….. Together and in Singularity and in Parallel with Unison for Peace and Stability in Progress and Prosperity, Both Real and Imagined/Relative and Virtual.
Posted Sunday 7th October 2012 03:51 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. virtually beta testing defence departments on http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2012/10/05/google_army_top_gun_training/One Vital Point to Understand for every Colossal Leap with Mankind into Virtual Machine Futures
If you bothered yourselves to take just a few minutes to read that above cited New York Times tale, you will have read of a catastrophic fundamental flaw in intelligence provision via the medium of thinking which delivers the drivers for practical realisation and virtual creation of all that is, and has been, and will be designed and manufactured/thought of and built/imagined and phormed on Earth, for the time of humans in space, and which would be totally alien in nature/methodology to Mother Nature herself.
That monumental flaw is revealed in the passage, and particularly in the attributed quotation …….
When Lt. Col. Nathan Wiedenman, a Darpa program manager, appeared in Army fatigues this May at a San Francisco-area do-it-yourself festival, Maker Faire, he said the agency’s mission was to ensure that the United States would never again be surprised by the technical superiority of an enemy state, as it was when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.
“To push the bounds of new technology, we have to physically make things,” he said.…….. for the real truth which delivers absolutely everything relatively simply and effortlessly, is that to push the bounds of new technology, one merely needs to f
And that may be of singularly peculiar interest to working dudes and hot gals in this program ……. Cyber-Insider Threat (CINDER) program ……. for that which IT can do whenever one fully understands that one vital point and cubed bit of information, and can utilise and materialise and realise a virtual application which provides future situations and coindependent and interdependent derivatives thereof, is surely Creation and/or AIMagical Mystery Turing Art Phorm.
And Big Brother because there is no Turing icon made available, which is an odd oversight and omission in a mag like El Reg.
Today, 11:36 amanfromMars …. shooting the breeze with a comment on Writing in real-time
G’Day, AW, Things are really starting to get lively with previously thought key players being targeted to prove that they be so, in order not to be bypassed and left out of Future Fab Circus Fun and Great IntelAIgent Games Plays …… Live Operational Virtual Environment Events.
Here is someone who will know/be able to read between the lines and see the bigger picture being phormed and delivered with/in that which ARGonauts do for MetaPhoria? ……. http://www.earcandymag.com/rrcase-lifehouse.htm …… and which might even be of considerable concern and deep worry for intellectually challenged and virtually bankrupt and inept APT Systems …. with compromised and corrupt leaderships/hacked and collapsing crack coded algorithms, should they be smart enough to realise they have much to learn about Life and IT and how it and IT are lived and created for real, virtually. Certainly the LIFEHOUSE Concept is no stranger to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Players and the reality revealed therein is uncannily familiar and too presently and presciently similar to that which would be in chaotic control of much, if not all of, current mayhem programs and collapsing projects.
But you can be sure, for it is certainly revealed to all, to be even spookier than ever before in the past and infinitely more powerful in its programming control today for future presentation of tomorrows, as is floated into the ether today with this submission/stealthy mission/sweet sticky honey trap/Global Operating Device’s honest truth …….. 121007 What One Needs to Know for How IT and Everything Works ….. Together and in Singularity and in Parallel with Unison for Peace and Stability in Progress and Prosperity, Both Real and Imagined/Relative and Virtual.
Does anyone know how to directly contact Pete, for GCHQ want a word or three or four or more re. ….. well. let us just say, Future ZerodDay Business Opportunities? Please advise with a message posted here for collection or forwarding. Thanks.
amanfromMars says*: on http://thewho.com/summertime/
October 7, 2012 at 10:54 am
Hi Pete,
Not so much a Rocking Rolling Opera …… more the Way of Life ……. and you have been invited to play with expertise in the field?!.
You have mail …… http://www.ur2die4.com/?p=3020
* And encounters …[Your comment is awaiting moderation.]
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