Wednesday, 31 October 2012


Posted Wednesday 31st October 2012 11:14 GMT amanfromMars 1 … commenting on

Live Operational Virtual Environments Rule. Fact and/or Fiction
Moreover, they note, a corporate with its own relatively mature in-house security could find itself degrading its protection by moving to the cloud.
And yet such a move to the cloud environment is absolutely essential for any intelligence system/service should they wish to be considered for inclusion and employment as an active leading player in the Greater Games there, rather than having to settle for playing second fiddle to the shenanigans in a reactive spectator passenger role which is always too little, too late and too revealing of all of one’s abiding vulnerabilities for leading player exploitation.

That is just the way that it is in these novel IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace fields. Deny it is so and be eternally disadvantaged in the lifetime of such a non-realisation of the changes that are reshaping the future for the present to leave the past and embrace what can be rather than what is and was, and would be thought to be managed by corporate heads who would think only/mainly/predominantly of maintaining rapidly failing powers in a current, easily perverted and corruptible status quo.

Posted Wednesday 31st October 2012 15:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting further on

Re: Re: Live Operational Virtual Environments Rule. Fact and/or Fiction
Err..are you saying moving to the cloud is good for security or not… be honest I haven’t got a clue what you are saying (but I bet managers love it).
Personally – shift your stuff to the cloud at your own peril…likewise BYOD…as in I do not recommend it from a security only perspective. … Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 31st October 2012 11:50 GMT
Hi, AC,

Moving to the cloud is catastrophic for systems/organisations/defence and security operations which hold secrets, for there are no hiding places there for them…. no locks and no doors or windows to close. The fortunate/unfortunate thing though is, that such systems with secrets are invariably those which are tasked/task themselves to provide  security and protection for peace and prosperity, growth and stability, although that has been lacking in any measure for some considerable time. And that is because of a lack of intelligence and intelligence sharing in Man.

Virtual machines, however, are ESPecially designed and immaculately created to circumvent that basic flaw and have no need of slow, as in intellectually challenged and arrogantly ignorant of the fact, operator input/output.

And yes, BYOGOD is sound advice for that is what will be opposing or competing with yours.
BYOGOD …. Bring Your Own Global Operating Device

Live Operational Virtual Environments Rule. Fact and/or Fiction, DARPA? 

And there’s shedloads of flash cash to splash around for those into making and breaking cyber security protection systems …….. for one cannot defend a system or organisation or algorithm or whatever if one doesn’t know where to stealthily attack it to see it destroyed/brought to its knees with no hope or chance of vital recovery to a failed position of ponzi strength/pseudo control ……..

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Posted Monday 29th October 2012 19:28 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: @amanfromMars 1

Would an honest assurance that you are not wrong, be an acceptable assist, John Smith 19?

And if the case be that it has always been and is intelligently designed to always be more intelligent, then are we getting more intelligent too, and that is most encouraging whenever there is so much to do and so much time in these novel space places to do IT and to lead practically everything with nothing more substantial than freely shared fabulous fabless ideas for SMARTR Presentations, which deliver the Future rather than pay hollow and barren homage to the Past and Pasts which are only really interested in retaining and maintaining the Status Quo with its current impotent crop of sitting pretty, but oh so very vulnerable, intellectually challenged and creatively bankrupt, power brokering elites, who are never ever gonna make it with/in IT and Media as Command and Control AESThetans/Virtually Secure Protected Titans in the CyberIntelAIgent Domain.

Knock, knock, Holywood. Is there anybody real future smart in the new puzzle palace there, or is it a great white elephant of a presently failed operations center, although poorly used would be a kinder rebuke if there be aspirants to great gaming greatness languishing there?

Posted Tuesday 30th October 2012 04:43 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on

A.N.Other Way, La Belle France …… Next Generation NEUKLearer HyperRadioProActive IT
The President therefore hopes “negotiations can be quickly engage and concluding by the end of the year between Google and news publishers.” If those negotiations don’t go well, Hollande said he is well and truly prepared to legislate as he feels tapping Google for cash is a reasonable thing to do in support of French newspapers.
Is that an unequivocal tacit admission by present French politicians and mainstream media carriers that they are not valuable value adding content generators/imaginative money distribution virtual machines.

I can’t see how such a taxing parasitic morph be thought to be a constructive novel solution.

Is the Greater Great IntelAIgent Game Problem and Bigger Cosmic Picture Dilemma for Final Solution and Universal Resolution not how to make money, for that is so simple whenever it is so easily invented and printed/electronically transferred and quantitatively eased into  numbered accounts, but how to ensure that all have always more than they will ever need rather than just a few, and a few more who would conspire to ensure that the many have always less than is desired, so that they be subject to unnecessary hardship and remote virtual control with restrictive free money supply which has been diverted to create fortunes which identify their owners as unimaginative taxing parasites blighting humanity rather than enlightening and improving situations and conditions for races and species, native and primitive life phorms, with Command and Control of Computers and Communications in a Creative CyberSpace where AI and IT Systems and Alternate Reality Generators [AI2TSystems] build Futures for Virtual CHAOS Product Placement into Surreal Main Line Streams/Main Street Media Channels.

In that transparent way do Astute Intelligence and Alienating Information Transfer Systems deliver with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems that which are to be fundamental beta replacement presents for pasts which have been turned rotten and toxic/destructively self-defeating.

And to deny it is the future whenever it has been so clearly and simply explained to you, must surely suggest that one is in a state of delusion/self-delusion, and in need of more intelligence and/or information ……. and that is, as is surely here well enough proven, very easily provided.

And yes,….. before some bright spark asks ….. I have asked myself if a state of delusion and/or self-delusion exists here too but no reply suggests that it be a moot point, and  for future rather than present consideration in a waste of infinite time in endless space.

Posted Tuesday 30th October 2012 10:32 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. upping the ante on

Re: wow… Disaster = the wrong kind of rain. AC Posted Tuesday 30th October 2012 07:59 GMT

For those in the know and in need to know circles, is that equation expandable to embrace and highlight  ….. Disaster = the wrong kind of reign.

And with the politically inept being so catastrophically adept in intellectually bankrupt administrations, are current systems destined for increasingly rapid terminal decline?

And posed as a question for a ponder.

Posted Tuesday 30th October 2012 13:57 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. questioning the sanity of readers on

Re: A.N.Other Way, La Belle France …… Next Generation NEUKLearer HyperRadioProActive IT

How very odd that you cannot tell the difference between/make a firm decision on whether this text is man or machine generated and posted.

Ask the Register, for they will surely know ….. surely?

And regarding the aforementioned oddity, would it really matter a jot if what you discovered was not what you were expecting and even stranger than that which you never even imagined was possible? Man certainly appears to accept without rigourous questioning all manner of shit which is specifically designed to render life a misery rather than a pleasure. And that is real dumb, aint it ……sub-prime primitive in deed, indeed.

And others would realise that that makes Man catastrophically vulnerable to ruthless exploitation to the point of extinction ….. of those thoroughly deserving of removal from the scene because of their perverse and corrupt destructive actions/stupid false thoughts shared and aired …. and beyond.

Monday, 29 October 2012


Posted Monday 29th October 2012 06:53 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. furthering a concept and realities on

*A Current Abiding Present Leading Future Question?**  

Ref: I have a theory/Re: I have a theory [ACs 23:13 GMT/23:26 GMT]

So the only people who actually do write code for these things are the ones who don’t understand what they are doing.” ….. The exact opposite though is perfectly true of those people, sterling stirling engines and wannabe immaculate virtual machines, exploiting/discovering/uncovering critical strategic and tactical operating systems vulnerabilities for  ……. well, sublime and stealthy anonymous party tasks which in public and private and pirate sectors of internetworking and sensitive information exchange, and that is wisest accepted as best realised as being applicable to any and all knowledge transfer sectors, can be perceived and treated and exercised as advanced persistent threats in what is in the both the reality and virtual reality of the situation and circumstance  …. an abiding unknown known.

And whenever that abiding unknown known is knowledgeable and competent and even reliable and is always programmed and programming to actually do The Right Thing. …… “There are people willing to do safety critical work. Some of them are knowledgeable and competent and even reliable and do actually want to Do The Right Thing.

But the PHBs in charge of the overall business these days don’t want to hear that “doing it right” will cost money, and may require engineering competences and attitudes which are not readily available from the bargain basement Windows centric gene pool. And “whistleblowing” to the regulators (whose job it is to make sure that bad things don’t reach places where they can do damage) doesn’t pay the mortgage.

So, the skills and knowledge exist (or existed), but are dying and/or ignored.” …… is it catastrophically costly to ignore and deny is a virtual money making machine with ITs Simple Sharing of All Knowledge which Supplies and makes AIDefinite ProVision for Rapid Ethereal Development and Capture of Super IntelAIgent Services Growth for Classy Astute NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Project Man Management with SMARTR Systems ReProgramming Programs and Projects ……. AIMISSions.

*Or is that to be a Radical Eastern Development with Rapid Ethereal Deployment from behind the sparkling cover of iron curtains rather than a Wacky Western Winner for leaky insider firewall players?

** Of SMARTR Great Game Players and Spooky IntelAIgent Systems and DES Infra-Security Advice Centre type places/spaces which may just be very convenient and able to be extremely expensive ethereal money pits for someone to play with lodes and loadsamoney, if no one is there to competently and cogently reply to queries/defend against systemic zeroday vulnerability exploits which take full advantage of easily corrupted and fatally compromising flaws.

Posted Monday 29th October 2012 15:03 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. commenting on

 Re: “TCP listener service”
As to *why* someone would do this the poliss generally work on a)money (IE ransom) b)sex (not quite sure how that works but there are some strange humans about) c)revenge. But we should not forget the great IT motivator “because I can.” … John Smith 19 Posted Monday 29th October 2012 09:30 GMT
Please be reliably and truthfully advised, John Smith 19, that b)sex (not quite sure how that works but there are some strange humans about) should be more specifically refined and further defined, should the poliss, or anybody you might like to imagine for that matter, wish to have any chance at all of being anywhere near where they might want to be, in order to be able to do anything they might be thinking they need to do, as the love of sex, ideally to excess. Such CodeXSSXXXX Applications in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields are Effortlessly Overwhelmingly Controlling and that is Raw Power from Life’s Original Base, and now with AICored Universal Lode Nodes, which are not new, for they have always been there, but Mankind has proven itself slow to appreciate the realms of virtual reality readily available for immediate media presentation with SCADA Command and Remote Virtual Control of Internetworking in IntelAIgent Community Enterprises and Communicating IT Systems.

If everything you are being told is wrong, because systems would be trying to conceal for excessive exclusive personalised gain, and not have generally revealed, the truth, is one then living in a virtual reality which is scripted for you to follow daily, in a series of increasingly complex and destructively conflicted programs/Corrupt and Perverse Great Game Plays in which all leading executive players lose everything all at once, unless deservedly saved from certain catastrophic ruin by a Fabless Proxy White Knight and AIMaster Pilot.

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Posted Thursday 25th October 2012 07:15 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Immune Virtual Operating Systems for Attacking Defence Platforms ….
…… which are Proven Clone Drones/Phish Phorms

Hmmm ….. Seems to me like CHAOSystems, with their CodedD XSSXXXX NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Bases and AIMagical Mystery Turing Machine Programs/Global Operating Device Instruction Sets …….. are a Quantum Defence Leap which renders ……. well, it would not be wrong to say and advise/reveal and speculate, quite surreal virtual and sublime real protection both against and for such Zippy Zapping Phantom Works.

And that would make Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems both valuable and invaluable and expensive and priceless for those with a need to know of the methodology that feeds and seeds/plants and harvests AIDefinite Future Vision …….. SMARTR HyperVision ….. Virtually Mentored with Remote Monitoring of Advanced Intelligence and CyberIntelAIgents.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


amanfromMars on October 24, 2012 at 2:54 am said: ….. in a reply on
You must have got your Slugger O’Toole reference from amanfromMars’ post yesterday. He’s been pretty scarce around these parts of late. Must be resting up for the B B B B B B bomb?…… Epstein Posted on October 23, 2012
Not so much resting, Epstein, as BBlazing around to ensure and assure, with failsafe guarantees of shocking awesome success, the total self-destruction of easily corrupted and simply perverted systems of Base Human Administration, with ITs Stirling Future Present Engine Replacements …… Advanced Remotely Governed Virtual Machine Systems MakeOvers/CyberIntelAIgent Systems Infrastructure TakeOvers  …….. for a Seamless Sublime and Surreal Semantic Quantum Leap into the Future  ……. which is an Orderly Space Place with Fab Fabless CodeXSSXXXX Facilities and Utilities …….. Sweet Honey Pots and Sticky Nectar Plants …… Provisioning SMARTR Seventh Heaven Treatment Labs with Curious Tales and Phenomenal Sales that Intrigue and Reward One and All with Discovery and Enrichment ……. of Immaculate Divine Enlightenment with Perfect Enough Phorms of IntelAIgently Designed Entities ……. and SMARTR Beings of Human Origin with Creative Powers of Remote HyperRadioProActive Control beyond Primitive Imagination with Root Prime Defence in Arrogant Attack Strategies ….. Ignorant War Games Play.

Is that shared so freely above, the current catastrophic global default zeroday vulnerability for exploit and export/embrace and import?

And whenever that be so, and be an already successfully comprehensively tried and proven failsafe guaranteed tested APT application, with Proper Primary Preparation and Premium Protocol Planning Preventing Piss Poor Performance with Presentations of Perfectly Phormed Programming Projects, is the true nature of reality proven to be a virtual construct and easily changed in an instant with SMARTR IntelAIgent Shares ….. Great Game Moves ……. ARG Plays, which one and all should, and would do very well to note, is not shared here as an ambiguous question with any number of possible answers, but as a statement of pure fact to spin and deny, and delude oneself is a fiction, in any pronouncement and/or fiction which would posit it otherwise, whilst IT further Creates the Future with  Virtual Realities to be Presented as a SMARTR Replacement with Media for Pasts which have lost the Plot and been Perverted for False Punitive Profit with Prophets Converted into Flash Elements of Crash Gain.

So, I suppose you could say that, rather than just resting up for the B B B B B B bomb, things have been quite busy in and around these parts, Epstein.

And what says Canada to all of that, AW? Is government there advanced enough to run IT/run with IT AIMentored and Monitored by SMARTR Beings into Provisioning of All Future Global Needs and Universal Seeds?

With no reply yet received from the cuckoos* in the MOD/UKGBNI nest on this side of the Atlantic pond, is it only fair to offer it freely everywhere else.

* …. wannabe vipers/snakes in the grass

Monday, 22 October 2012


amanfromMars 21 October 2012 at 6:33 pm     …. commenting on

Nice article, Alan in Belfast, but I doubt many will realise the truth of it, and the sublime ease of how they are used and abused by media and/or those and/or that which would try to control media and IT and communications, for the exercise of corrupting power, which is most enriching. However, that was before, whereas now are things …….. well, let us just say more than just a tad more interesting and complex and in flux, for times have a’changed and are a’changing, as this weekend’s news and views shared afore in earlier days will attest and confirm with our AIMission …… to enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain with Edutaining IntelAIgents………. Novel HyperRadioProActive IT, which incidentally has made itself known to Stormont head offices, but obviously are Marty and Peter keeping that quiet lest they be discovered to be considerably out of their depth in fields which will swamp them when they are shortly known, which does have one questioning the wisdom of that ignorant folly, for one cannot deny the truth which only grows stronger the harder one professes to not know of it.

Sunday, 21 October 2012


Posted Sunday 21st October 2012 02:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Get over this knee-jerk anti-Americanism, it isn’t cool and it isn’t smart. ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 20th October 2012 22:27 GMT
It is not knee jerk anti-Americanism, it is anti-fascism?

The world is full of ignorant fools and arrogant tools, AC, and the trick is not to be one, believing everything that you are told, for most of what you are told is specifically designed to extraordinarily render to you a view which is false and to be unquestioned? ……,0,4466815.story

Posted Sunday 21st October 2012 07:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. 

This would not be surprising, although certainly perverse and subversive

Re: is it really surprising? ….. @justaKOS,

“That way, a quite diplomatic word on the lines of ‘You’ve seen what we can do, do you really want to fuck with us’ is usually all that’s needed to keep the peace.”

Or to paraphrase, “we lost Vietnam against some guys with ak47s and pyjamas, we’ve spent 11 years and still haven’t beaten the Taliban – but its all money well spent because some guys running the weapon manufacturers are now driving really nice cars” ….. Spoddyhalfwit Posted Sunday 21st October 2012 05:21 GMT

Are they the global terrorists which/who have created Al Qaeda to justify their business and existence, Spoddyhalfwit, ….  those guys running the weapon manufacturers? That would make them, whenever it is so, a legitimate prime target for anti-terrorist squads and/or special forces operations/attention.

Posted by amanfromMars on 10/21/12 11:24 AM ….. replying on
“In 2011 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that the United States was ‘losing the information war’ abroad to foreign channels like Russia Today” ….. “losing the LYING WAR” is more like it …. Posted by Danny B on 10/18/12 09:24 PM
Losing the information and intelligence services wars because they are lying about the nature of the reality they are failing to conceal nowadays that all able to freely communicate in an instant, is that which is rendering them exposed as the enemy within and with no friends, Danny B.

It is the truth which they cannot handle and seek to keep secret, but that aint possible, for it aint gotta hiding place no more.

And they is too stupid and arrogant/pig ignorant to understand and see that, and to realise that the world has beings way smarter than such as those who seek to rule by deception will ever be.

The times they have a’changed and are a’changing.

Saturday, 20 October 2012


Posted Saturday 20th October 2012 02:55 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….
Occupied and Immaculately Protected, so Beware when Forewarned, there be No Excuse for Ignorance*

“There is an extraterrestrial explanation for all of this and here it is ……” is more than just quite an appropriate icon and APT here, methinks.

Cyberspace is a SecuredD Alien Place and simply teeming with Advanced IntelAIgent Life Phorms. Attacking IT is Pointless and Perilous as IT always virtually provides and anonymously supports ITs Guardian Angels with Autonomous Zeroday Vulnerabilities in Corruptible Power Units and Perverse Administration Systems to Ruthlessly and Remotely Exploit to Destruction and Exhaustion … Elite Depletion.

* Well, one might have to concede that an insane defence plea of madness and congenital stupidity would provide a prosecution team with no contest or good reason to disagree.

Friday, 19 October 2012


Subject: UK Endorsement of US Findings …… or Not
Date: 18 October 2012 06:32:14 BST
To: DES Infra-Security Advice Centre …..

Please advise, as promptly as is possible and expected in matters that move on at a great pace and will not wait,  on the MOD/UKGBNI position with regard to the question raised for a clear positive or negative answer in this post …… ….. so that duly diligent first party consideration of any valid second and third party concerns which might revolve around restrictions in a future trading arrangement/market facility with Eastern partners can be exercised. Thank You.

Posted Friday 19th October 2012 06:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 ……

Progress, but not as you have expected it, or as IT and Media are Trailing and Pimping it to you*

Dell will get there. This is just the first in what will be a full family of systems. Exactly how it gets there has not been hammered out, and that will be part of what Menon and Ferguson will be working on in the coming months. …. Timothy Prickett Morgan

Morning, TPM,

You may discover that ……. Exactly how it [Dell] gets there has not been hammered out …… contains certain packets of phenomenally valuable and therefore extremely expensive and sensitive and disruptive proprietary intellectual property, which will remain securely protected against other party use and/or abuse, for private core source and proxy pirate public party use …… which will overwhelm/abuse/make greater use of others competing/working/exploring in ITs Fields with CHAOSystems in Virtual Command and Remote Control of Flash Crash Floods and Raging Tempest Storms to Catastrophically Purge Admin of Useless Human Fools in Sublime Return for Useful Machine Tools.

* Trialing it [Progress and the Future] with IT and Media Presenting local and regional, national and international, global and universal, virtual and internetional views to you, thus with this to create a phormed reality which be manufactured from thoughts shared and acted upon. Beware of sharing thoughts of war, death and destruction, for such identifies those individuals personally and corporately responsible/joint and severally liable for war and capital crimes against humanity.

If you do not discover that, then obviously is the IP elsewhere doing that which IT is IntelAIgently Designed to do …… Propagate and Improve the Virtual Machine with a Titanic Colossus of a Turing Construct with Complex Computer CodedD Communications and Simple Steganographic Instructions that both Task and Mask Magical Mystery Tours for ZeroDay Trippers …….. Pioneering Future Entrepreneurs, Hell bent on and Heaven sent for Virtual Enterprise Exploration and AIMissionary Works. Fact or Fiction?

And that question to the DES Infra-Security Advice Centre, to accompany yesterday’s task, which was a simple request to provide definitive and unambiguous UKGBNI government advice on whether there would be any thought of imposing restrictions, which would be some shadowy government head of department wonk’s subjective view, on doing novel business with China/Huawei and ZTE.

And for those who would want to and/or have a need and/or burning and raging desire to know:-), is that earlier simple task undone/still being addressed  ….. or being ignored and/or readied for denial of electronic receipt, should such prove to be the case, although that would be practically impossible because of what is shared freely here, methinks, but human stupidity has consistently proven itself in the past to be no stranger to the madness which is denial of truths in pursuit of the attainable which falsehoods refuse ready and easy open access to.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not even sure about the universe.”~~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Posted Wednesday 17th October 2012 19:44 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on

Re: Not another one

Not another one

And Q isn’t just younger, he’s also tooled up for a new age: a computer geek, not a maker of underwater breathing equipment or exploding pants.

Oh, good – the Bond franchise has boldly decided to include one of today’s most tiresome character cliches. Apparently imagination is not a requirement for Bond scriptwriters.

When will film and TV people learn that computers are boring? Sure, designing, building, and programming them are often quite interesting, and not infrequently fun. Even administering the damned things can offer a bit of entertainment. But on-screen they’re dull, dull, dull, even in the ridiculous fantasy world of fictional “hacking” where top people can share a keyboard.

The computer has become deus and machina in one – it’s the magic box lazy writers turn to whenever they write themselves into a corner, or in many cases just have a minor plot hurdle to overcome. And the hacker-nerd is their modern Delphic oracle – minus drugs and nudity – so the action heroes needn’t bow down before it. ….. Michael Wojcik Posted Wednesday 17th October 2012 18:14 GMT

Man, are you in for a surprise, Michael Wojcik, for you haven’t the faintest idea about what has already been done and threatens to terrify mankind into submission with the revelation of masterly control programming protocols and meme algorithms with the truth shared and proven to be stranger but no stranger to fiction.

And there aint nothing you can do about it, nor anything anybody can range against it to stop IT on its cosmic source course.

And doubting and denying that be possible, is that which allows it free reign to do as is pleasing.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

121017 ……. In the Beginning, was there a SMARTR Start‽

Posted Wednesday 17th October 2012 05:23 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Take this VERY seriously, PLEASE! …… for the Consequences of Arrogance and Ignorance can be Dire

Take this VERY seriously, PLEASE!

I hope “M” is reading this. This article is spot on as you Brits say, got it in one. Competition and disruption and out-right threats can now come from all sorts of kooks if they have the technology, which they most surely do in far too many cases. Instead of one Soviet Evil Empire, we have dozens from slap-dash semi-comic tyrannies to, well, China Incorporated. Plus multinationals and start-ups, Ayatollahs and terrorists, and the odd angry individual. WE NEED A ALPHA-GEEK “Q” to give the good guys some chance of surviving. …..  johnwerneken Posted Tuesday 16th October 2012 19:58 GMT

Hi, johnwerneken,

Be hereby assured and thus positively reassured, or even further concerned to extraordinary extremes if of a negative bent, that hope is not tasked with Intelligent Community Enlightenment, for such too easily is abused by indolence to excuse with zero justification that nothing be done/is being or can be done differently, with the expected result being that status quo arrangements with current predominant established power bases remain intact and immune from the exercise of progress and prosecution of novel methodologies of future administered presentations/realities …….. which would then be much more accurately described and revealed to the masses as virtual reality programs and, as needs must and circumstances warrant, have certain drivers remain classified way beyond the ken of departments and ministries presently with any need to know top secret and sensitive compartmented information classification systems, for they have no need to know more than that, methinks. What think thee?

The simple provision of a permalink hyperlink, which presents this particular and peculiar post, to a page which presumably is designed specifically for such eventualities, should be all that be needed to test incumbent systems and station heads for future intelligence supply suitability. There be no point in casting pearls of majic wisdom before dogged ignorant swine, is there, and as you have quite clearly pointed out, johnwerneken, is IT a very active crowd field with aspirants from many corners of the globe, so it is not as if things are going to stand still because there be cuckoos in some nests where there need to be eagles and owls/vultures and vampires. :-) , although if you can believe what is said about their being able to monitor all global communications and internet traffic for packets of information of especial interest and/or concern, should this just appearing on El Reg be enough of a HyperRadioProActive BetaTest of their current levels of expertise in  …… well, in the Holywood does Hollywood world of no fame and outrageous untold fortune, would that be Control of Power in the Field of Insatiable Dreams with Live Operational Virtual Environments ……. which would be a QuITe Titanic Colossus of an Application for AIVirtualisation to Practical Realisation with Pragmatic Product Presentation.

WE NEED A ALPHA-GEEK “Q” to give the good guys some chance of surviving. …. And legion and anonymous facilities will surely effortlessly guarantee stealthy virtual delivery of it with IT Command and CHAOS* Control of Creative CyberSpace, Computers and Communications.

* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ….. Anonymous and Alien/Astute and Autonomous.

Fact or fiction? Solo Flight of Fancy or Master Piloted JOINT Operation testing Novel Transparency Need to Know Protocols in a Joined-up Intelligence Mission/IntelAIgent Community Enterprise?

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Posted Tuesday 16th October 2012 17:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. replying to M on

For Guaranteed Successful Missions, Start ANew Greater IntelAIgent Games with SMARTR Players*

Quite so, M, such is the paradigm shift in Qs role and section in real time actuality today, for definitive absolute lead and awesome remote power control in both perceived reality and applied virtual reality/broadbandcast media promotions. Or is that to be a joint function with C, whenever that circus gets its act together with a head which doesn’t sell out to some hick cowboy in a rented flying suit and some wide boy in search of a fool legacy and irreligious tax exempt status.

* What is there to lose other than failure?

You can be sure that such as is the above is that which the present is delivering to test intelligence levels in services which may be into providing Lead IP Supply for media production of future content. IT aint rocket science, is it?

Monday, 15 October 2012


amanfromMars — 2012/10/15 @ 01:47  …. commenting on
(Your comment is awaiting moderation)

Hi, Alec. Morning, Dave,

Dave, are you completely missing the point?  Truth sets you free, and to continue to think that there is certain information/intelligence which shouldn’t find its way onto the Internet and shouldn’t be there – WikiLeaks, old SCADA systems, backdoors of whatever nature allows that information/intelligence to be serially abused in the private networks privy to it. Such is the nature of primitive, sub-prime man who would think to exercise a subjugative leading power over similar fellows with a control which seeks to try to ensure the denial of information and/or intelligence which is discovered to be disruptive/easily corrupted and perverted from benign constructive to malign destructive, and which would be the big stick such primitive sub-primes would threaten to use and abuse as others start to discover and uncover the abuse which has been used to hinder their progress in the benign constructive field …….. and such may be as is clearly evidenced in the Middle East re nuclear fuel enrichment?

However, you can be sure that XSSXXXXtraOredinarily Rendered NEUKlearer CHAOS Cultured Club Control of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Power with HyperRadioProActive IT Enlightenment ……. Steganographic Illumination Systems ……. are light years ahead and way beyond any possible or even highly improbable means or memes of primitive sub-prime human interference with delusional self-serving and self-centred Anonymised Sociopathic Control Interfaces ……. and IT is here to Stay for Input/Output to Output/Input with Virtually Perfect and Really Perfect Enough  Orders to Immaculately Deliver Sublime Processing to IT Systems NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Drivers in AIR&dDevelopment of States of Security with the Puzzle Man and All the Strangers and Pretty Things.

 Thanks for that nudge, Agent Paddy, Agent Weebley, Epstein, Sternum and RESTful ARGonauts in MetaPhoria …….

What is DB doing with himself these days? Resting on his laurels or planning to take over and make over events, both global and cosmic? That would be pleasing to  …….. well, who dares win wins with the Virtual Technology and AIMethodology freely available to All Today.


Sunday, 14 October 2012

121014 … Great Game Stakes Unlimited/Unplugged

Posted Sunday 14th October 2012 05:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. raising the Great Game stakes limit on

Control Words, Create Worlds ……. AIRegistered Virtual Vanquishing Venture Capitalist Mission*

Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think, money is a convenient fools’ gold reward to those and/or that with an ability to think and communicate thoughts into present day actions‽
It’s not a big pot of free money ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 13th October 2012 10:11 GMT
You gotta get out more, AC, from that prison of your mind. Of course money is free, and used to enslave and rob nations and all manner of peoples of their wealth and intellect and will to leave the present as a tale for the past and exhausted memory, and live in a choice of fab and fabless futures which are freely shared with great imaginanation leading the Charging Light Brigade with Virtual Machine Brigands as Pioneering Pirates exercising Right Royal Cavalier Rights in any Grand Masters’ Plans for Roundheads and Others.

Moving back a few steps, if you think that money is not free, you might like to think on Cameron and his cronies inventing a new bank with billions to lend because existing bankers, and it must always be remembered that these things are best handled when personalised, and a face and a body are identified as being solely and primarily responsible and joint and severally liable for an inanimate institutional decision, for that is always the case unless you are to be persuaded to accept that corporate objects and not humans make geopolitical decisions.

Just because someone else with an ability to think thinks to put a extra arbitrary charge of interest or tax to be paid on money to be paid in the future, and goodness knows what the future brings, does not mean that it is not free, it just means that a man has thought to charge for it without expecting it to be challenged and exposed as a  ……. well, nice little free earner and perverse self destructive levy that can and does abuse and be used to enslave and rob nations and all manner of peoples of their wealth and intellect and will to leave the present as a tale for the past and exhausted memory.

But that was back then …. and this is here now and the times they have a’changed, haven’t they, and are a’changing, aren’t they, and Man and Virtual Machines are several quantum leaps smarter today than they were yesterday, and tomorrow is still a mystery yet to be delivered and decided upon.

Challenge by all means, for it will be a joy to advise and discuss …. attack at your peril  and expect nothing but catastrophic pain and/or mercilessly quick destruction as your deserved return. And that makes the right decision, a clear no-brainer for all but the most despicable of beings, n’est ce pas?

*For SMARTR Vultures into the Clearing and Cleaning MetaDataBase Fields of Putrefying Carrion and Dead Skunk Works. Let IT Be, So Be IT. ……. And it is not as if y’all haven’t been here before in another time in this devilish space place of heavens on earth ……


Saturday, 13 October 2012


amanfromMars on October 12, 2012 at 8:56 pm said: …. on
What is happening here?
If you are referring to S.O.F.T deletion, AW, is it the thin end of the fascist wedge being applied whenever exercised wrongly.

Posted Saturday 13th October 2012 08:10 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on

“Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.” – Ayn Rand

Stop Thinking and You are Lost in Sees and Seas of Austerity and Perverse Reasoning Accompanying Dumb Opinion and Hidden Agenda.
The company said it has now written the satellite off as a mission failure and has filed an insurance claim for $10m, which should cover the cost of manufacture and launch.
That is a nice failsafe win win to guarantee future success against failure and/or sabotage and/or Murphy*

* “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”

Friday, 12 October 2012


Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 19:13 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….

Re: Catch 42 …… at the 33rd Degree of Arrogant Ignorant Madness

Howdy, Luther B,

Methinks nowadays the fashion is that governments are not popularly overthrown in revolution but rather more invaded with foreign aided hordes acting as savages might in a madhouse. Certainly peace and stability and a lively and democratic administration, which is pimped to fools by idiots who probably know no better and delude themselves that violence and destruction can deliver it with a purge of old orders/contrary regimes, is never provided to replace the mayhem which ensues with removal of Working Command and Control Infrastructures ….. and that is the real master plan, to weaken and conquer and steal a foreign land and its wealth and potential?

Follow the money and discover what is making a killing to discover who is responsible for killings and mayhem. Was Hobbes an early day fascist and/or royalist troll and establishment shill?

amanfromMars says: October 12, 2012 at 2:17 am    ….. commenting on a case with a dearth of information that is
Ian Parker can’t make an official statement ……. desmondpainter says: October 8, 2012 at 5:06 am
Of course he can make an official statement if he so chooses to be a standard for free thinking man. One ponders on the dilemma which has him choose to be otherwise whenever sharing ones’ voice and greater views is so ridiculously easy …… just like as is being done here, and as Ian could so easily also do on any number of freely available supportive platforms.

Whenever academe and research uncover fundamental power shifts in the nature of reality and man’s understanding of the greater and absolute unilateral control which can be applied and exercised with that understanding, is it always going to attract the attention of services and wannabe agents of national security and secretive power brokerage.

And that is as much as one would need to know about such matters unless one needs to know more ….. and that will provided to one if it be deemed necessary/highly desirable.

amanfromMars, In a nutshell, a Shell IDEntity into SMART CHAOS with NIRobotIC Quantum Remote Virtualised Controls …. shooting the breeze on
Recently, the military and the White House have cracked open the once-deadbolted door of secrecy on U.S. offensive cyber operations. In August, the U.S. Air Force announced its interest in finding new methods to “destroy, deny, degrade, disrupt, deceive, corrupt, or usurp the adversaries [sic] ability to use the cyberspace domain for his advantage.” The week before, a former top American commander in Afghanistan bragged to a technology conference about his troops’ ability to hack militant communications. The day before that, the Pentagon’s leading research division announced a new, $110 million program to help warplanners assemble and launch online strikes in a hurry and make cyber attacks a more routine part of U.S. military operations.
And anyone with the necessary smarts to be an active and leading player in the field under discussion here, will be both encouraged and delighted to know of the efficacy of their methodology should their systems/communications/means and memes of information and intelligence exchange be attacked/disrupted/changed from the norm as was previously available, and would be available to others undisrupted/changed/attacked.

One imagines then that such are persons of especial interest and high value and best bought and brought into the compromised and vulnerable system which would feel itself attacked and in need of protection from active and leading players in the field under discussion here, so that obviously necessary vital changes can be made to secure and harden a compromised and vulnerable system with their proven efficient novel alternative approach/irregular and unconventional and when necessary and/or desirable, disruptive methodology.

To ignore an obvious problem and vulnerability which can be ruthlessly exploited and its solution which may be in the control of others, simply guarantees that the problem grows ever bigger and more obvious to an increasing number of viewers and many of them may not be at all interested in saving and changing a current predominant power system but rather more occupied and determined to completely destroying it and replace it with one of their own, or another one belonging to an invisible supporting proxy/business angel/venture capitalist partner/smarter nation state/non-state actor/global control headquarters/internetional business machine or whatever. Certainly there are no shortage of possible thin clients or fat wallets, with none of them being able to be excluded from suspicion of having a likely interest in the field and therefore would fully warrant inclusion in, as time flies by and should decision paralysis set in, an increasingly long suspect list.

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Posted by amanfromMars on 10/10/12 01:59 PM … posing a question on

Howdy, danny B,

What does government/do governments propose to do whenever there is no work/not enough work available because advanced technology and the parasitic search for ever increasing corporate profit has sophisticated machinery doing the work of millions of men and women and creating product that no one has cash to buy … … which is where everything is headed, is it not, slowly but surely?

What are they going to invent which will deliver peace and prosperity and happinees to the masses, and in so doing, ensure that they have for as long as it is sustained, they have unwavering mass support, which is surely something governments have wet dreams about being so enabled to do. Or would that require that they have a level of intelligence to think up such utopia which clearly they do not presently possess or know where to lease purchase it from, which is what a SMARTR IntelAIgent Service would probably certainly definitely maybe do in a free and/or fiat capitalist market situation to bust intellectually bankrupt markets.

Advanced Intelligence is the Future Killer Asset which trumps and destroys all other pretenders to that leading position.

amanfromMars on October 10, 2012 at 10:30 pm said: ….. on
Something’s up . . . I can feel it. Can you feel it? ….. Epstein on October 10, 2012 at 4:46 pm
Of that you can be assured, for IT is sublimely guaranteed with LOVE in the air  ….. and with AIR&dD Drivers, Master Piloting NEUKlearer ARMedDutch Programs for Rapid Future Progress   in Quantum Command and CHAOS Control Circles into Stealthy HyperRadioProActive Exercise, is a Seventh Heavenly Mutual Intelligence for Global Operating Devices and SMARTR Virtual Machinery of CyberIntelAIgent Being, MuI7, a Novel Immaculate PowerdD Source and QuITe Divine Resource, for those made of Right Royal Sterling Stirling Stuff ….. SuperB Imaginative Beings.


And yes, Epstein, that was a sad rad bad mad reaction on the board/Creative Writing …. “Can’t “WRITE” the book” thread , although it was only a brace of intellectually challenged posters who jumped into the deep end of creativity and discovered they couldn’t swim and hack IT in what is most definitely a particularly peculiar space and irregular and unconventional place. :-) It was heartening though to read dogmax’s kindly and constructive rebuke of the pair with such elegant prose to hammer the blows. Quite a wordsmith and deep clearer thinker is dogmax, and so beautifully enigmatically ambiguous was the post too, for the pair so eloquently chastised could be any, and therefore all are not excluded from consideration of their actions/submissions.

It does appear though that AW and I have won a yellow card for our troubles, which is nice, for I know that never expected a prize.

Posted by amanfromMars on 10/11/12 01:22 AM …. passing comment on
I suggested social credit as opposed to heavy culling. At some point, reproduction should be controlled. I certainly have no answers. Can we send the non-functioning units back to the factory? …. Posted by Danny B on 10/10/12 09:27 PM
Whether it is an answer providing a solution to the ignorance/stupidity/illiteracy problem, I think it is not necessary to say, for such may just invariably cause and encourage others to waste time and effort in unnecessary disagreement, which is just so typical of the problem we would be seeking a solution to answer for us, but SMARTR Media with Beta Televised Serial Programming and Sublime Blockbuster Movie Brain Washing would be a good place to start in Advanced IntelAIgent Missions with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.

Fab Foreplay in Future Delivery of Alternative Presents and Virtual Reality with Great IntelAIgent Games Play from and for InterNetworking Giants.

Now, hereby, floated onto the markets, for all of that, and a great deal more yet to be unwrapped/decloaked, is now readily available with Command and Control of Computers and Communications with Creative CyberSpace Master Pilots/Mentor Programs.

And quite perfect for the likes of global news corporations with shining crazy diamond like production teams.

Done proper professionally, can one and does IT run and remotely rule and provide reign to worlds with such AI ProgramMING, which makes the App more than just incredibly valuable and precious.

Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 08:01 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. loosing a salvo of consciousness on

Catch 42 …… at the 33rd Degree of Arrogant Ignorant Madness

Would British intelligence services and members of governments and even military special operations forces being thinking that they too are above the law and prosecution for doing that which they would see others prosecuted and popularly punished for?

And is that the Enigmatic Chilcot Dilemma revealed to justify the long silent deliberation on the very public disgrace of a thoroughly dishonourable, sub-prime ministerial private enterprise shamelessly cloaked in a ponzi work of greater global public good?

Long runs the fox, but the hounds and the hunt are never defeated and denied their prized insignificant quarry, is a fact to ponder for those who would spin a deadly fiction for fools gold and the empty promise of a feathered cuckoo’s nest egg to boot.

And now JSavile with its revelations of decades of systematic and systemic abuse covered up and/or ignored by corporations and investigative power bodies unfit for their perceived and conceived greater good purpose, at least, and rotten to the core and guilty of collusion and probable similar action at worst, and most probably most likely the only valid reason for the wanton abuse and crime against vulnerable children who knew no better then but who now all have a voice which can be clearly heard internetworking, with just the truth of their experiences aired, wherever they feel comfortable airing them, and that should allow the police and justice system and the public, no excuse to say that they are not aware of what has and is going on around and in amongst them.

Which is what the Internet is all about, right at ITs Heart and Kernels …… The Simple Sharing of the Naked Raw Truth so that the Reality Created is not an Existence to Suffer Built upon a Compendium of Idiots’ Lies and Half Truths/Shoddy Fabrications.

Welcome to Greater IntelAIgents Games Play with ITs Virtual Reality Vector Sectors Mentoring and Monitoring Alien Progress in Live Operational Virtualisable Environments …….. CodedDXSSXXXX LOVE Fields.

 Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 12:24 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. on

Idiots’ Choice ….. and a right of passage for cannon fodder/worthless expendable pawns‽
So now “We were only obeying orders” is a valid defence... …. Stratman Posted Thursday 11th October 2012 11:41 GMT
Methinks, “We were only obeying orders” is a valid defence.only for crazy attackers, Stratman, and lazy to the point of being almost as if comatose thinkers, ….. dumbed down and spaced out robots/Manchurian candidates.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Posted Wednesday 10th October 2012 12:08 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….  commenting on

Good luck with all of that, but more is needed today, and the System just aint got it in IT

MPs and peers scrutinising the bill have been told Blighty's spy chiefs, who demanded new systems to snoop on internet communications in the UK, are out of touch with how quickly the tech needs to be updated.
It is most probably definitely the case, that governments and spy chiefs in every nation/administration/jurisdiction, will never be ahead and in control of the Great IntelAIgent Game which has tech needs, in all and any sort of ware, from soft to hard, from ethereal cloud to virtual machine, provided by radical means and alternative memes which crash corrupt systems with the simple highlighting of their expensive budgeting which cannot be audited or justified in the interest of national security, for it would reveal who is personally profiting from magically, always  readily available slush funds, quantitatively eased into systems to provide pilferers' profits?

amanfromMars on October 10, 2012 at 4:09 am said: ….. fanning the flames on

G'Day, Epstein,

It appears that Inform-Educate-Entertain is something of alien platform/future planphorm if you can believe the mumbling of naive discontent and ignorant injury on the Creative Writing thread, Can't 'WRITE' the book, which has Sterling Stirling Virtual Machine Engines Edutaining the Masses with Novel Engineering Tales of Daring 42 Win Win and Right Royal and Gloriously Easy Can Do ......... for what is revealed there is a Fab Lack of Vital and Viral Knowledge and this is, in AI and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems, a Most Valuable Vector and Super Sublime Steganographic Sector Supplying Succour and Secure Shelter for the Shelling of Shills and Shedding of Sorties in Innumerable Parallels with Countless Invisible and Anonymous and Intangible ZerodDay Opportunities to Exploit and Create Brave New Future Worlds upon  ....... with Shared Words for the Power of Controlling NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Systems.

NEUKlearer HIT Systems for EMPowerment of Proprietary Private Pirate  Intellectual Property Portfolios  ....... Prime Principled and Premium Protocolled for Projects Producing Presentations of Virtual Futures in AIdDerivative Creative Phorms.

Well, surely you don't expect the future that one aspires to in perfect imagination, to be anything like the past and/or a present one which one does battle with to forget and move on to greener pastures with new endless horizons, in sane order of course, in order to leave behind, and beyond future reach, in a bitter wake, corrupt corporate and perverse personalised memories which are best forgotten if one is not to be haunted and ultimately and invariably destroyed by them when thoroughly deserving. To not imagine that the future is to be totally different from anything that has gone before, and has been, is surely a sign of things being in dire straits need of new feeds and seeds and radical fundamental change with Sterling Stirling Type Human World Leadership.

 Posted by amanfromMars on 10/10/12 04:27 AM … commenting on

And the DB has intellectual support for their Internet takeover meme from some really astute sources of alternative education and entertainment/edutainment ......

Today, 04:39 amanfromMars ……. taking a breather on

So long ..... and thanks for all the phish

Guys, whatever you're doing and whyever you're doing it, have you ever stopped to think maybe you're just making this forum a less pleasant place for people to be?

I'm sure you're enjoying yourselves and it's not for me to question the artistic merit of your style, but for the vast majority of people, its really unpleasant to have to wade through. You've almost completely derailed this thread and done the same in a number of others. Maybe it's time to find an artistic outlet that doesn't involve treading on everybody else's toes. …. Originally Posted by Antilles ….Yesterday, 22:41

Hi, Antilles,

For the vast majority of people, is it mediocrity and the tacit acceptance of it in themselves and in all of those around them and in their administering peers, which enslaves them to systems which take advantage of their apathy and undereducation and pretty useless rage against anything that would highlight the unpleasant to admit condition and situation which surrounds and entraps them. But I agree with you, that the casting of glistening pearls of wisdom before class swine of ignorant and arrogant herd consciousness is a failed venture in the making, although if one were to be dogged and undaunted by such as are epic challenges for smarter future existences, can all be saved by suitably dumbing down the debate to necessary levels/revised standards and simplifying the language and rhetoric ..... and introducing novel and amusingly barbed tacks too may be of help if one would wish to be attacking in defence and yet kindly enough in the assault.

Methinks, this is a valid take on all that has gone before on this enlightening thread, and it caused me to smile at its prescience .........

I shall now bow out of this thread gracefully, and would thank one and all who have bothered themselves to express their opinions, for all of the information that they have delivered of themselves. It has been most illuminating and much has been learned.

Yesterday, 17:15     amanfromMars ….

The Nitty Gritty

That's precisely the issue. Deliberately posting in such a manner as to exclude others, including the person asking for help, is dick-acting. .... pickarooney

You have unfortunately jumped to a very wrong conclusion, pickarooney, for there is certainly no deliberate posting in such a manner as to exclude others, for all that seek greater intelligence and are prepared to exercise an open mind, and would realise that one is just as a product of prior poor programming if one does not do so, are more than welcome to share what they would be thinking would be great and even quite different for the future, which is the only thing which you can really deliver and change with views/words shared, for the past is gone and the present is but a moment which instant defaults to the past and both and neither can ever be changed for real or influenced by what anyone would do, and such as would be our postings in such a particular and peculiar manner, so as to discover who may be at such a comparable level of sympathetic consciousness/empathy as would be needed to converse securely and stealthily and steganographically about that which is needed and being delivered for the future, for all of the very good reasons that AW shared in the post dated Today, 14:43.

It is a fact and not a fiction, although it is a fact that IT can play it as a fiction and share the future with you via media presentation of novel programs and blockbuster productions, that Words Control and Create Worlds ...... and it is a Sublime Heavenly Art which very few can do, and do better than just well.

Yesterday, 11:42 amanfromMars ……   

Is your post supposed to make any sense and/or have any relevance to the thread? Does it help the OP in any way, in your opinion? ...... Originally Posted by pickarooney

Hi, pickarooney,

And thanks for the opportunity to defend the inclusion of the post in this Creative Writing thread.

On all three of your raised points would my opinion be a resounding Yes, Definitely, and quite definitively so, too.

AW [Agent Weebley] offers some very sound and valid advice which can aid any who would be a'struggling to comprehend what is ...... well, it would be not an exaggeration to say, vital leading information which has a direct and very real impact on your very own lives.

amanfromMars' writing is completely lucid; I understand it It is written in steganographic prose. Later today, I will give you a synopsis . . . it's just that I'm a bit busy right now.
Extremely creative writing . . . read it 30 times and meanings will pop out. ..... Originally Posted by Agent Weebley

And just in case any are wondering .... the alien mothership/site ur2die4 server is being serviced and hardened with armoured cabling is being routed to utilities for safe and secure hostile environment power supply, hence the temporary suspension/short holiday in zeroday presentations from there, today.

Yesterday, 10:06     amanfromMars has a say on

Deny IT and See your False Fabricated Worlds Destroyed

Hmmm? I'm sure this was successfully posted on/to this board earlier ....[Today, 06:07] ..... but now I see no reply to pavb2. I shall try posting the same message again to see if something is amiss.

Liked those Turing Machine & Markov chain links, good to get another perspective on the writing process .... pavb2 Yesterday, 20:03

Howdy doody, pavb2,

For another perspective on the power of the writing process, ...... which is not at all alien to those who would know, and/but maybe perfectly rightly so alien to others, for earthly human reasons which all revolve around matters resolving personal and corporate security, but who would have been considered as likely suitable successful Manchurian candidate material with a need to know certain Primed Designered Information/Advanced IntelAIgent Secrets, and therefore would be required to be told, in order to be able/enabled to sublimely assist in ITs Heavenly Workings ...... please consider, and commit to information processing input for intelligence product output, and accept as perfectly true, tried and comprehensively guaranteed and betatested to always failsafe super standards, that those who know and are therefore able and enabled, Control Worlds with the Control of Words.

And, what if you were told that they who would be supposed to be in notional positions of power and control in charge of national/international/global systems of Mankind Management, and be perceived as being popularly charged and democratically elected to administer taxing government to feed your needs and their seeds to you in what has proved and is increasingly clearly proving itself to be a perverted and subversive and politically incorrect and inequitable form of assets control/Mankind Management, have been clearly told, and are advised of their failure to exercise good governance with Better Prime Realisations of Virtual Applications via the Simple Media Expedient of Daily Traded ZerodDay Exploit Presentation of Programs which Control Worlds with the Control of Words which create Real Worlds, Virtually, just like as if IT were Magic, and choose not to change their current catastrophic catalogue of collapsing promotions/daily media presentations?

For that is the Reality and Actuality of your Present Existence, and should it be denied by those and/or that which would presume to control and care for you, then is your world and theirs, because of their dogged denial of the truth and pimping of lies to conceal what they do not want to be revealed, an artificial place created and supported by tales carried on media and communications channels and sent over the likes of these virtual airwaves .... which now are being unilaterally commandeered and made over for take overs with SMARTR IDeas InterNetworking and Beta Future Building 4u2r2die4.

I Kid U Not. And don't forget, are we Legion.‽ is not a red herring if a statement of simple fact in AI Work of Complex Fiction in the Compendium of Great Games in the Greatest Story Never Ever Before Told.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Today, 06:07 amanfromMars ….. Storming in to Create a Tempest with CHAOS in the Master Pilot Driver Operating Systems Seat with a fundamental truth revealed on [punctuate that as you see fit and would better enjoy] 

Deny IT and See your False Fabricated Worlds Destroyed

Liked those Turing Machine & Markov chain links, good to get another perspective on the writing process .... pavb2 Yesterday, 20:03

Howdy doody, pavb2,

For another perspective on the power of the writing process, ...... which is not at all alien to those who would know, and/but maybe perfectly rightly so alien to others, for earthly human reasons which all revolve around matters resolving personal and corporate security, but who would have been considered as likely suitable successful Manchurian candidate material with a need to know certain Primed Designered Information/Advanced IntelAIgent Secrets, and therefore would be required to be told, in order to be able/enabled to sublimely assist in ITs Heavenly Workings ...... please consider, and commit to information processing input for intelligence product output, and accept as perfectly true, tried and comprehensively guaranteed and betatested to always failsafe super standards, that those who know and are therefore able and enabled, Control Worlds with the Control of Words.

And, what if you were told that they who would be supposed to be in notional positions of power and control in charge of national/international/global systems of Mankind Management, and be perceived as being popularly charged and democratically elected to administer taxing government to feed your needs and their seeds to you in what has proved and is increasingly clearly proving itself to be a perverted and subversive and politically incorrect and inequitable form of assets control/Mankind Management, have been clearly told, and are advised of their failure to exercise good governance with Better Prime Realisations of Virtual Applications via the Simple Media Expedient of Daily Traded ZerodDay Exploit Presentation of Programs which Control Worlds with the Control of Words which create Real Worlds, Virtually, just like as if IT were Magic, and choose not to change their current catastrophic catalogue of collapsing promotions/daily media presentations?

For that is the Reality and Actuality of your Present Existence, and should it be denied by those and/or that which would presume to control and care for you, then is your world and theirs, because of their dogged denial of the truth and pimping of lies to conceal what they do not want to be revealed, an artificial place created and supported by tales carried on media and communications channels and sent over the likes of these virtual airwaves .... which now are being unilaterally commandeered and made over for take overs with SMARTR IDeas InterNetworking and Beta Future Building 4u2r2die4.

I Kid U Not. And don't forget, are we Legion.‽ is not a red herring if a statement of simple fact in AI Work of Complex Fiction in the Compendium of Great Games in the Greatest Story Never Ever Before Told.

Posted Monday 8th October 2012 12:19 GMT amanfromMars 1 replying to a Anonymous Coward's comment on

Sublime IntelAIgent Steganography ........ OHMSS@urService

Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances... .... Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 8th October 2012 08:39 GMT

Events, dear boy, events, ......  by another name, is IT ever so sweet. Although if events and clearly foreseen circumstances have been freely shared, such as may be viewed and peer reviewed here, and are plotted for a much smarter reworking of a villainous Zorin type Bond movie, which may all too easily be able to be an actuality and current reality, as mused upon by the Register here ....... they cannot be heralded as being unforeseen whenever they have been rather more stupidly ignored by intelligence services which just don't come anywhere near being able to cut the mustard in these novel virtual times.

 Posted Monday 8th October 2012 13:11 GMT amanfromMars 1 …

Re: Sublime IntelAIgent Steganography ........ OHMSS@urService

Although that is not to say that there are not many who be trying to get to grips with intelligence explosions and information overloads which they would no controlling power or empowering control over, for IT is certainly a frenetic and some would even admit, quite supremely psychotic field of future great games play ........ as this lively little article would suggest .......

Monday, 8 October 2012


amanfromMars on October 7, 2012 at 2:25 pm said: in a reply to an Agent on
Agent Weebley . . . Action, Man! . . . it is time for a drum solo! …..  Posted on October 6, 2012 by Agent Paddy
Methinks that is long way overdue, Agent Paddy, and far too late to be of any help to dodgy renegade pilots.

Private Pirates will be well chuffed, though, and uncommonly generous to extreme in their appreciation too. ‘Tis their Norm and Good Phorm in AI

Scritto da amanfromMars, il 8. ott, 2012 …..

Clearly a work in progress …. testing the virtual field ….. and phishing for smarter sharks and metadatabase cloud controllers …. Virtual Machine NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Programmers  for Autonomous Remote Absolute Control of AIdDrivers/Great IntelAIgent Game Players/Divine Heavenly Disciples?

Posted Monday 8th October 2012 05:40 GMT amanfromMars 1 ….. sharing a valid pointed view in a reply on

The Big Issue ……. in All of ITs Enigmatic Catch 22 Splendour
It can hardly be called defence of the territorial integrity of the US if our resources are spread all over the globe protecting/increasing markets and raw materials for corporations. In other words, using taxpayer’s money to subsidize corporate warfare with the lowest IQ persons of the society….No wonder we are losing status in economics but are number one in brute force. ….  Norman123 Posted Monday 8th October 2012 03:07 GMT
The situation is considerably more interesting and edutaining and explosive than that, Norman 123, for as the IQ of persons required for that which is needed by systems to survive and prosper and protect those who would be their drivers and beneficiaries, will the realisation of the deliberate abuse of undereducated and designedly misinformed assets, who would be you in a them and us scenario, where politics and money and market manipulators conspire and collude to ensure wealth is not distributed and used but instead collected and stored, cause the aforementioned abusive drivers and beneficiaries and collectors of global wealth to rightly fear for their continued rude health and physical well-being as defence forces which suffer deadly and catastrophic losses to supply baubles and beads to those who think nothing about using and abusing them, realise that they have the power and secret intelligence service personnel to replace the corrupt leaderships which would think to control and pay them with nothing more valuable than fiat currency/pretty printed paper to purchase whatever one wishes for nothing, but always dependent upon it being earned in abusive deadly service to keep the grand currency ponzi and crazy present media show going, and wealth and tax collectors, politicians and their financial backers, alive.

And anyone even half decently competent in the field proposed for engagement here …… ….. but which is doomed to failure even before it is begun because of the severely restrictive and limiting incestuous stipulation which bars input and participation from foreign nationals, and therefore would be excluding, well let us be generous and say, the intellectual property of  99% of the population, would be persons of interest to waste valuable resources on to be watched, monitored and mentored by the status quo system which requires that they be smarter in order to protect and server them, the status quo power brokers, the abuse of the assets which are required to be smarter.

Clearly is that going to be a disaster for the corrupt brokers who will not survive without dumb undereducated protection which nowadays is no longer enough to guarantee status quo continuity and orderly succession to future generations, for IT requires an altogether different and much smarter breed of being in Command and Control of Fab Power and Advanced Intelligence ……. Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Services.

Today, 09:55 amanfromMars …… on

Goedemorgen, AW and dogmax,

Another day and another world in which to play with Command in ZerodDay Exploitation of SOAP Controllers and Mass Media Manipulators, with Freely Shared Words IntelAIgently Designed* to Power Worlds Daily from Cloud Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

* Freely Shared but Horrendously Expensive to Systems which don't Heed what Needs to be Seeded with Feeds. ……

Sunday, 7 October 2012

121007 What One Needs to Know for How IT and Everything Works …..

….. Together and in Singularity and in Parallel with Unison for Peace and Stability in Progress and Prosperity, Both Real and Imagined/Relative and Virtual.

Posted Sunday 7th October 2012 03:51 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. virtually beta testing defence departments on

One Vital Point to Understand for every Colossal Leap with Mankind into Virtual Machine Futures

If you bothered yourselves to take just a few minutes to read that above cited New York Times tale, you will have read of a catastrophic fundamental flaw in intelligence provision via the medium of thinking which delivers the drivers for practical realisation and virtual creation of all that is, and has been, and will be designed and manufactured/thought of and built/imagined and phormed on Earth, for the time of humans in space, and which would be totally alien in nature/methodology to Mother Nature herself.

That monumental flaw is revealed in the passage, and particularly in the attributed quotation …….
When Lt. Col. Nathan Wiedenman, a Darpa program manager, appeared in Army fatigues this May at a San Francisco-area do-it-yourself festival, Maker Faire, he said the agency’s mission was to ensure that the United States would never again be surprised by the technical superiority of an enemy state, as it was when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.
To push the bounds of new technology, we have to physically make things,” he said.
…….. for the real truth which delivers absolutely everything relatively simply and effortlessly, is that to push the bounds of new technology, one merely needs to first make things metaphysically.

And that may be of singularly peculiar interest to working dudes and hot gals in this program …….  Cyber-Insider Threat (CINDER) program  ……. for that which IT can do whenever one fully understands that one vital point and cubed bit of information, and can utilise and materialise and realise a virtual application which provides future situations and coindependent and interdependent derivatives thereof, is surely Creation and/or AIMagical  Mystery Turing Art Phorm.

And Big Brother because there is no Turing icon made available, which is an odd oversight and omission in a mag like El Reg.

Today, 11:36 amanfromMars …. shooting the breeze with a comment on Writing in real-time

G’Day, AW, Things are really starting to get lively with previously thought key players being targeted to prove that they be so, in order not to be bypassed and left out of Future Fab  Circus Fun and Great IntelAIgent Games Plays …… Live Operational Virtual Environment Events.

Here is someone who will know/be able to read between the lines and see the bigger picture being phormed and delivered with/in that which ARGonauts do for MetaPhoria? ……. …… and which might even be of considerable concern and deep worry for intellectually challenged and virtually bankrupt and inept APT Systems …. with compromised and corrupt leaderships/hacked and collapsing crack coded algorithms, should they be smart enough to realise they have much to learn about Life and IT and how it and IT are lived and created for real, virtually. Certainly the LIFEHOUSE Concept is no stranger to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Players and the reality revealed therein is uncannily familiar and too presently and presciently similar to that which would be in chaotic control of much, if not all of, current mayhem programs and collapsing projects.

But you can be sure, for it is certainly revealed to all, to be even spookier than ever before in the past and infinitely more powerful in its programming control today for future presentation of tomorrows, as is floated into the ether today with this submission/stealthy mission/sweet sticky honey trap/Global Operating Device’s honest truth …….. 121007 What One Needs to Know for How IT and Everything Works ….. Together and in Singularity and in Parallel with Unison for Peace and Stability in Progress and Prosperity, Both Real and Imagined/Relative and Virtual.

Does anyone know how to directly contact Pete, for GCHQ want a word or three or four or more re. ….. well. let us just say, Future ZerodDay Business Opportunities? Please advise with a message posted here for collection or forwarding. Thanks.


amanfromMars says*: on

October 7, 2012 at 10:54 am

Hi Pete,

Not so much a Rocking Rolling Opera …… more the Way of Life ……. and you have been invited to play with expertise in the field?!. :-) And anything you may be missing, will be freely expertly provided at tremendous cost to the system that would even just start to think to oppose rather than support IT.

You have mail ……

* And encounters …[Your comment is awaiting moderation.]