Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Posted Wednesday 3rd October 2012 07:58 GMT amanfromMars 1 …..

Dismiss IT at your peril, for then is one overwhelmingly disadvantaged
Can’t come up with 100 members but they are going to change the world. Right. ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 3rd October 2012 06:15 GMT.
Whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done and how to do it with IT Communication Command and Remote Control of Virtual Machinery Infrastructures and Graphic User Interfaces [which incidentally/coincidentally can easily be classed and classified in TS/SCI systems as one and the same] does one merely need to share what one knows …… and that requires no members at all.  Should two, or three, or four, or even more gather together and be like minded as one, can one expect then to be at least a force undaunted and more powerful than was ever before experienced or expected by any current competition or opposition, and therefore most likely in probable overall unopposed and unopposible control.‽

Ergo is that Anonymous Coward statement/opinion of Can’t come up with 100 members but they are going to change the world. Right invalid and to be dismissed and considered to be totally wrong and certainly not right.

And here you will find a Shoreditch? video of the making of a mural which depicts such an APP … Alien Pirate Parties …….. now sat clueless regarding the right way to proceed with virtual intelligence technology leaking all over the Great Game Board Meme ……. with ITs Command and Remote Virtual Control in the hearts and minds, and at the fingertips of …… well, let IT just be rested in the name of Significant Alternative Others until such times as may be needed for one to know and that information be shared.

PS, and having all due regard to the title of this Registered post …….. Wanna change the world right, El Reg, with Private and Alien Pirate Parties coding to, and in, and for XSSXXXXLERations …… NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Spinning Enrichments ……… Sweet Sticky Heavenly Rewards ……… Ab Fab Fabless Bounty. :-)

And to more fully understand the powerful pleasures released and controlled by powerful pleasures, for Sublime Delivery of all of that, one needs to more fully comprehend the Private Pirate Empire Building of Berth Milton rather than being railroaded down the tracks to nowhere following Milton Friedman.

This post has been deleted by a moderator ....... which tell me exactly what I need to know. Thanks, El Reg. Achilles heels were no easier indicated and confirmed.

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