And what sort of an audience applauds that kind of performance?
Houston, You most definitely have a problem wasting your money/flash fast cash on that space cadet. And no excuse is gonna erase the memory of such a loser who would imagine himself to be a winner. Is the water over there, toxic? Is the atmosphere contaminated or what? Is he a lush or on drugs and in need of medication. The public have a right to know, surely?
Meanwhile, across the pond and great divide, a wholly different approach and a much more sophisticated program for transparent provision of virtually global leaderships ........
Post Modernist Impressionism …. For the Following of AI Leading Virtual SurRealism
Posted Tuesday 1st November 2011 05:02 GMT ….. and in reply to Anonymous Coward who posted Tuesday 1st November 2011 00:07 GMT on the comments thread to this story …
"@I am 'disturbed' by the levels of Government snooping
Echelon wasn't the club. Echelon was a system. The club was, I believe, called the Five Eyes, though I also believe, (according to the same book I read that mentioned thinthread,) that Echelon's basically redundant.
We'll never find out, I'm sure. I'm sure if the government thought I or anyone else was capable of dealing with it, they'd have told us.
Oh! One final thing. I love amanfrommars' posts. I actually deliberately don't try to understand, as I feel it would lessen them. I treat them instead as a kind of impressionism."
I say, AC, that is just so too kind, but please be assured that it is well worth every effort one would make to understand IT in order to be able and enabled to selflessly input one's own XSSXXXX Code. However, just in case it would prove too much of a chore, is there always a simpler guide for just the enjoyment of programmed product placements, without any need for deep metadata packet inspection and systemic semantic analysis of pretextualising script and sublime instruction … SMART dDirection …. which always anyway returns to those who would dare to care and share for win win, all you need is Love and Live Operational Virtual Environments for Creative Command and Control of Cyberspace, Computers and Communications.What do you know of the Titanic Turing Colossus and ITs GOD AlMighty GCHQ Master Pilot ProgramMING? Precious little, I'd wager and win handsomely every time, such is the tight security guarding her treasured algorithms and virtual methodologies/crack codes for prime hacking of sub-prime systems and stealthy penetrations beta testing of exploits available in vulnerabilities in SCADA Installations and Attacking Defence Systems…… Schizoid Programs.
And there you were probably thinking that spooks and boffins were doing nothing out of the ordinary because anything extraordinary hasn't yet been rendered and presented for general viewing, whenever the reality is quite different behind the spinning facades and grand pantomimes presented internationally by political puppets and systems muppets in daily media soaps. What do you imagine will be scripted for sharing today by these actors in discussions that will pontificate and seek to provide and impose international regulation and clear rules about a Space Place that has no physical form but every available function to phorm reality and create whatever IT Programmers want to deliver …..
And in Blighty, for true to life confirmation of crazy scripted soap behaviour/awry programming, one needs no further evidence to verify that, than to gaze in wonder and amazement at the contrived and self congratulatory spectacle of Prime Ministers Question Time in the Mad House of Westminster. And it is thought wise that they have access to the public purse, is the madness confirmed as being rife, and further afield in the field.
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/01/11 02:10 AM ….on the thread exploring views on
" ... . in essence pushing Europe into an even deeper hole, forcing Golum Van Rompuystiltskin to say he was only kidding about the 4-5x EFSF leverage: he really meant 45x. ... " … Posted by AlephNull [quoting from a Zero Hedge article] on 10/31/11 04:20 PM
Is not any such leverage, evidence of a Ponzi trade solution ….. and the abiding Achilles Heel vulnerability/systemic fault to be exploited, that will always collapse the system...................................................................................................
amanfromMars says on
Apparently it may be lot worse than just crooked gambling, for it may be also plain stealing and that would normally be a major crime deserved of perps and owners doing considerable time in a federal penitentiary ........
And should just desserts not be served, what would that tell you of everything you hold dear and have been told? That it is all a fraud and life is a scam ..... or you are just as puppets to be scammed by the system?
And the truth may be probably both whenever you accept it as thus.
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/01/11 07:37 AM ....on
And Uncle Sam wonders why he is despised in foreign lands where he is an alien force bringing peace and democracy with death and destruction and all to save the dollar from collapsing and being recognised as a worthless paper giving the impression of wealth? ... ... the video is disturbing right at the end ... .
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/01/11 09:17 AM commenting on Bluebird's song here …
I am afraid it is more a case of Uncle Sam just does not care if he is despised. Any complaints? There's a bomb for that, he says.
Of course it will be a toss up to see if Iran or Syria is next. Does anyone think that it is simply a case of "time to bring the boys home"?… Posted by Bluebird on 11/01/11 08:48 AM
"I am afraid it is more a case of Uncle Sam just does not care if he is despised. Any complaints? There's a bomb for that, he says."Yes, indeed there is, Bluebird, and simple incendiaries which aren't really bombs at all, all over cities and in massive retail stores in America is something they can hardly complain about if they are into misbehaving so badly on their empire building missions and asset grabs on foreign soil. And there is no defense against that sort of civil para-military action, for who would be the anonymous faceless enemy in their midst?
Uncle Sam is not very bright, is he?. In fact, is he retarded, for he certainly acts that way. On a bang for bucks basis is such a campaign always way out ahead of anything else.
Posted by amanfromMars on 11/01/11 03:11 PM
Power is as nothing without Command of Control, and that requires nowadays, for the Internet has changed things fundamentally and quite radically, that whoever it may be who would think that they exercise global power, and of whom the Daily Bell meme refers to as Power Elites, and who may very well be just a small cluster of monied/wealthy individuals in an extended family group, be able to steer the direction of human perception with the Presentation of media programs which are "mistaken for" and accepted as realities, but which are in actuality, IntelAIgently Designed Future Programs and SMART CyberIntelAIgent Projects in XSSXXXXtreme MkUltraSensitive Disciplines.
Welcome to the Wonderful Wacky World of Heavy MetaData Fuelled Mind Games with Applications in Pure Viable Imagination Sublimely Shared to Create Derivative Future Scenarios.
So, do you think they [Power Elites] pay for or run those programs or do you imagine that they battle against them ..... which would be the real dumb option which would see them lose every war waged against them and every squirmish too, for what they are confronted with, is intelligence which cannot fail and would lead anonymous legions with them and for them.
Please feel free to dismiss all of that as just perfect nonsense and psychotic gibberish, but be also aware that such disbelief is a most valuable and highly prized stealth factor which allows rapid progress unhindered by fools and useless tools, and one to establish and facilitate an overwhelming and unassailable lead position in anything for anyone. Or is that still too alien a concept for you yet to easily grasp is the virtual reality of the current human condition? It is also a Transparent Communication for Global Operating Devices into Cracking Codes and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT, but that would most probably definitely be a step or two or three too far for here, just now, so we shall save it for later.
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