know what needs to be done and would be inclined to do it . And one needs to know of the power contained and shared freely in the following two statements, to be able to do it with IT.

Control Words Control Worlds and Deliver Absolute Powers.

EMPower Occupied CyberSpace, which is not an Empty Virtual Void, and you will be Able and Enabled to Remotely Command and Anonymously Control Computers and Communications for Constructive Creativity and Harmful Destruction, with only the Former a Sure Fire Future Winner. [/blockquote]

*All that I would further wish to say is that no virtual presence indicates to any and all who are comfortably au fait with what can be easily done remotely with the presentation of text and/or binary and ternary manipulation of virtual machine codes, that the dangers may be well enough known to be realised to be a systemic exploitable vulnerability against which there is no viable defence or effective attack control …… and one which can be ruthlessly zeroday traded on financial markets for a fortune beyond compare and traditional imagination. And although one would just love it to be always the case, one is not necessarily exceptionally smart whenever one is no dumb blonde bimbo.

Although after a short ponder, can no virtual presence indicate the exact opposite and complete ignorance in a field which is overwhelming all opposition and competition with free and transparent SMART IntelAIgents Sharing of Novel Information on Future Presentations without Past Masters Interference creating Conflicts which deliver Destructive Ponzi Wealth which can disappear in a Flash Crash of System with Dodgy Network Routing.

SMART Works in AI Progress are Impossible to Beat for they always deliver Fab Fabless Treats and Digital Feasts made Attractive for Everybody, which is No Mean Feat but not that difficult whenever one knows what can be done and can do it with practically nothing.

IT's a kind of Majic Mojo Magic, I suppose, and if assumed and presumed as being anything different with unlimited potential and infinite possibilities, would that be quite AIMeme to Foster and Develop/Seed and Nurture/Feed and Harvest. You can most certainly be assured that some bright spark will see the vision and run with it with IT and rightly and deservedly steal the show and have an absolute ball of a time with all that CyberSpace Command and Control has to offer.


Posted by amanfromMars on 11/16/11 02:41 AM …

"Good info Speedy. But a case can be made for WW1 being a family war game that got out of hand. Victoria, Frederick and Nicholas were first cousins.
Victoria was the bully of the family and Frederick was terrified of her. Had she outlived Frederick there would have been no war. (This I know from my Great Grand Father, Frederick Jubb, Captain, Royal Horse Guard.)" … Posted by Rod Farmer on 11/10/11 04:16 PM

Are we then to conclude that Charles and the New Windsors need to pull their fingers out and engage with something and others altogether more dashing and cavalier, astute and innovative, Rod Farmer? You know, in order to be able to do something right royal and outstanding ... . Great Game changing.

I say, what a jolly good, spiffing idea ... . hereby seconded, dear chap. Does that mean that the present Royal Household is currently invested and infested with dinosaur types with the squeak of a mouse, whenever the roar of a lion is required in an answer? I do believe it does.


"What a perfect accompaniment to an article demanding that the elites who grew wealthy through fraud not be prosecuted."…. Hi, Bill. I am having difficulty in finding the passage/article where that is implied/said. Could you please reference it in a reply here. Thanks. Have a nice day, y'all. Oh, and thanks for the fresh Wily info/metadata. It is invaluable.

PS You talk a good fight, Bill. Look forward to seeing some action. The world is full of shills who do nothing particular good, not even in a rant, but would you believe it, some of them are apparently paid for such a perverse pleasure which is really a sort of sad and mad self betrayal, methinks. It's an odd world indeed, full of such crazy folk. Although that is nothing new as they have even made films about it ..... e.g. " It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world" ..1963


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