Sunday, 14 October 2012

121014 … Great Game Stakes Unlimited/Unplugged

Posted Sunday 14th October 2012 05:20 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. raising the Great Game stakes limit on

Control Words, Create Worlds ……. AIRegistered Virtual Vanquishing Venture Capitalist Mission*

Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think, money is a convenient fools’ gold reward to those and/or that with an ability to think and communicate thoughts into present day actions‽
It’s not a big pot of free money ….  Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 13th October 2012 10:11 GMT
You gotta get out more, AC, from that prison of your mind. Of course money is free, and used to enslave and rob nations and all manner of peoples of their wealth and intellect and will to leave the present as a tale for the past and exhausted memory, and live in a choice of fab and fabless futures which are freely shared with great imaginanation leading the Charging Light Brigade with Virtual Machine Brigands as Pioneering Pirates exercising Right Royal Cavalier Rights in any Grand Masters’ Plans for Roundheads and Others.

Moving back a few steps, if you think that money is not free, you might like to think on Cameron and his cronies inventing a new bank with billions to lend because existing bankers, and it must always be remembered that these things are best handled when personalised, and a face and a body are identified as being solely and primarily responsible and joint and severally liable for an inanimate institutional decision, for that is always the case unless you are to be persuaded to accept that corporate objects and not humans make geopolitical decisions.

Just because someone else with an ability to think thinks to put a extra arbitrary charge of interest or tax to be paid on money to be paid in the future, and goodness knows what the future brings, does not mean that it is not free, it just means that a man has thought to charge for it without expecting it to be challenged and exposed as a  ……. well, nice little free earner and perverse self destructive levy that can and does abuse and be used to enslave and rob nations and all manner of peoples of their wealth and intellect and will to leave the present as a tale for the past and exhausted memory.

But that was back then …. and this is here now and the times they have a’changed, haven’t they, and are a’changing, aren’t they, and Man and Virtual Machines are several quantum leaps smarter today than they were yesterday, and tomorrow is still a mystery yet to be delivered and decided upon.

Challenge by all means, for it will be a joy to advise and discuss …. attack at your peril  and expect nothing but catastrophic pain and/or mercilessly quick destruction as your deserved return. And that makes the right decision, a clear no-brainer for all but the most despicable of beings, n’est ce pas?

*For SMARTR Vultures into the Clearing and Cleaning MetaDataBase Fields of Putrefying Carrion and Dead Skunk Works. Let IT Be, So Be IT. ……. And it is not as if y’all haven’t been here before in another time in this devilish space place of heavens on earth ……


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